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About dirvish

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  1. This again huh. I hope everybody is using every possible means of DEFLECTION/DISPOSABLE information. Sure was a long enough notification delay though, not good. Watch your own, folks. Nobody is going to do it for you....
  2. Use categorys for Skyrim. Different contest for each major tag..... Overhauls, Home and abode mods, the follower mods, armor and weapon mods and whatever else. That might help give better exposure to all the mods, especially to those mod authors who have mods so good but so underated due to a waifu maker putting up boobs on the front page. Perhaps just have a contest for Skyrim follower mods and one for the rest of the Skyrim mods. I love the follower mods but I know some great mods got shuffled under too quickly because of boobs. I don't know about Skyrim SE, Fallout stuff. Couple of ideas anyway....
  3. Hey Robin and Company, Thanks for all of this , all the time. I have used and compared both new and old for several days now. Couple of inquirys... I do use a small Samsung tablet almost exclusively for the Web and for the Nexus including downloads. The old Web page let's me use the 2 finger touch zoom and zoom out functions so well. This new design does not. Tell me you can implement touchscreen control please. The second question is can you implement a simple text search function onto the mod page comments section? Instead of having to go to the forum thread to use that search function. Aesthetic subjects: The placement of statistics everywhere...... I just got home from work to watch the game, play the game and surf the Nexus. Whats with all the counters in everybodys face? Whats with all the busy busy busy? Erroneus for regular users and downloaders. The counters are in two different places on a mod page. Removing the counter statistics from right below the mod title would probably go a long way to relax this a little bit. It is way too much like being on the clock. The Nexus IS the premiere site to view some of the world's most creative and emboldened modders. Its a gallery.... Please relax the design a little bit. Nobody would be here if not for you and all the modders. Have Fun, be careful out there everybody. Edit: Why can't I report that ... ahem... mejoff person or facsimile of person mejoff, on the new or old site? Jerk!
  4. absolutely, positively a moment of limelight. I Win..... woot, yea, oh yea, yea oh yea..... I just can't believe it, oh my gosh... a shout out to my elementary school advisors to train and just train for this monumental achievement. Thank you... thank you everyone.......... I win, I Win.....
  5. The Nexus is a very unique, thinking persons website. It is a showcase for the unique and brilliant. Its not for people in a hurry, it should never be trendy. The look of this new design does feel cloned and unoriginal. It looks dumbed down also. That direct download button looks like nothing but trouble for mod authors... useful for the hurried, impulsive and those who cant be bothered by reading descriptions and comments. That button is a very bad idea. The random selection button sounds fun, provided functionality is precise to a specific game. The search functions are all that were lacking with the current design. I sure would like to see a search function for the mod comments page that does not require going to the forum page aspect. The new design is a nice start but.... nah. This is The Nexus, precedents and presence must be set. The design should be a direct reflection. Which, by the way, shows just as it is.....Whats next? I also want to say thanks and appreciate the part where we all get a voice. Thanks for this place Robin!
  6. In response to post #24653459. #24659509 is also a reply to the same post. Just saying Bethesda really just opened something way bigger than what they own. I will never pay anything to anyone when it is only available from 1 source. It is what has to happen. Mods or whatever..... monopolization can never be tolerated, ever. Argue amongst yourselves or whatever, Monopolization is wrong. Spendin money is a choice.... it is capitalization.
  7. Free modding has been permitted, it has been allowed, period. Bethesda made a speculation and the release of their CK's was permitted. They have allowed free modding. To them it has become a cash crop and it is harvest time. The selling of privately made mods is going to become a multimillion cash for product business. It is going to be heavily one sided and controlled. At this time, it is unfortunate Bethesda is still going through Steam. Steam is nefarious, proven by cash refund policies alone. Steam wallet... wtf... that's a "there's a sucker born every minute" stance. They won't see any business from me. Actually, not long after the last Skyrim update I isolated my rig from the Internet considering the forced update procedures of Steam. Even back then Steam made me feel I needed to protect my gaming file structures from forced update or even possible lockouts due to forced patching. I am perfectly content never having to participate in Steam anything ever again. It is here, it is a whole new game. Try not to get any nefarious on your shoes or in your modded games. Looking down the road, I do hope to see the Dark0ne at the helm of this wondrous and incredible place. Where I can come and download awesome content for Oblivion and Skyrim for free. See yah on the other side, hehe
  8. Hey there Can't do any manual dls. Anybody been able to report this?
  9. Not including real lfe, bring yourself and as many friends as you can. Skyrim is a breath of fresh air and a moment or two of wait, oh heck, and another breath of fresh air. Ohhh, wait, that was cool, then breath again. Bring yourself my friend, it is all you need.
  10. Yep 404 forbidden messages here also. All day. It's a big machine nowadays. They know and will have a fix before too long. Thanks to whomever is working on it right now. Check again tommorow.
  11. Hi Vagrant Are you one of those who can find the actual materials and stamina enough to create working tools by building a forge and tools necessary to create this crude shelter? Could you create that shelter? Do you know about the local plants and insects that would do you harm or good or how to administer first aid? Do you possess enough charisma and knowledge to help those that are in need of your help? Do you possess any first aid knowledge at all? Even in a dire situation can you save lives for all your technical knowledge before an EMT can arrive? I can and I would. I actually live less than 5 miles from a city with a population of over 3.7 million people. I will protect and help any of them from harm in any fashion. I have had to lift the still beating heart of an animal in distress while the Dr. untwisted their digestive system so that that animal would not die. I would do the same for you. For all of your assumptions and somewhat presumptuous commentary... I'll make you a snack... see those apples on that tree grab 3 or 4 for us and fetch me that 2 lb. iron skillet would you please? Can you start a fire? Alright I'll get that. I saw some sage and a honey comb not far back I'll get that too. I'll make you one of the finest snacks you've ever had but first I recommend a nice Lady and a dance for you good sir. :laugh: I recommend a good jig for everyone. Does the heart and body good. Not to mention the spirit. I'm sure your one... it only takes one. Create change... Thank you Vagrant. ;) ---d
  12. Yo Vagrant I will and have been one of those exceptions. One out of ten listen and are affected by making good change and by strong family men such as myself. I am not militant in anyway but thank you to those military who have provided their lives for the chance to write this out of my own volition and freewill. Some pretty serious history. That's just it, it is history. Me, I learned my lesson as a child and won't touch that hot burner again. Won't you? Things such as greed are like a fire. It will burn itself out when there is nothing left to burn. Then the people turn on the ruling classes and then they become the ruling class and everything begins all over again. Are you comfy sir? House paid off? Car paid off? Anybody have interest in your business, monetary interest that is. Do you have someone you care for who is not so comfy because of this repeating history? Create change... it only takes one. What's happening Folks, Everybody good?! Lets begin... Let me tell you about myself. I'll do it through the life of my son. I have a 13 year old kid. He is a kid who would rather find a good book, a real book that he sits and reads. He really does not care much for those giant plasma louder than life multimedia thingamajigs cluttering up the natural beauty of the art and paintings that we found from various local artists in our living room. I know this because he told me so.I think he is this way due to the fact that his dear departed mother had owned and run a small book store and he would go there after school. He educated himself a great deal by doing so... which kept me on my toes. Many times he would come to me and ask about things he had read that day. I found myself reading many of the same books he did. Him and I developed a certain before bedtime routine wherein he would ask me a question about this or that and I would do my best to answer or tell him I would find a better opinion or answer for him. I am in another of the best relationships I've ever had with another human being, in my son. We, M'lady, myself and my son, frequently go on outings. Hiking, fishing, hunting or out on a putt ( a putt being a ride out on the Harleys). Once in a while our friend and neighbor asks if we would like to take the horses out. My son says "Last one there gets the old mare!" He knows how to find water or food and how to shelter in the Grandest movie theater of all, Mother Nature. We go surfing and snorkeling but I must confess that dear ole dad here agrees with a boogey board much more these days. All of these things are here in the local vicinity and they don't cost much. In comparison to a family night out at the movie theater. The boy gets and maintains "B" averages in school though he did get a "c" but I think that's really because he started to like girls, Kendra in particular. I think I'll sit with him when he does that particular homework from that class. He has an exceptional relationship with m'Lady as he and I both realized our need to move on from his mothers death right about the same time. It was around six months after we all moved into this house that he came down for dinner at the dinner table and he asked "'tasha, can I call you mom?". Her and I looked at each other and I saw the glint and shine of a mom in her face. She walked over to him and said "can I call you son?" I could never have imagined finding love as sure as I had with my son's mother. I will go to fisticuffs or even more extreme measures if some poor fool tried to bring harm to mine. I think my son is going to be even more even-tempered and understanding with the same "I' don't make promises I do what say I'm going to do" attitude but he'll draw the same line as I. This afternoon he came in and asked if I wanted his help in rebuilding our neighbors old shed and part of their garage after a tree fell on it. He said he'd call and see if the new carburetor was ready for my Harley... my neighbor and I traded services during a poker game and a good bottle of whiskey and some beer. Its what neighbors do Occasionally we like to all get together and have at it in cards or we do a big BBQ. Anyways, I think I'll let my littleman drive the old Chevy pickup over to the neighbors this weekend... he would truly like that I think. He's built up a lot of confidence for himself these past years. My son has had to defend himself 1 time from one bully at school and well... he kicked that kids ass.Many of the other children and even a few parents came forward and put account that that kid was a bully and he deserved what he got. I blame that kids parents for not instilling the correct measure of friendliness, thoughtfulness and helpfulness in their children. Might be over exposure to violent multimedia stuff as well...they are good surfin' buddies now. I do know that my boy is going to be just fine and the people around him will and do benefit from his presence. I know m'Lady and myself are going to be just fine. We will en-devour at a small business start-up and I know the good folks where we live will support us.. We hope to be able to hire a couple of homeless blokes, in particular that retired veteran. The man has bigger callouses on his hands than I do... says a lot to me. Oh by the way, I did marry that fine Lady she's the only other one I felt truly confident about. Confident, self reliant and independent. Takin' her dancin' tonight. Little advice to all you guys... learn to cut a rug. Only three things for sure.. death, taxes and that Lady over there wants to dance. How are you Ladies and your kids? How is everybody? These are good times folks, make it happen. Create change even if it takes longer than you thought. Have fun be safe out there. If you ride a motorcycle.... pay attention, watch those folks turning left in front you especially. Maybe I'll tell you about that and health care? What are you going to do? ---d
  13. To continue perhaps there might be good folk with incredible ideas who because of circumstance have had to start all over again in much smaller and degraded positions. Circumstance created by more often than not the wealthiest. Ideas such as a place in the local mall where people can go to vote on every issue and every legislation being looked at to be presented to the legislative branch. The peoples interested in casting their voice and vote must present a learned and comprehensive knowledge of the subject they are interested in looking at and/or taking action upon. I know a few people who gave this place a name... Uncle Sams Voting Booth. Shops in England, Greece, Germany, India, Spain, Japan, South America ,places for all the good folk from Russia, the Middle East and certainly China where an individual can have voice. I could have simply said globally but my friend says to brushup on my grammar 101. How am I doin? How ya doin? Good to see ya! Hehehe. Same idea, aimed at large business that some have dubbed the Merchants Inn, a place where any intelligent individual has say on who get to make the Board regardless of stock ownership or people that they would know. Based again upon a demonstrated and comprehensive knowledge and history of the person in question. Actually it was M'Lady who brought that idea to the table. I presented an idea at our own little conference table. The idea that if someone who has obtained a position over a large workforce, who conducts large volumes of monies based upon their knowledge and experience, education and the people they know and who has already made so much monies... why give them more? If that particular individual has reached a position of such power and vast amount of monies they should be able to orchestrate and fulfill their needs with what they already have. In my humble opinion, the position they have achieved is the prize. Any more than that is just commonly called greed. Many of the major and minor sport organizations have installed salary caps but few of the actual owners have any cap, they own the team. Is that not the prize... what the heck? Don't these giants have enough peanut butter, bread and jam in the cupboard? The yachts and warehouses full of cars and other priceless artifacts... I'm certain some of the things they have in their cupboards have got rotten because they don't even remember that purchase. To the point... in my humble opinion, just how big does the so called 'Brass Ring' have to be? Won't you get up from your chairs and set aside the idea that monies hold so much over your life... you are larger than any monies owed to someone you don't even know. Become that small merchant. I myself would rather come to your establishment for my peanut butter, bread and jam and simply walk by the giant (as we here do fight the giants in this manner, it is much less expensive) ... you could try and find some way to attract more people like myself who would certainly direct others to your place. Just keep an eye on what the real prize is... you are the owner. You did it. When you make enough monies to take care of your future, the future of your children and theirs... you don't need anybody or yourself to pat your back ever again. Get up folks, I know there are so many doing things that only get them by and you good sir and you wonderful lady will never know your true happiness. Time fir gears and beers folks... but it is my turn to handle the gears so there will be none of the other tonight... there it is. Have fun, be safe out there! What are you going to do? ---d
  14. Hey Folks I can have a lot to say... it is from living experience. I have nothing if not enthusiasm and motivation for the continued enjoyment of all our lives. It is ours so fight for what is yours. I believe in people such as Robin Scott and Colourwheels,Emma,Cenobite,Apachii, and so many many others who make my time more enjoyable just playing a game. There are so many more homeless people than from previous years just down the street. I have gotten to know some of them and they are good folks. I know that they would be very happy to just play when the day is done. For real, I was born in Wyoming and grew up in Colorado in the USA. I am not young anymore. It is hard but I do rise and fight those who would diminish our way of life through unrepresented taxation, banks that go through the loops created by those who would support these unrepresented taxes. This is international and does have consequence on all our lives. I have a lot to say I guess... I won't quit, I won't stop. In every country and on every continent you will help won't you? Create change! What are you going to do? ---d
  15. to you Ivegon, Thank you. Culturally it will continue yet the wars, poverty and hunger can surely be done away with. It is 2012 and yet we still put up with and provide the means while we say its still just going to happen. Where is your voice really? C'mon get up! What are you going to do? Ivegon... really like the name. I am an expert at that also. due respect ---d
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