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About SetteLisette

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  1. Syntia13, thank you so much for these creative ideas. Based on your suggestions I have been making several new encounters and bellow is my feedback to your creature encounter ideas, as to whether they're likely included in my mod. 1. A giant and his mammoth You've suggested that there'd be 2 mammoths, but due to the space of the farm there can only be 1 mammoth and 1 giant. I have already finished making and testing this encounter and it's going to be almost exactly as you suggested. But one notable difference is that it's Animal Allegiance shout instead of Kyne's Peace that player will be using in order to tame the beast. In my view it'd make more sense this way, as the mammoth is calm to begin with, it just needs to be relocated outside the farm. Also, player will have an option to make a bargain with the giant using dialogues, as an alternative to using the shout to finish this quest peacefully. 2. A pack of wolf attacking a family I haven't decided whether to make this one but I'm considering. :smile: 3&4. Grave robbers Very difficult, this one. I may work on this after the mod is released, though. 5. Wolf and Bear being bros We'd need to figure out a way to not alarm the player when these 2 get spawned, wouldn't we? :smile: 6. Wedding feast Very interesting! I'd love to see this in action so I'll see what I can do! 7. Caught in a trap A wolf or sabrecat caught in a beartrap is, in my view, very much doable. Getting them locked up in a cage is actually a little more tricky. :smile: 8. Chaurus and Spiders in cave Very difficult and will likely cause some performance issues when the swarm of beasts get spawned. 9. Falmer raid I've always thought this should be in game, too! It'll be a very simple encounter where, at night, you have a chance of encountering a group of Falmers taking a prisoner to their nearby lair. 10. Reborn as Hagraven Enthusiastic! Again it'll be simpler and "cut to the chase" type encounter, where we see a Hagraven casting a spell at a dead body, transforming it into a new Hagraven. 11. Piper What an interesting idea! But it maybe too complex for an encounter mod. It'd make a great sub quest for a quest mod for sure! 12. Honey Bear I will definitely make this one! Love it! 13. Horse without a rider This is interesting too, as I will certainly make a few wounded-person-in-need type situations. 14. Dog and boy Might be doable but shouting in a settlement will cause quite a commotion, so I'm not sure. And here is my feedback to your human encounter ideas. :smile: 1. We're just married! I'd love to make this! 2. Sailor quest Again it's a little bit too complex, although a superb idea. An encounter with a quest-giver of a rather lengthy quest is not exactly in the scope of my mod. There will be, however, an encounter with hostile sailors/pirates along the northern shoreline. 3. Thugs in cities This will be fun, and it's very much doable but I will probably not make it. The reason is quite simple; cities in Skyrim are small. Encounters like this will be interesting in a city with the size of Novigrad or Beauclair in Witcher 3, but putting hostile thugs in Riften might put the whole city in chaos. 4. Flirting in taverns This would spice up the night life in Skyrim, I really like it:)
  2. The first one sounds like a doable and interesting idea. Noted it! I've been also suggested in my reddit thread that I should make a hilarious encounters like the one you mentioned. So something like that will be likely made as well.
  3. I stole your cocept for the revelers in Solstheim! :tongue: I'm in the process of making 2 different reveler encounters in Solstheim, one with Dunmers with their Sujamma and another with Nords from Thirsk. Thanks for the idea.
  4. That is an interesting idea. Although I've already made more than a few encounters where you'll come across underappreciated NPCs hitting the road, I haven't made or thought of anything to do with Karita (the pilgrim). Thanks for the idea! The other encounter mod you mention must be Extende Encounters by Jonx0r, which I took inspiration from. My mod will have encounters with hirelings, too.
  5. Actually, I've already made a tavern brawl as part of the city encounters. :smile: Every time you enter a tavern there is a chance where drunks are at fist fighting.
  6. I've made hostage situations for various factions such as Forsworns. I'm so far happy with the result and will expand it to Falmers and possibly Rieklings in Solstheim. I've also made necromancers and mages from College performing magic on the road. I'm willing to do something similar for Solstheim where eccentric mages are experimenting some weird spell. I'm not so sure about dragonhunters in terms of lore-friendliness, but I can certainly do things like a group of bounty hunters/mercs or trollhunters on the road. If you have more throw them at me anytime :happy:
  7. I've made hostage situations for various factions such as Forsworns. I'm so far happy with the result and will expand it to Falmers and possibly Rieklings in Solstheim. I've also made necromancers and mages from College performing magic on the road. I'm willing to do something similar for Solstheim where eccentric mages are experimenting some weird spell. I'm not so sure about dragonhunters in terms of lore-friendliness, but I can certainly do things like a group of bounty hunters/mercs or trollhunters on the road. If you have more throw them at me anytime :happy:
  8. Hiya. I've been working on a mod that adds new random encounters. Random encounters are events which you'll come across as you travel through the wilderness of Skyrim. I'm here because I need your creative minds to come up with some interesting ideas for new encounters. So far I've already made about 30 and I intend to make many more, which requires ideas to make them interesting. Just so I can give you better insight on what I'm making, I have videos from my testing which shows a few of them in action. :smile: VIdeo 1 Stormcloaks taking a Thalmor as their prisoner. The prisoner will try to escape if you free him, or the group is ambushed. Video 2 This mod does not only add wilderness encounter but what I call city encounters. This is one of the city encounter where you'll see a thief picking pockets of randomly-chosen civilians. Video 3 Many of the newely-added encounters involve with faction encounters, including Dawnguard, Vigilants of Stendarr, and more. What I'm trying to show you here is that my idea for this mod is to add more interesting, genuine elements of surprise to the game; not to make your game more difficult by adding more enemies you just bump into. In fact quite a few of the new encounters will simply add friendly travelers and merchants in a little bit different fashion than vanilla. And here are the encounters I'm currently trying to create. Witness your fellow Dark Brotherhood members killing their contracts!...I've already made an encounter with Cicero. I have an idea for Nazir. I'd also like to make one for other members such as Gabriella and Veezara but I'm struggling to come up with ideas for creative scenes. Solstheim encounters...I'd like to add more variations for random encounters in Solstheim. So far I've only made 3. Like I mentioned, I don't wish to add encounters where you simply bump into some random hostile NPCs, which most of vanilla encounters in Solstheim are, sadly. I'd like to make encounters that somehow reflects the history or culture of Morrowind. Any ideas you can give me regarding these two will be most appreciated! Also if you guys have ANY ideas for what encounter you'd like to see included in my mod you're most welcome to share them as well. Cheers :smile:
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