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  1. I had the same problem. After intersecting your mod list with mine and subtracting a set of mods I know did not cause this issue ((yours ∩ mine) ∖ (known ok mods)), I have determined that the problem is Undeath.esp. I know its been a while and you've probably given up on this issue, but if anyone else runs into this issue, they should check that they do not have this mod enabled.
  2. I'm trying to contact mrLenski to see if I can use assets from one of his mods in my own mod. The mod (Coverwomen) is marked as allowing asset use with permission, but his PM box is full and he doesn't seem to check that mod's thread. Would it be possible for a mod to allow me to bypass mrLenski's PM box limit so that I can contact him for permission? Thanks!
  3. Woo, we may have a taker. Regarding the mesh modding, it may not be that hard. All you may need to do is just write on or edit the textures of object models already in the game, a task easily accomplished with photoshop and requiring no meshing skills. Like adding blood and the name of a mine to the texture of the pickaxe model extant in the base game. Of course, notes are also a good clue type. I personally like the "private investigators for hire" guild idea, the inverse of the DB.
  4. Here's an idea for a mod. Inspired by LA Noire and Skyrim's own Blood on the Ice quest, perhaps someone could make an Investigator's Guild quest-line. The inbuilt quest already provides lore justification, that the guards are stretched thin due to war. I think a full questline of detective and whodunnit style cases would provide an interesting alternative to Skyrim's usual "get this do that" quests. Maybe even make it more challenging than either game's own quest or LA Noire. The game already has a way to examine picked up objects closely, through the inventory screen. Require the player to examine clues in this way to help solve the case. Perhaps have multiple endings to the cases as well. I'd personally like to see a Clue-style, "someone who is locked in this house killed the owner."; a reversal from Oblivion's Dark Brotherhood quest. Maybe you could start the player off with solving petty crimes, moving up the case ladder as in LA Noire. Anyway, just throwing this out there for anyone who wants to make a unique questline. I imagine it would be a hell of a lot of work, especially since the clues would need unique models and textures to make them usefully "examinable.", but this mod would really add an interesting element to Skyrim's questlines. Non-modders: Vote on the poll above to show your interest or disinterest.
  5. Craft it, drop it, and and then click on it while the console is open to find the formID. First 2 characters will correspond to those on the load order.
  6. I did a quick "empirical test", and found the horizontal speed of the vanilla arrow in my game to be approx 80 feet/sec, assuming that the PC is able to run at 17.3 feet/sec as reported by UESP at http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Movement .
  7. I've heard house mods are significant contributing factors to CTDs because of the navmesh bug, so I suspect one of them will trigger crashing.
  8. Hi, from what I understand, the cause may be related to the navmesh bug. Maybe since it does not crash with a new game, a fix I have heard of may be to wait in an indoor location (best a vanilla home) for 31 in game days. I'm gonna try it myself to see if it fixes the crashing
  9. Well this is convenient. I have the exact same problem around the exact same area! Almost any quest mod I add seems to trigger it. Try removing Moonpath to Elsewhere, No Mercy Quest, the mod that adds lamps to roads, and any mods that add new dungeons. Here is my load order, if you want to compare. Could you please post yours as well?: With only those mods active, I did not have the problem. I found the problem to be caused when adding Moonpath to Elsewhere, No Mercy Quest, Lanterns on the Roads, and/or Milan's Dungeon Pack. Perhaps one of the mods in my load order is conflicting with these mods and causing problems. Since you have the same problem, maybe we can isolate it. EDIT: Extra info: my save has ~160 hours on it.
  10. Well, here is my personal feedback: Like many others here, I feel the biggest problem is the color scheme. The white on orange simply doesn't look very nice and actually makes titles hard to read. I think a white on darkish brown would be vastly better. I dislike the generic looking logo. Something more "obliviony" would be vastly better. I notice images are no longer featured on the main page. I think they should be fit in somewhere.
  11. Here is an idea for a mod. People using the 3rd person cameras like the Ultimate 3rd Person Camera can find it hard to shoot arrows because of the shifted perspective. Stealth becomes hard because if you miss, the enemy can detect you. I'm thinking of a mod that would draw the projected path of the arrow as the bow is draw. It could have some balancing, such as having to cast a spell before drawing the bow or making it inactive if the PC is detected by a hostile. I'm thinking that it could be implemented as an OBGE shader or something. Any interest? :) Here is a mockup: http://i53.tinypic.com/desfnc.jpg
  12. OK, I sent a PM to an admin. Thanks for the idea. A bit easier to just ask them to change your name :P Yeah, I saw that someone else had their name changed by banning, but I'll make sure to explore other options first...
  13. Hi, when I made this account, it was kind of an afterthought (no offense intended). Now that I'm getting more into this community, I would like to have my username changed. I understand the only way you can do that is to ban this account and then let me set up another one. Is this something we could do? Thanks!
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