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About TreborMarg

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    with myself xD
  • Favourite Game
    Oblivion, Morrowind and Warcraft 2 the RTS

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  1. Saw that you popped in. Figured Real Life swallowed you up. Hope all is well
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TreborMarg


      Yeps, sometimes a grunt job is necessary to get by until something better is available. I'm sort of looking for the same thing, or a new career these days also. Oh wonderful, I'm really glad to hear you'll take up screenie-ing again when you have more time. I will probably post some Skyrim pics after awhile myself. Been dying to play it forever and I'm so close I can taste it now, lol.
    3. MalachiDelacot


      Finished posting screenies of Gersilla's adventures in Skyrim some time back. Skyrim is a nice place to vacation in, but Cyrodiil will always be home.
    4. TreborMarg


      Oh yea, that kind of makes me want to go play Morriwind now too, lol, it's been years and I only played it on xbox. I forget who it was, but some years back a user here was posting these incredibly beautiful screenies of Morrowind, the kind I'd sit and stare at for a few minutes. I finally borked my Oblivion somehow and the menus all work perfect, but once out of the menus I get around 7 FPM I think (yes, that's 7 frames per Minute @_e ) and my textures are beyond screwy looking.
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