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Everything posted by Hallabalooga

  1. If I do have to decide then it would be Spectraverse, since destruction is destruction (and about time someone made it into something more than just damage, and more damage and even more damage. Your first spellpack was a nice start in that direction). Although, never being a fan of illusion school, was hoping that your mod will convert me. So its a hard choice.
  2. Mmmm...nice. My only gripe would be the day use of once per day mechanic (it's a reason I don't usually bother with race powers), if it was possible to set it to play time, since 24 h sleep/wait between every major battle is annoying, for me at least. Although technically it could be considered a nerf, as one wouldn't be able to influence the amount of time one can use it in 1 playing session, but it would make it less of a hassle to use though. Argonian is best! Although I quite like the high elf too. Would love to play as a dunmer finally (my very first playthrough in morrowind, good times), although I need to actually see the racial in action to decide.
  3. Tamriel, where everything always tries to kill you. Death sqauds sound intriguing, just hope they won't come too often and become as annoying as vanilla dragon attacks.
  4. So deliciously evil! Mesmerverse is shaping up to be a mod to use if you want to play a truly evil character. How did that tired old meme go? Oh yeah, me gusta.
  5. No graphics or gameplay can justify taking a s*** on a historic "wound" of such magnitude. And you know what, enough is enough, internet is not only western anymore, so get used to this fact as soon as possible, unless you want to get these kinds of things continue to shock you in the future. So yes, Enai is right and thread author should carefully study his last sentence, hint : market is an important word.
  6. I think I read somewhere that new words are impossible, as it either can't be done in that engine or breaks something. Plus, who will do the voiceacting for the shout then?
  7. Why is it confusing? It's not like Bethesda has patented the words and stripped them off all other nuanced meanings. I personally had no trouble making the connnection with destruction and fury, about time someone tried to make destruction school into what it should be. P.S. Always wanted to see something akin to bending form the Avatar the Last Airbender series in a game, but the "destruction" magic in games always falls into boring category for some reason. Too bad skyrim engine will probably severly limit the flashiness, but oh well, one can dream. The only game that springs to mind is Magicka, but it was made entirely around that consept, and can't really be used as an example for an rpg.
  8. Oops...haven't read the post right...I though it said magnitude of shout according to speech lvl (which is a perk in skyre). Beats me how I came to this conclusion, lol. Sorry.
  9. So if used with skyre one of the perks is a waste? Can't remember if it was essential to to take to open up other perks, hope not. On a side note, what about the other shout mods, that modify (enpower, since they are weak) the existing shouts, compatibily will be an issue now, I suppose. If yes, may I suggest you look at the vanilla shouts too? Firebreath is kinda essential, since, well it's firebreath. Can't help with double tap, I'm terrible with cool names...even naming characters fells like labor.
  10. Well you did say its because it just can't load everything, although I don't see how, when even my prehistoric laptop can, it crashes. So a separate forge will relieve the strain on misc category in the forge menu and still have everything available. Have to confess though, haven't got to master lvl staves yet, so could it be that it starts there?
  11. I'm all for a special forge...used one in an addon for skyre enchantable clohing, can't remembr the name, lol
  12. I do understand your reluctance on relying on other mods which make shouts more spammable, but you will still have to consider them. "Mechanics that reduce an active shout cooldown when a condition is met" for example could lead to shout-machinegun characters if used with other mods, but then again, if it is an abilty with a long cooldown, it could be considered a OMG I WILL BE KILLED MOMENT last resort and not be that bad.
  13. Disbelieve...sounds intriguing, will it work similar to vanilla lvl cap of spells or lvl difference between you and target or something else (like random)? Also, since you mentioned Vaermina, will you be altering the artifact? Something like an optional download that changes the effect. Because it's just so boring as it is now, a lot of work for a simple damage increase, bweh.
  14. I'm confused, dreamstealing works only on named npcs, but the second part kills them...aren't many named npc essential in skyrim? Sounds like it will be even more work for power than Dwemerverse. p.s. never was a fan of illusion, since it's very boring and uninspired in vanilla, even skyre doesn't make it great. Maybe this will. Will try it out. I wonder if i will be able to play skyrim as a pacifist, never seem to be bale to. P.S.OFF TOPIC Tried out your doomstone + racial packages. OMG! Insane! Just made a halbert weilding high elf, autoheal + auto spellcast pretty much spells WIN on a melee character. Thank you!
  15. Is that for every shout? If so, it might get a little to tedious to get 1000 (or is it 1500 to fully learn a shout?) points for each shout one wants. Althought, it will be easy to patch, I guess, just decrease the number or make the deeds net a bigger point reward.
  16. So vocalize shout will let me save up 3 master lvl desctruction spells and cast them at once...and then sit and watch the fireworks? :devil: Also, GGG? Is that a hint or just giggle?
  17. Haven't used the original since I always found shouts to have an unnecesarry hassle to use - why do I have to wait untill it gets to the highest lvl? If it was possible to bind favourite shout along with the lvl of its power to a specific key, I would seriously consider using shouts for more that occational utility and fun.
  18. So, if the robes are associated with different aedra and daedra, does that mean there will be a multitude of "learning spots", and will they have different shouts to learn?
  19. I'm all for the direct learning (just need to be carefull not to ruin the main quest, but since its you, I'm not worried), since other ideas are far too tedious and require one to play the game a certain way, which is a nono.
  20. Just gonna put it out there. Could you confider changing druid to shaman? A cosmetic change, but will a . diffirentiate the mod from other nature oriented ones (there are at least two in the works I know of) b. shamans are way cooler :biggrin:
  21. :biggrin: Nice! The =SECRET= one is especially intriguing. Do you still intend to create other gear besides the staves and necklace?
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