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Everything posted by jnicholass

  1. Not sure if this is the best place to ask this, but I figure it's a quick and easy one to answer. Can I rename the mod title without any consequences? I only ask because I know that I can click on a mod twice in MM and type in a new name, I'm just not sure if it does anything screw-y with the actual mod.
  2. Tried searching for a specific mod to enhance these low res abominations, but I couldn't find any. Anyone think they can create something a little better than what vanilla offers? Doesn't have to be 4k, anything will be an improvement. If this is covered in some sort of larger overhaul mod, then I'm unaware and would love to be informed. Thanks!
  3. I'm a big fan of the tattered field outfit+wrapped cap+gas mask combo, with the only complaint being the duct tape plastered all over your body. Im not sure how difficult it is to make a new texture that covers these up, or just straight up removes them, but if anyone can do it, it's the guys here on Nexus.
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