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About reptiellover1995

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  1. I got inspired by after I saw the Ankylosaurus on a planet last night, and thought, "what if we brought real, accurate dinosaurs to Starfield?" I'm a paleontologist IRL and have made digital models of dozens of species of dinosaur, including Tyrannosaurus rex, Triceratops, Edmontosaurus, and many others (including a new species I discovered that will be published in a few months). Many of them don't have fine details (ie scales/feathers), but the only work would really be getting the models detailed and animated, then importing into the game. Since the full creation kit isn't out yet (as far as I know), I imagine adding entire new models/animations isn't possible, but I figured I'd post the idea in case anyone would be interested. I don't have any modding experience, but I can provide the models. Several of them are fully detailed and have textures, normals, and detail maps, but many do not. It would definitely be cool at the end to walk on a planet only to see a 40-foot long T. rex! Or a nearly 100' Alamosaurus!
  2. Are those three area you mentioned Settlements, and are you letting Sim Settlements run those settlements? Because in my game once I get about 3 settlements going, one of them will inevitably crash once it gets to a certain level with Sim Settlements While one of them is a potential settlement (Taffington Boathouse - I haven't turned it into a settlement yet because I haven't been able to go there and clear hostiles without CTD), and one is being run by Sim Settlements (County Crossing), the issue is with that whole area - trying to walk from Finch Farm to Reeb Marina causes CTD, trying to walk from County Crossing to Taffington Boathouse (or even trying to get to that area from any other location) causes CTD. I don't want to disable Sim Settlements because I have no problems elsewhere with it and if I disabled it I don't know if my current save would be able to function.
  3. Well, I guess that means I will have to revert to the previous version of the game. However, the main issue I have is the CTD in those areas, so if anyone has any ideas that would be great.
  4. Hello everyone, I'm posting this because I am trying to fix a major issue that I am having with Fallout 4 right now. Basically, whenever I try to go towards certain areas of the map (Taffington Boathouse, County Crossing, Reeb Marina, basically that whole region), I get a CTD and have no clue why. I looked it up already and installed a mod that was supposed to help, but that did not fix the issue. I uninstalled the most recent set of mods I had before I noticed the issue, but that also did not fix it. While hypothetically I could disable all mods and try it, I don't know that my save would be able to work because I have a lot of settlements and whatnot built using Sim Settlements (and other mods of that sort), not to mention the sheer amount of time it would take to do it through process of elimination. I also tried disabling the only UI mods I had installed to see if that would fix it, but it didn't work. I am posting my load order below, in case anyone has any suggestions for how I can fix this issue. I really don't want to have to start over, as I have gotten a considerable number of hours into this character and would prefer not to have to repeat everything from the start. Also note I am using Fallout 4 Script Extender (though LOOT is giving me a message today saying "Your version of F4SE is not compatible with your version of Fallout 4" which was not happening yesterday so I guess Fallout 4 got an update or something). LOAD ORDER: 0 0 Fallout4.esm 1 1 DLCRobot.esm 2 2 DLCworkshop01.esm 3 3 DLCCoast.esm 4 4 DLCworkshop02.esm 5 5 DLCworkshop03.esm 6 6 DLCNukaWorld.esm 7 7 Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp 8 8 TrueStormsFO4.esm 9 9 ArmorKeywords.esm 10 a JonsMod.esm 11 b SimSettlements.esm 12 c DX Courser X-92 Power Suit.esp 13 d 1nivDX Courser X-92 Power Suit Male.esp 14 e TrueStormsFO4-FarHarbor.esp 15 f TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsets.esp 16 10 TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsetsFH.esp 17 11 Armorsmith Extended.esp 18 12 THBrows.esp 19 13 AzarPonytailHairstyles.esp 20 14 KSHairdos.esp 21 15 Eli_Armour_Compendium.esp 22 16 Diamond City Enhanced.esp 23 17 CBBE.esp 24 18 PushAwayCompanions.esp 25 19 ellen.esp 26 1a VisibleCompanionAffinity.esp 27 1b Companion Infinite Ammo.esp 28 1c VendorCaps.esp 29 1d Docile Radstags.esp 30 1e BetterSettlers.esp 31 1f BetterSettlersCleanFacePack.esp 32 20 BetterSettlersMortalSoldiersPack.esp 33 21 BetterSettlersMortalPack.esp 34 22 BetterSettlersNoLollygagging.esp 35 23 BetterSettlersMostlyFemale.esp 36 24 HN66-SiriusArmor.esp 37 25 Motoko Hair.esp 38 26 Naked Companions (Plus Geneva, Magnolia, and Nora.).esp 39 27 LovingCait.esp 40 28 LovingCurie_1.0.3b.esp 41 29 More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp 42 2a BetterSettlersCCAPack2.0.esp 43 2b LovingPiper.esp 44 2c MJC_SS_Plots.esp 45 2d JibsResidentialAddOnPack.esp 46 2e SS_AddOn_CbC_AIO.esp 47 2f ruined_simsettlement_addonpack.esp 48 30 AutomatronCountyCrossingFix.esp
  5. Yeah, I know the Creation kit isn't out yet, I figured it'd be a while before some of them could be added. I don't know much about modding, but it seems strange that something like that would be necessary for some of them, like the one about adding prefabs with some of the furniture already in there, since the furniture could just be the ones that are already in the game. The other two seem like they'd be possible without a creation kit, but again I don't really know anything about modding so I could definitely be completely wrong. If you do decide to look into making some of those other mods once the creation kit comes out, I'd definitely love to know - I've been hoping to get a few people together to exchange and work on mod ideas, though due to the fact that the game has only been out for a very short time I have not gotten anyone yet.
  6. I've got a bunch of mod ideas, having posted a thread in the discussion forum to see if anyone would like to form a sort of "team" that would work together to make mods that we came up with, but having garnered no response I'm just going to post the ideas here and hope someone would be interested in working on them. I will try to keep it relatively brief, since I want to make sure that there is some interest before spending a long time writing a huge post. Here are a few of my ideas: 1. I'd love to add my parents' house (having moved out) as a location in the game. I know where it should be on the map, and the house itself (and surrounding area) would be a very interesting location. The house is very large, and even has a bowling alley (one lane, in a building separate from the main house), and a pond in the driveway. It might make an interesting potential settlement, and the size of the house would mean you wouldn't even need to build any separate buildings, as you could fit an entire settlement's worth of beds and whatnot in the house itself. It's also near the Blue Hills, which would be an interesting area to have, as there is a Weather Observatory there that could make for a cool location. 2. Another cool location would be my father's office building, in Boston. My father has a vivarium with poison dart frogs in there, and perhaps there could be some big mutated version of them in the area, eating things like radroaches and bloodbugs. Plus, it's very close to the New England Aquarium, which would be another great location to add. 3. This one is more open-ended - I've already finished the entire main questline and all the side quests in the game, and while I love the game I am still a bit disappointed in the low-amount of post-game content. I think it would be great to make mods that add new side quests, perhaps these could even be related to the locations I mentioned above. The next few are related to crafting and settlements: 4. I don't know if it's just me, but while I like the idea of building settlements, I find building all the structures such as buildings and all the furniture in them from scratch very tedious and somewhat boring. I think it would be nice to have presets of some sort that include not just structures, but also some furniture already placed, such as beds, lights, etc. You could have the furniture objects still able to be repositioned as the player sees fit. 5. I also don't really like the restrictiveness of the area in which you are able to build things. I think a cool idea would be to instead have that boundary expand as more people settle there. 6. Another thing I have problems with is the fact that it's not really possible to place walls within a structure to create separate rooms on a given floor (well they don't snap into place like they do otherwise). I'd like to be able to create walls to separate a bedroom from a living room, or separate a bathroom from a kitchen area. I'm sure I'll think up more, but I don't want to make this into a miniature novel. If anyone wants to make some of these please let me know, I'd love to help in any way I can and learn how to actually make mods myself :)
  7. I'm posting this because as both a huge Fallout fan and someone who grew up in Massachusetts, I've had a ton of ideas of cool things to add into the game (and some tweaks) that would be pretty awesome. Problem is I have no experience making mods (though I am decent at modeling in ZBrush), so I'd at least need help. I'm hoping that perhaps I can find a few others with the skills to help create the mods, and work as a team to make ideas from any of the members come to life. If you're interested, reply to the thread or message me, and I can give more details. One of my ideas is to add some locations from my hometown, as well as a few buildings in Boston that could make for interesting areas to explore (or even have quests involving them). I hope to hear from you soon! :)
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