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Everything posted by CrzyFooL

  1. I took some light armor perks but completely ignored smithing. I didn't write any of it down however, sorry :-(
  2. I'm going to write a 1 million word article detailing my adventures in Skyrim. This is a lie.
  3. Thanks! Did you see any dremora? or deadra creatures? I love hunting those things! Nope.
  4. The water in the rivers will push you downstream and the snow will come down so hard you can barely see. What else would you like to know?
  5. You can 'push' with any two handed weapon, I wouldn't exactly call it a melee weapon though. And there is plenty of Rangery armor. Not sure if any of it is 'called' Ranger armor however. You're welcome!! \m/_((><))
  6. First person to count the number of pop culture references in my preview gets a sweet Skyrim poster from Quake Con!! ^__^
  7. I could, but there's not much that hasn't already been noticed and in the words of Aaron Lewis... that ain't me.
  8. Hey guys, Thanks for all the great feedback so far! Please don't be too hard on anyone who isn't into my preview, my herp derp gonzo narrative writing style isn't for everyone. \m/_((><))<3
  9. Feel free to comment, tweet, like and +1 on the article. If you dig it, share it with your friends! I'll be passing it around the internet tomorrow. For now, I rest.
  10. A new thread appears!! It's super effective!!
  11. Hey guys, sorry for the delays and thank you all for being so patient. If you're planning on going out tonight, you may need to bookmark my preview. It's almost 7000 words long and spans 8 pages. What follows is a detailed description of my three hour adventure in Skyrim, which should hopefully answer some of the questions you asked me weeks ago, but likely raises even more. I hope you enjoy it \m/_((><))<3 http://www.ripten.com/2011/10/29/three-hours-with-skyrim-two-brave-bosmers-and-one-lying-khajiit/ I'm not going to be talking about this preview or posting it anywhere else tonight. I could use some rest... and a drink. Cheers, p.s Feel free to bother me any time @DaveOshry on Twitter or email me at [email protected]
  12. My preview is currently 7 pages and 5000 words. Almost finished ^__^
  13. Reviewing games sucks. Thankfully they've given the press two weeks with Skyrim. Usually we get games a week before release IF that. A lot of times a game will show up on a Friday afternoon and the embargo will lift that coming Tuesday. Goodbye weekend. Don't envy them. Not only do they have to blast through and analyze Skyrim in two weeks, their reviews will be held up to criticism the world over. Just some food for thought. ^__^
  14. I want nothing to do with the console version of Skyrim, plus she lives up in LA which is two hours away :-p
  15. I don't have a copy. My features editor Stephanie got it today for Xbox 360. I will wait patiently for the PC version to unlock with the rest of you. ^__^
  16. Sorry man, I was on the road for 3 weeks and I've only been home for 4 days :-\ Now I feel like a poohead. I know you don't disappoint in your articles...so close to the release will still be awesome. "All the crap filled the gap" until your article, haha. [: No worries. ^__^ +1 FOR THE HARRY PARTRIDGE REFERENCE!! Ok, back into my writing cave I go... which is my high rise apartment in downtown San Diego...
  17. Sorry man, I was on the road for 3 weeks and I've only been home for 4 days :-\
  18. I'm finishing it as we speak. Sorry for the delays. And yes, we publish stories 24/7 ^__^ RipTen doesn't pay me by the way, I own RipTen. Wait... so yes, it does pay me... :-p
  19. I was making breakfast!! I HAD TOASTED DAEDROTH!! Speaking of daedroth, did you see any Daedra other than what we have seen in the videos so far? I'm curious of dremora especially. Nope.
  20. haha, no, it will be live this week ^__^
  21. I was making breakfast!! I HAD TOASTED DAEDROTH!!
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