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Posts posted by neiljwd

  1. I know for a fact I've only murdered 1 person, Heimskr, shut him up quick, when I was made Thane, as a Freebie, lol.


    Anyway, I noticed my Murder count was a t 3... weird but I shrugged it off, I wasn't quite such a goody too shoes in the 1st 10 hours, maybe I slipped.

    However I noticed Later it was 6! I reverted saves, went back to 3... It kept rising as I played.


    Anyway after narrowing down my actions etc etc, I singled it out to be the civil war Quest Line. Every time I assaulted a Fort, I'd have 2-3 extra murders on my record :(

    Is this a known issue? (forum searched murder, nothing) Is it MEANT to be this way?


    Can I use the console to remove them at all?


    But I know and hate that feeling of being lost, so just offering you some input.

    Steam Just released a beta of the next version of Skyrim, I believe SKSE has already (wow) updated to work with this latest version of Skyrim.


    If you've installed this VERY latest version of SKSE but haven't opted ito the beta, then it might be giving you that out of date message.

    Beta opt-in method on Nexus front page.

  3. Install ACE+ASIS?

    Change the combat so much you HAVE to rethink how you play?


    Other than that i's jsut discipline. Stick to a threshold and dont go past it.

    IE, my young naive girl joined the companions as she was a bit lost. but ran like the wind out of Whiterun when they said they wanted to make here A Wearwolf!

    >I< hated leaving a quest chain undone, but.. that's they key to roleplaying.


    Saying that you seem to want to role play as YOU, not roleplay, so not sure if any further advice from me can help. I'll shut-up.

  4. http://img39.imageshack.us/img39/5823/indexzo.jpg


    ANYTHING in the CK that's that shape please? Or even just 1 triangular panel that I could then slap together?

    Doesn't have to be pointy either, straight is fine, just need any 3 sided structure, of any size.


    If my request sounds stupidly simple, then that's because it is, and so am I :P

    Just don't know of a way to scroll through the stuff, like a gallery.

  5. This is what I have, looks beautiful runs well on my moderate 7/10 PC. - with a few performance enhancers that are not mods, but are on Nexus. 1 Mod i MUST MUST MUST recommend that doesn't have an .esp is BUMP TERRAIN! Simply brilliant rocks along side No Stretching, another none .esp. So Immersive with Moss On Rocks mod. And Vilja is the only .esp Mod recommend as Essential AND Brilliant, truly outstanding work that mod team.

    Edit: Black highlighted box should be red, ima paint noob.



    ^AWESOME link, has ALL THE great mods, and tonnes of under the radar ones.




  6. So returning after a year, I wanted to add something to my Skyrim experience, (besides 170 mods), so I'm roleplaying an young Imperial woman, who was mistakenly arrested crossing the border while gathering food.

    She obviously sided with the Imperial Hadvar, and took up an apprentaship under his uncle, the Blacksmsith, she's also been learning to hunt. Hoping to make friends she completed the Golden Claw quest, but it cost her new friend Sven his life, and she was mortified by the whole experience, and kissed the ground when exiting Bleak Falls Barrow, vowing off adventuring and ignoring 'the dragon problem; hoping they'll go away again, like they did for thousamds of years.



    Anyhoo. This is my 1st ever attempt at roleplaying, and it is adding a new dimension to my game, - but it is very one dimensional. I'm looking for some quests that will organically lead her down a darker path, and toughen her up some, maybe get her out seeing revenge? Just some motivation for her to become an adventurer.

    She can go exploring any of the holds for any quests, her overly protective father has bought her all the DLC, and will supply her with any mods she needs, so no suggestion is too much work. Please help her tackle the Skyrim game properly, as it's getting a bit slow as just a life simulator!

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