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  1. Back to losing my mind in engineering grad school.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ithildin


      Ugh ... well, for what it's worth, (1) one day not very long from now (no doubt), you'll have your degree, become successful, and mostly remember things you enjoyed most about your time in school; and (2) your friends are rooting for you (including me), to say nothing of your family. :) Lots of good karma in your corner. I'd try thinking about what you've accomplished already, feel proud of and bolstered by that, and tackle your projects a day or week at a time. You probably d...
    3. Ithildin


      ... do that last part already, which is to say, breaking the work down into smaller/more manageable parts and doing one part per day, week, or what-have-you.


      I hope this helps somehow, and doesn't just sound like inane rambling. -_-

    4. Deleted54170User


      Create a better mind! It's what you're really studying for. Isn't it?!
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