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About aznmaster206

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    United States

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  1. Are there mods that modifies how NPC react towards you based on what armor you wear? e.g arrest chars wearing thief/asassin armor in broad daylight, attack vampire armor wearing characters, arrest stormcloak wearing players in imperial cities and vica versa?
  2. I am getting a message "adding any more items to this mannequin will cause it to topple over! remove some items before trying to equip any more." The problem i have is that i remove some armor mods (that i equipped to the mannequin),played a bit, and tried putting more armor on the mannequin. the armor mods that i removed do not show up on the mannequin, but the mannequin still has the "armor" that is removed. Is there any way to reset mannequin?
  3. I have a question about attaching armor pieces together. Say, I have 4 body armor pieces (chest, belt, paldron, thigh) from the glass armor set. Since they all use the same texture file, I am trying to combine them together in 3dsmax so in nifskope, i only need to reassign 1 lightningshaderproperty instead of 4. Basically I tried these steps: 1) turn all 4 pieces into editable mesh 2) attach all 4 pieces together 3) smooth-->skinwrap-->BSDismember 4) select all-->export when i try to export this, 3dsmax crashes. Does anyone know what is wrong? How do i attach pieces that already have existing skins??? Thanks~~~
  4. I am wondering if it is possible to remove default armor from the forge list (for cleanup purposes) e.g Glass Armor, Iron Armor, Steel Armor, etc...
  5. Since not a lot of armor have been made around CBBEv3M, i am wondering how MAK07 was able to "delete"armor parts while maintaining the same UVmap? I have 3dmax, nifskope, and adobe suite. I read modifying armor guides and converted a few armor from vanilla to cbbe as testruns. But since MAK07 is japanese with poor english, i feel that it would be difficult for him to explain. Anyone know how he was able to "skimpify" armor without changing UVmap? it seems more smooth than making 100% transparencies in the texture file
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