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Everything posted by Hallabalooga

  1. Those ice spikes look great, I never liked the vanilla spikes - far too big, so when they pierced the enemy they look silly, these on the other hand look awesome.
  2. This is coming up very very nicely! P.S. Player Character - "I'm just a druid minding my own business...I love nature and all its elements" ........... Player Character - "Oh, I need reagents for my spells, cut down those trees!!!" But seriously, it does sound like a fun feature, I just hope the trees will grow back somehow".
  3. Why Tolfdir? I personally would find him pretty inconvenient vendor, as one is forced to go through first stages of the college quest in order to have an easy access to him, plus he's not really a dwemer expert. Arniel or Calcermo would be better candidates in my opinion, well maybe not Arniel, as he becomes a ghost, lol Fool's Gold sounds intriguing. Edit Oh, I get it i is Tolfdir cause it's alteration school mostly, alright then. Although, he's still inconvenient.
  4. The problem is that it is a mine, so you will always have to set it up instead of spontaneous pushing/throwing, + being carefull not to throw yourself.
  5. Not sure about blowout mine (can't seem to think of any situation when it would be better than a shout/push spell/throw etc which can be aimed), but Blasting Charge looks awesome, although dangerous for companion/civilian/stupid guard safety. Edit I guess launching Nazeem into the air would be fun for a while, so I'll take, lol.
  6. Who cares about Nazeen? I would love to dsipatch groups of bandits this way... and every one of them would die in a different wany. :biggrin: Nope, Nazeem takes precedence over some nameless pathetic bandits. Just killing him in different ways is not enough already, I need some creative ones!
  7. I dunno about the birds, but random stuff sounds fun (another way to amuse oneself with torturing Nazeem, I hope there will be some effects that make his life hell, mwahahahahaha!!).
  8. Judging by the name, Loot Magnet would indeed be awesome. Also, Rockets! P.S. Did I detect an amulet with an armor rating?
  9. How about heat-vision goggles? Once equipped, give a lesser power that has custom animation (or maybe just shout animation) and blast the opponent with intense heat, before going on cooldown. So essentially it will be like a technological shout.
  10. How about all of the above? But if I do have to rate then its the lamp, loot detector (unless the script will be too heavy), ray and mines. throwing bombs would be cool too (yes I know there is already a mod for that, but still). All matter of soulgem powered gadgets would be cool, like maybe a spider-mount, stun-rays, mind-control helmets (the goofier the look the better), some sort of anty-gravity ray, telekinesis-like ray/spell to use on enemies and throw them down canyons and mountains, force-fields, shockers (electrocute in apocalypse, only in staff/raygun form), and don't forget flamethrowers and acidspitters (fuel could be made via alchemy).
  11. Utility in what way? Just stuns, roots, slows, teleports or they will have low damage with some special effects? P.S. Love the Bloodstar
  12. YES!! Between this, dwemer goggles and skyre's animaculi I can see a potentially very fun playthrough. And... plasma balls *drools*.
  13. Have the same thing, but I guess that is what happens when you trust the addons, which are always specificly said to be causious with...
  14. Some kind of auto casting of sertain spells would make the game for mages much easier and more interesting. Right now there is too much micromanaging that leaves no room for immersion at all. As a warrior you need only a couple of items in the quickslots, but as a mage it becomes very annoying to pause ten times in a battle to switch spells. That makes the actual fighting as a warrior interesting and even cinematic, while as a mage it's just annoying.
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