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Posts posted by Trueform

  1. You have ME too, wow, what are the odds. I'm sorry to hear it. :ermm:


    Do you have ME as well? Or do you know someone else with it? :blink: that is odd indeed. I was diagnosed last Christmas - pretty lousy timing, but it has given me some time to focus on game design, which I ordinarilly wouldn't have had the time to do, so every cloud has a silver lining I guess, no matter how lousy it seems.


    One worry though; do you always have access to previous types of Ants? Or at level twenty would it just be Queen Ants and Nest Guardian Fire Ant's? Nice and powerful, but perhaps a tad overkill for some situations.


    At the moment, you will only have access to the higher level ants. The only way I can see to get around it would be to add a pheremone item for each kind of ant, but then you'd have about 7 different pheremones; possible, but then it cancels out the levelling. I could try to make a message box appear when you use the pheremone, so you could select which type of ant to choose. That way, at level 20, if you wanted to summon a worker ant, you'd just have to choose it from the list. Fiddly for large amounts of summons maybe? But it would work.


    These days I often turn xp off at about level six or eight (I never go into BS. I simply hate the enemies with a passion and feel they suck the fun out of the game) but with this it will be worthwhile going higher.


    The higher-level enemies are very sapping to ammo / health, I would have enjoyed them making some completely different enemies for higher levels rather than just keeping variations of the vanilla ones. But if this mod can extend the gameplay for you, then I shall consider it a resounding success; mods are all about keeping a person playing, making it more enjoyable or extending a game's life, so I hope it will help :)


    As for the orders given to pets, I have looked at possibilities, and I was correct; the reason it hasn't been done on multiple summoning mods is that if affects every summoned enemy of the same type. That might be something you want adding - keeping a bunch of giant ant soldiers waiting while you take a bunch of fire ant soldiers to fight, for example - but it's entirely up to you if you want me to include it or not :)

  2. You're welcome :)

    Yeah, I know what you mean, I enjoyed the Lucy West companion mod too, it's been one of my favourite companion mods. I shall give it some thought in the future to making an amata one similiar, I know there is already amata companions out there, but adding new things to them would decrease the workload considerably on that account.


    Good going on the collecting! I like to collect weapons and armour, etc though I suppose most people do; I'm trying to do something as well that will let you buy things for your house and arrange them, possibly using some variation on the excellent fung shui mod. I have lots of plans for the future! lol

  3. Thank you for the kind comments :)


    In all honesty, I'll be playing NV too, and will jump at the chance to get modding on that when I can. On the other hand, though, I have ME (chronic fatigue syndrome) so I have a loooooad of spare time at the moment. I'm modding because it keeps me busy and I'm working towards learning programming and game design, so time and effort isn't something I lack :P


    I actually thought this mod would take me longer to look into, but it seems to be going smoothly so far. I don't mind working on it, and the packages are simple enough. I have a version that will work for you already, the other things will be relatively minor adjustments now the bare bones are done and it will be fun :) so, be guilt-free!


    if it's something you go back to when you've finished NV, great :) if it's not, I got the practise, and people who can't afford NV or go back to FO3 once they're finished and waiting for the NV Geck to come out can use it :)


    UPDATE: I have added a new regular ant pheremone so that you can summon the usual giant ants too.


    Level 1 - 5: Worker Ant

    Level 6 - 13: Soldier Ant

    Level 14 - 20: Queen Ant


    Although the other giant ants can be quite weak, the queen will make it worth investing time levelling up and using the mod, even if it's just for her long range attack (and the fact that she looks cool following you). I could change the strength of the ants anyway. With regards to adding ranged attacks to regular ants, sadly, they aren't compatible with the acid spit; it's classed as an embedded weapon, which isn't programmed into the regular giant ants.


    I think I know why the summoning mod didn't have any orders to give your pets - because of the way it's scripted, it's basically summoning friendly versions of the enemies. It might be that the orders would either spread to every ant summoned or conflict with the ant enemies. Plus, it would be quite hard to database, but I'll look into it a bit later today, and report back when I have a definite answer.

  4. Hahahahah! Funny you should say that :P

    I do plan to work on a romance / family mod in the future, but it's beyond my abilities at this time, so I'm just learning what I can on the way until I get to that stage :)


    Yep, the near future for sure. you nutjob :P J/k :P


    but seriously, I'm working on a request at the moment, if I have any spare time between waiting for instructions on that, I shall begin your request too :) I can keep you updated, so check your personal messages or this thread and when I begin something I shall let you know :) it shouldn't be too long before I begin. I won't put a specific time on it because I don't want to disappoint you, but I promise I shall start as soon as I can.


    I generally reply to those posts that don't have any other replies, if it's something I'm capable of :P I hate not hearing from anyone (I don't blame people though, I know they probably have busy lives) and your mod sounds like it would be fun. I want the player house modding practice too and share your passion for junk collecting :P not that I'm crazy wolfgang or anything. Well, not the wolfgang part.

  5. Although it's possible to make it into a perk, it would be very lengthy and difficult (to me at least lol) but I have altered the summoning script to allow you to call stronger ants when you reach higher levels. I could perhaps put this up for you when it's finished then integrate it into a perk if I can do it at a later date?


    Anyway, here's what I have so far:


    When you pick up the AntAgonizer Helmet, you get AntAgonizer Pheremones added to your inventory.

    This is technically a helmet but it has no graphics so it won't interfere with the visual aspect of the costume; set to to a hot key, then tap the hot key to summon the ants. You could technically summon them even without the AntAgonizer costume with the pheremones, but I'll try to work on that and change it if I can.


    There are several levels of ant summoning:

    Level 1 - 5: Worker Fire Ant

    Level 6 - 10: Soldier Fire Ant

    Level 11 - 15: Warrior Fire Ant

    Lvel 16 - 20: Nest Guardian Fire Ant


    I could add another pheremone item so that you could summon regular ants if you wish? that way, you could summon a queen at higher levels to spit acid at high-up balcony enemies (I may have to adjust the size of her so she fits indoors). The only other alternative is to try and make the smaller ants spit acid as well, although I can't promise anything; I'm not sure their models are compatible with this attack.


    What kind of number limit would you like on the summoned ants?


    As for giving the ants orders, I can do it, I have scripted companions before. It would take a bit longer, but I don't mind doing it if you don't mind the wait :) I could make them wait and follow, and whatever other packages you want me to add, just let me know. That way, you could position your ant army where you like in strategic locations for all-out war on the wasteland!

  6. Wow, that is a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig request!


    I like it :P


    I can't promise anything right now, because I have a few requests to look into, but I have got into house modding just recently (see my mod 'House of the Rising Sun' if you're curious as to my interior design :)) and I really love designing player homes.


    The actual navmeshing isn't a problem if you use one of the other manions and vaults as a base, and getting your companions to return there when fired would be a simple script, so I am technically capable of doing both of those things. A few of the features would be a challenge, but I like a challenge.


    If anyone else is reading this and wants to take a crack at this request, feel free to do so, I'm not staking my claim on the mod or anything, but when I've finished the few mods I'm on, I will certainly give this a go (I'm talking in the near future :)) If it's already been done by the time I get around to it, it's all good, I need some modding practise with player house design anyway. But if you haven't heard any other responses from this request, I am willing to give it a go if you don't mind waiting for a short time :)

  7. This is an interesting idea. There's a mod called FullOn Summoner Mod which does a similiar thing, but with most of the enemies in the game, including the giant and fire breathing ants; but I see what you mean by adjusting it to fire ants. Just a thought, but it could perhaps be made to work in levels, or have a perk or something that summons a more powerful ant minion depending on the level taken;


    rank 1: Worker fire ant

    rank 2: Soldier rank

    rank 3: Warrior rank


    I'll have a look in the next few days, browse over the geck and some similiar scripts, and see how it could be approached. But yes, it is possible to do :) I'll be back in touch when I've looked into it and let you know of my findings.

  8. Hmm, well maybe it would work adding an enchantment to the armour pieces to increase the health? That would raise the health of the body part associated with the item, it would just involve a lot of data-basing.


    The script-based approach would be to add a script onto each piece of armour, possibly using ForceActorValue to function when the item is being worn. From the geck website:



    From GECK




    [ActorID.]ForceActorValue StatName value

    [ActorID.]ForceAV StatName value




    ForceActorValue Health 50


    ForceActorValue modifies the current stat to the specified value (not to be confused with SetActorValue, which changes the BASE value of the stat). The equivalent of:


    Short modParameter

    Set modParameter to ( 50 - GetActorValue Health )

    ModActorValue Health, modParameter


    Because the GetActorValue function returns the current state, including all effects, damage, and other ModActorValue numbers, ForceActorValue will produce different ModActorValue results at different times.


    Note that like ModActorValue, when used in a script this change is permanent. See ModActorValue for discussion of how this works.



    * Should never be used on the player, as it will seriously screw up that actor value when combined with other mods or scripts that adjust it or depend on it.

    * Instead, use ModAV to adjust the stat to the required value. If several mods make changes to the same value at the same time, and one of them uses ForceAV the stat is likely to end up irrevocably altered. For example:

    An actor has a starting Strength of 6.

    Mod 1 records 6 as the starting strength, and uses ForceAV Strength 8 to increase their strength by 2.

    Mod 2 uses ModAV Strength 2 to further increase their strength by 2, to 10.

    Mod 1's effect ends, and it uses ForceAV Strength 6 to return the actor's strength to the recorded starting value of 6.

    Mod 2's effect ends, and it uses ModAV Strength -2 to remove the 2 strength it added. This gives a total value of 4.

    The actor now has Strength 4, and neither Mod 1 nor Mod 2 will fix it.


    You'd just need to find the right script to adjust the actor value to change limb health, I think...

    Could be wrong, mind you. It's just a thought.

  9. Weird you should say that, I've layed down some preliminary houses there :D still not sure whether I'm gonna make them as part of the overall mod or just a mod on their own, but not ALL of the swampfolk can be crazy cannibal psychos... or can they? :P
  10. I've played Fallout 3 and started new games so many times, but have never encountered a radio problem, so although I could be wrong, I don't think it's a bug in the game. If I had to guess, I'd say it was a mod causing the incompatability, do you have any that you know of to alter the dialogue of the main vanilla characters or alter vanilla quests in any way? It may also be a mod that changes the sound files, but I couldn't tell you which one specifically will do it.


    The long and painful way would be to turn off every mod one by one and see which one's causing it, but that's the only way I know of to be sure.


    Sorry I can't be more help.

  11. You're welcome :) yeah, I think the dialogue pane is mostly there just for reference so you know what the topics your NPC will use, but I agree, it's very useless when you can just check most of this on the quest options anyway.
  12. Ok, so you're in your quest and you have the topics tab open?

    1. Right click on the very far left side of the window where your topics are ('editor ID'), and go to 'add topic'.

    2. This brings up another box, a list of lots of topics.

    3. Left click on this box and choose 'new''.

    4. Name your topic.

    5. Double click your named topic to add it to the editor ID list.

    6. Left click to highlight your new topic.

    7. Add a topic text (what your NPC will say).

    8. Right click on the blank space in the 'info' window.

    9. Choose 'new'.

    10. Add a response text (what your NPC will say in response to your question or statement) and click OK.


    The topic is added! Make sure you add their GetIsID to the 'conditions' window on the lower screen, which you can only do when you have added a response to the conversation.


    And that's a very basic dialogue walk through. Hope it helped :) if you have any other questions, feel free to ask.

  13. Well, I live in the UK, so I don't think I could really help out with coming over to help you :P


    if you want a hand with learning some things though, I can offer any of my limited advice you need :) I started modding not long ago (although I have a lot of time on my hands) and went from having looked over the geck briefly once to being able to mod a working companion and learn some scripting in about a month thanks to some excellent tutorials.


    Scripting is very much like another language, and it seems very complicated (and it can be!) but if you're determined enough, you can work your way through the geck in a relatively decent amount of time. If you have any questions, please feel free to private message me and ask them; if I can help, I will :)

  14. With the sleeping issue, have you made sure the bed has a furnature marker on it? If there's no furnature marker on there, they can't be interacted with, and they are just static.


    With the smoking issue, double click on your NPC in the main menu to edit them and add the 'smoker faction' to their factions tab. That should be the missing ingredient :)


    You can make idle chatter (which is the NPCs conversing with each other) in the quest menu where you keep all of their conversations. Open the main Fallout 3 exe master file and have a look in the 'ConvMegaton' quest under the 'conversation' tab. I learnt a lot of what I needed to learn for my mods by studying what BethSoft did themselves :)


    Hope I helped a little :)

  15. I think what TheCivillian means is to make, for example, a helmet add damage resistance to just the head rather than to the damage resistance of the whole body :) I agree, though, it is an interesting idea that would add realism and would make equipping armour a bit more strategic in realism mods.


    Most things are possible with the geck if you know your way around it, but again, I agree with Nadin that it's probably easiest to adjust the health of limbs for each piece of armour rather than trying to re-write the entire gaming system to fit the idea in.

  16. Hi,

    I would like to try to make a new house theme mod, but unfortunately every time I attempt it there's too much clutter from the other house themes in the render window. This may make me sound a bit dumb, but I haven't found a way to turn them off aside from deleting them; is there any way to 'turn off' the other house themes so I can see past the clutter to place my objects properly? Any useful help will be given kudos :)

    thank you in advance :)

  17. I'm only a novice scripter and have much to learn, so I may be wrong, but I think what you are trying to accomplish can indeed be achieved with scripting. You'd have to make the glow effect in the GECK (possibly with the Effect Shader function under the 'special effects' tab on the main menu) and then make a script naming the effect you made. Attach the script to the item itself, it should in theory do the trick.


    The script itself is not something I can name offhand being very new to the whole scripting scene, but go to the official GECK website and look under the P section in functions. Make a script using 'PlayMagicEffectVisuals' or 'PlayMagicShaderVisuals' and you should get the desired response with one of those functions.


    This can be applied to containers or items, so you could make the container glow when empty or have the small items themselves glow if they are not in a container.


    Hope I helped a little :)

  18. Hi,

    I am attempting a mod but so far have been only partially successful, so I want to try another route.


    I am a relative beginner with scripting, although not a complete beginner, and have only just got the FOSE; having looked on the official GECK site and studying BigPinball's Fung Shui script, I have been made aware of the ability to clone objects.


    I think this would solve one of my major problems for the mod I want (collectible corpses) but I don't have any idea how to start, and can't find any tutorials using this function beside the very vague advice on the GECK site (and to be honest, BigPinball's script is, although very good, also very complicated and left me confused on what I needed to look at for the cloning scripts :P).


    Could anyone point me in the right direction to go regarding cloning an item, perhaps some advice on how to keep them in the forms list to reference them later by dropping an item? I would really appreciate any help you guys can give me, and kudas will be giving where appropriate.


    Thank you for your time :)

  19. You'd need to do 3D modelling for this I believe, although not a massive amount; I'm not a great 3D modeller and I'm rather limited in my practise due to technology issues at the moment, so I can't practise. If you have some rudimentary knowledge in 3D, all you'd have to do is take the models out of the geck, delete the bodies, and place the heads on the background mounting board for the already existing trophy heads :)

    sorry I can'e be of more practical help, but that's the theory behind it.

  20. I'm actually working on a mod that will let you add corpses to your inventory and drop them to either 1) decorate your house, you psychopaths :P, or 2) bury them for karma. I have encountered some troubles with it, but as soon as I have mastered it, I'll add it to the database. I also plan to look into different body part trophies in the future :)
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