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Posts posted by Linmor

  1. Maybe not a limit per se, although when I attempted to format the description page on my mod, I tried to use nested lists.. the whole thing looked fine when previewing on the forums, yet when I pasted the code to the description page, it broke for some reason other than the formatting discrepancies (i.e. some tags accept quotes, others don't etc. )

    I'll see if I can post up an example bit of code to demonstrate what I mean.


    Below is the code I originally attempted to use on the description page, while it works perfectly here on the forums, when I pasted it to the description page, it broke somehow and the BB code tags were visible after the first couple of list tags...

    Pre-Order DLC Packs bug fix suggestions


    In the interests of helping those having problems with their Pre-order DLC packs, I have compiled a short list of mods that seem to be pure bug fixes for those.

    I am going by description and comments on anything other than the Caravan pack, so suggestions for changes to this list are appreciated.

    Some like the Classic pack have quite a few issues, while others like the Tribal pack seem to have none according to the list of mods I could find on Nexus.

    • ** Classic Pack **
      • Classic Pack 10mm bug fix by chucksteel
        • Allows the pistol to be modded.

        [*]Weathered 10mm Pistol Fixes by Yukichigai

        1. The Weathered 10mm Pistol will now show the appropriate shape once weapon mods are applied to the weapon; this DOES include the third-person (in-world) view of the weapon. (see the notes section at the bottom of this description)
        2. The increased Sneak Attack Critical damage from The Professional perk now applies to the Weathered 10mm Pistol.
        3. You are now able to sneak the Weathered 10mm Pistol into casinos (and The Fort) as a "holdout weapon".

        [*]You take a sip from your trusty Vault 13 canteen by JustinOther

        • Revision to the recurring message for the canteen. Rather than it showing over and over, a message box explains the canteen once, then stops spamming you.

        [*]Pre-order Weapon Perk List Fixes by Vorph

        • Weathered 10mm Pistol - Added to The Professional. Also adds vanilla weapons 10mm Pistol, 10mm SMG, and That Gun to the list. v1.1 also adds Weathered 10mm to casino holdout weapon list (50 sneak required).

      [*]** Caravan Pack **

      [*]** Mercenary Pack **

      • Pre-order Weapon Perk List Fixes by Vorph
        • Mercenary's Grenade Rifle - Added to Demolitions Expert and Pyromaniac (only when using Incendiary ammo).
        • Let the Merc Grenade Launcher work with "Aiming is Optional".

      [*]** Tribal Pack **

      • Cannot seem to locate any fixes for this one.


    I posted this exact code on the description page at the bottom so that you can see what it is doing. http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=38326

  2. Unfortunately, there is a lower limit on the mod description page concerning the amount of BB Code tags, than there is on the actual forums.


    You can get it looking all pretty on the forum reply page, but when copied over to the mod description page, it wont render properly. and shows all the BB Code past a certain limit


    The Code limit on the description page should be increased to allow more customization and readability.

  3. Go back to the page for Anthony Lings Coiffure - Hair Eyes Lashes for FONV



    Follow the instructions exactly, especially the part about downloading the textures from the Fallout 3 nexus page.

    What you have here is a failure to install the textures needed for this mod.

    How do I install Lings Coiffure?


    You must download Lings Coiffure v4-4a full fomod at Anthony Lings Coiffure - Hair Eyes Lashes (Fallout 3 Nexus)


    Open the fomod with an archive program of your choice such as 7zip.


    Copy the BSA, texture folder, and mesh folder only to Steam\SteamApps\common\fallout new vegas\Data


    Copy the .esm file from this archive to Steam\SteamApps\common\fallout new vegas\Data


    In the launcher, select lings.esm in the data files.




    This never happened to me, I swear, I always follow the instructions :P

  4. I use two mods in conjunction...


    Improved Ammo Crafting -ver 2-

    - Recipes for making and breaking down in-game ammunition like AP, HP, and Inc.

    - Adds ammo types where appropriate, like 10mm AP, 12.7mm AP, and .45-70 Gov't AP.

    - Adds "Powdercrafting" submenu that allows creation and deconstruction of primers, and conversion of powder from pistol to rifle type and vice versa

    - Adds recipes for explosives, including dynamite, long fuse dynamite, grenades, and missiles.

    - Adds a new crafting item "brass" that can be used to construct ammo casings. Conversely, casings can be melted down into brass. Scrap Metal can be melted down into Brass or Lead.

    - 100x versions of casing, powder, and primer recipes, since brass, powder, and primer tend to accumulate very quickly in large quantities.

    - Eliminates the weight from Lead (which, in my opinion, was a nuisance in normal mode and excessive in Hardcore mode where Ammo had weight anyways).


    Automated Reloading Bench




    Adds a few handy features to existing reloading benches:


    * Ammo parts container, to store all those messy casings, leads, etc..

    When using the bench, all ammo parts will automatically be transfered to this container. Those parts will be taken in account for your recipies.


    * Ammo breakdown box and lever

    If, like us, you grew tired of breaking down unused ammo, caliber per caliber, 100 per 100, just dump it all into the ammo breakdown box and press the lever.

    When using the bench, all ammo parts obtained will be transfered automatically to the parts container.

  5. I think the negative endorsement option is pointless also.


    Why bother going back to the mod page and hitting the negative? If you don't like the mod after downloading, just delete and go find one you do like.


    If you don't like, you are not going to endorse anyway, so the positive endorsement rating still remains effective.

    When I first started looking for mods, I would sort them by number of endorsements to see what everyone else liked.


    -- The user couldn't get the file to work

    I am willing to go out on a limb here and say that 95% of the time, this is not the fault of the mod that is being negative endorsed.


    -- The file caused conflicts with the game or other popular files

    Welcome to a game based upon the Gamebryo Engine. Most conflicts can be easily resolved with the use of the tools provided. Lack of effort should not mean a negative endorsement.


    -- The file did not meet the user's high quality standards

    Then why did you bother downloading it? and you are going to complain about standards in a buggy game supported by the fans? Seriously?

  6. I only notice the size when it takes more than a minute or two to download. Then I look and think "well that explains why its taking so long."


    But, I also prefer one zip file over multiple files, especially when each file is named something completely different than the name of the mod.

    (i.e main.zip / update.zip / update2a.zip / version 1.zip... etc.)

  7. What you are seeing is a list that doesn't update dynamically.


    The files that seem to be missing could be showing that way for a few reasons...

    Author pulled the file for whatever reason

    File was re-uploaded under a new ID

    User has been banned from the the Nexus sites.

    Possible other reasons, that escape me at the moment.


    I see the empty lines in the list of files I'm tracking also, It is a bit disconcerting when you see those blank lines, trying to remember which file it was. I do wish the software could just remove those lines or leave the title and use the strike-through method to indicate they are no longer available.

  8. However, after installing electrocity mods, the game freezes a lot. I normally trust BOSS, however, it keeps insisting that Lings.esm be after Herculine's NCCS Companions.esm and then complains that Herculine's needs Lings. So at the moment, i'm rather dubious about BOSS as I don't know if it's BOSS or me screwing something up.


    This has been corrected. As for the errors with Wrye Flash, the error is all gibberish to me also.

  9. Hi I really enjoy snipping and i would like to know if there is a sniper sway removal i looked it up on the download section and i couldnt find any,

    does anyone have one or is willing to make one?

    I would do it myself but I have no idea how to create a mod so...


    Just what ye be looking for....


    No Scope Wobble

  10. Unless someone has reverse engineered the Steam code and extracted the patch file and placed it up on some pirate site, you are not going to find the patch files.

    Except for a few rare cases, the game is integrated with the steam client and manually patching the game is not available to the masses without a lot of illegal means.

  11. go into the options for the game in the steam client, and select "delete local content"


    once its done, go to the directory and wipe out anything it missed.. restart steam and tell it to download the game. (or re-install from the retail copy if you have it.)

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