In response to post #68716941. #68723861, #68735286, #68737571, #68739056, #68739171, #68740636, #68745321, #68747631, #68747731, #68748276, #68749311 are all replies on the same post. In my "defense" (since they felt the need to bring up my contribution), I only "stiched" embed images together. The main picture that is photoshopped happens to be a thumbnail for the set iself, which kinda makes sense in my opinion to be edited (because my sets are always about the embed content, not the "main" photo). I didn't really want to pay much attention to this whole thing, but this person just got angry about certain user and decided to attack them with their bias, but Napoleon has stood up for the user and the thing certainly escalated into this. It was, for sure, to be expected, that when the talk comes about certain prize, a behavior like this may take place (money can really make people lose their heads, even if we speak of relatively small numbers). I hope this doesn't discourage nor Napoleon&Excellentium, not Staff. The event is awesome and I'm sure it's more about the participation itself than winning for most people (it was for me like that for sure, because it kinda just motivated me to do some theme I've been meaning to do to demonstrate mainly the artistic side of my contributions rather than any other side that may hypothetically be). Themes like this drive imagination pretty well, because you have a concept to work with, and usually it only depends on your perception. For me it's already been a pleasure, no matter what may be the result of this event.