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Posts posted by jesusristus

  1. In addition to that: A by-game filter for the history would also come in handy when managing not only hundreds of mods, but hundreds of mods from each of your half dozen games.


    Yeah, why'd you shove every downloaded mod on the same one page with this new design? Was fine before.




    On the top of the mod page, the fall down menu "Mods", there u can see "activity" with download history for that specific game and the tracking center for that game.


    Right, should read a few messages before posting. My bad.

  2. Maybe my guess was wrong then... Check that those sound mods you're using are compatible with each other and this might sound dumb but are you sure all the volume sliders are turned up in options?

    Just copying and pasting the files from one drive to another may not be enough if there are programs like mod manager that still points to the old location. I don't use NMM myself so can't tell where all the places it keeps the files these days.


    Btw. when you use RaceMenu you don't need Netimmerse Override separately, so disable that it's redundant.

  3. Go and store everything you can somewhere. Then use "player.showinventory" to get the id's of those phantom items, then "player.removeitem [id] [quantity]" to remove them. PgUp and PgDn scroll the console window.

    If you still have that extra, count the weight of all undroppable items (those gems etc.) together and substract from your Orc's live weight. Then do "player modav.inventoryweight -x" with the x being the number you just counted.

    If your Orc still keeps getting back that extra weight, tough s*** I guess. :D You could try "player.forceav inventoryweight 0" or something but that might just mess things up more.


    Also I don't know why the inventoryweight command doesn't really come up in google searches. Just the carryweight one that affects the latter number.



    About those items vanishing from containers, maybe try not to store such immense amounts of stuff in the same chest next time. :tongue:

  4. Well, it's resurrected now..



    In my experience, the average BSA contains only a few files, and most of them quite small

    Checked my MO mods folder out of curiosity and I have 32GB of BSA files there, any guesses what that would be unpacked? "SSD:s don't grow in trees."



    MO has a mechanism for subverting the loose-file priority rule anyway, because they thought it was a dumb issue and fixed it.

    I think Beth are the ones to know best, how the files should be loaded in their games. TanninOne had a reason why the Archives tab was removed in MO2, even with the majestic VFS and other wizardry some things might be better left alone.


    Do not go unpacking BSAs for no reason (if you don't need a file from it.) Some mods especially are not meant to be unpacked, like the USLEEP.

  5. So, as Algabar said, Steam can be set to offline mode and only needs to make a connection like twice a year or something iirc. I'm also fairly certain Steam client can be closed after it's lauched the game if it for some reason bothers you.

    Steam installs the games by default on "\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common" BUT this is NOT where you wan't your Skyrim folder to be. For permission reasons you should install it instead outside of windows's default folders, say in "C\:Games\" or similar.

    I don't recommend installing any mods for Skyrim from Steam Workshop, because it's auto-update can mess things up pretty bad. You can use the Nexus Mod Manager to install the mods just fine.

  6. I use Merge Plugins already and it's an awesome tool (it occasionally crashes and/or hangs too, though). However MS even combined with Merge Plugins is not really equivalent of the WB's convenient bashing of all the unchecked plugins across the load order. How much better job it would do is yet to see because currently I can't use it. Maybe I'll try to become comfortable with some other way of doing things.

  7. Mator about that merging redudant plugins like the bashed patch, if I enable these plugins I go over 255 esps, could it break the software ?

    Incidentally, I'm here because of this very thing. It crashes and hangs when trying to smash a list of over 255 plugins, log tells about maximum limit. Could this be addressed as in it's current state it is not capable of doing what WB does?

  8. How i have read stuff so far and what i have seen in the past with his mods i think its what hapend before to him not delete but more taken down bye bethesda.

    And why's that? From what I've seen, Beth allows for example their whole hi-res dlc for Skyrim to be uploaded on Nexus. Run through an optimizer.

  9. I don't know what reason the author had this time but if it's another "don't play the game anymore, don't want to support a mod" I don't get it. Why not just leave it up, there's absolutely no obligation for authors to provide any kind of support to begin with. Anyway I've started backing up all the files I download to a remote server, seeing it is some kind of a trend to people just flick the switch at any given time.

  10. Thanks @saurusmaximus for the suggestion.

    My enb settings aren't indicating anything odd with the printscreen settings.








    //num / 106


    //print screen







    Whatever is causing this has changed a parameter that is more obscure/indirect, or perhaps not normally related to PrintScreen per se.

    I've also tried the other .ini files and can't see an obvious link there either. :confused:

    Same problem here. I don't think it's related to ENB settings because the screenshots are being named in the default Skyrim convention Screenshot279.bmp. Also tried to use MO profile with no mods or DLC and the screenshots are still being taken even in the main menu. I have the bAllowScreenshot=0 in skrim.ini

  11. In response to post #41097055. #41098705 is also a reply to the same post.

    MikhailScott wrote: The EASIEST way to make a password is to use a format like the following word_number(4 or more digits) this what my bank requires for their passwords A good example would be Spot_1976. Pick something like your Grandmothers cats name an underscore and then the year of an important personal event
    xbon wrote: lmao... no. a good way to make a password is randomize letters and numbers + special characters and longest string possible. hae9dUve&eD for example.

    Too short.
  12. I don't agree that this negative shitstorm is justified, yes its has major problems and some are just strange like the blurry low res textures,they need to be addressed Beth themselves. Not to mention the keyboard controls need patching asap ! But the absolute reaching and toxic behavior is disgusting, people are acting like its the next Big Rigs Racing.



    Completely discarding the improvements of AI, streamlining, fluid movement, combat, good animation, clothes physics and the crazy amount of detail this game has is just something I can't understand. There is innovation everywhere. Yes the UI sucks and the keybinds need a redo but is that really a reason to go make multiple accounts on Metacritic and act like that, wow. But who am I ... I'm 100% biased, I love this game. This one, its everything I'v ever wanted a Fallout to be ever since I picked up the first one. Bethesda clearly bribed me, I'm such a traitor to the franchise for agreeing with the choices that where made.



    I'm currently doing a 3Ds Max course witch means I'll finally be able to make things YAY ! Even tho I'm only here by moments I'm looking forward to modding this game for many years to come.

    Interesting, Bethesda bribed you? Who was claiming that besides yourself? If you make a game seven years and it still doesn't have decent UI and rebindable keys it sure seems a bit lazy... Markmid already listed the things that are off and why most people who were waiting a new rpg are annoyed.

    Don't get me wrong, I don't _hate_ it. It's still a very good game.

  13. Exactly, that voice of a young, white, US accent english speaking person is just laughable on every other type of a character you could make. First thing for me was to disable the conversation camera. It was just horribly immersion braking to see this Danny Trejo looking guy speak that way.

    Second would be to disable the random lines he speaks when encountering something new. He'd already found out the events happened in vault from terminal logs, no need anymore to be wondering at loud "what happened here, is everyone dead?" Also he'd feel at home in nuclear apocalypse, not be yelling "THIS IS INSANE!!1" to his hovering robot nanny. If someone knows if it's even possible to fairly easily disable the outside-of-conversation lines I would be very glad.


    Thirldy. It's going to be very large project if we're to transform the 100,000+ lines of conversations into good old way of things. Because the character WON'T EVEN f***ing SAY WHAT THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO according to your choise.


    I guess I'll have to just anwer "sarcastic" every time it is an option to avoid confusion as much as possible for now.


    By the way that 'only and exactly four possible choises' for every situation is idiotic.

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