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About neiljwd

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  1. How will the winner be notified?
  2. I know this thread is old but it Still turns up on google. In FalloutPrefs.ini Disable FullScreen Enable borderless Should work.
  3. I roleplay a bit,and I cant justify pissing off to explore that pretty meadow, when a DRAGON is eating the world, or hndreds are dying in a war I, as Dragonborn, could stop. SHivala may have a point, I could just TGM and TCL ther dungeons.
  4. 1500 hours, multiple playthroughs, but I always get bogged down and sidetracked by the big quest lines to "get them out the way" and stop the nagging, but I'm always burnt out by the end and never explore like I wanted to or try Mod Quests. Can console commands do it, or any mods that address it? Quests I'd like completed from the off: Main Quest - think a none Dragon Born Mod would do this? Civil War - Have it completely over, in favour of either side. DawnGuard - Completed but still get the Dragon shout? Dragonborn - I'd like the main QL completed.
  5. Really? Damn that's a huge disappointment. :( So how are some modders making some dress parts n such transparent? Could that process be jerry rigged to the glasses?
  6. GIMP or any free program, I just want to make the lens of the patrolman/policeman glasses transparent.. If anyone could give me some step by step instructions, I'd really appreciate it, ty.
  7. I think you've misunderstood what website you're on. Mods are for modifying the game to suit ones own tastes. Telling me to go play some other game is completely unhelpful and just rude.
  8. If that didn't happened, you will run out of ammo, caps, junk and stuff. Yes, yes I would. That's what I want, a more survival based "realistic" wasteland. Additionally, there's the problem that When a cell resets, it resets nearly everything, take for example the satellite dish location near sanctuary, if you visit there after 2 weeks, and go to the Intel room, your character states -hmm need a terminal to open this"- then proceeds to open it with the intel key you looted last time you were here... ofc you can then explore deeper, and find a second intel key.. Dumb.
  9. I went back to concord and was suprised to find a very kind, insanely generous and rich individual had completely restocked EVERY container in the place with valuable weapons, chems, ammo, treats etc. No-way in hell this would happen in a desperate survival wasteland. Is it possible/anyone willing to make it show a cells containers never/or very long respawn? I can see that people might re-occupy an area, but I don't buy them just haphazardly scattering value items throughout it. Edit: Additionally, there's the problem that when a cell resets, it resets nearly everything, take for example the satellite dish location near sanctuary, if you visit there after 2 weeks, and go to the Intel room, your character states -hmm need a terminal to open this"- then proceeds to open it with the intel key you looted last time you were here... ofc you can then explore deeper, and find a second intel key.. Dumb.
  10. Have to say I'm loving the brightness, wonderfully refreshing. Plus when a 'radiation storm' came in, it was all the more foreboding for the contrast. Graphic presets and ENB's will allow you to make it darker soon enough.
  11. In response to post #27601720. Incredibly salient point. Ofc, the fact the young are more free to 'game' the short survey, implicitly means they're also more free to visit the site in truth. Additionaly, i did it after being linked from Reddit.
  12. loots not perfect. try some manual rearranging.
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