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About LdGilmoure

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  1. I use world space mods: Whiterun Hold Forest, Dark Forests of Skyrim, and ETC/Expanded Towns and Cities. I am always adjusting trees and other outdoor features to make things fit. Is there a way to save all these adjustments from one game and convert it into a mod so things remain fixed? I've used Jaxonz's Game To Mod for interior cells/locations but don't know how to do things for world space. Thanks!
  2. My current play-through is doing Legacy of the Dragonborn collector's mod. Could easily see this being adapted to using a newb from Earth scenario.
  3. I've had this idea as well. I love portal fantasies (bog-normal Earthling ends up in other world(s)) and all the pieces are available for this with Skyrim+Mods. Live Another Life / Skyrim Unbound / Random Alt Start for setup and gear ourfit game play mods to restrict new player use of weapons and armor (not gonna run around in steel plate swinging a great sword right away) modern clothing mods ported to Skyrim (Fall Out clothes and skyrim university togs: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/35297 ). I just don't know how to create a LAL add-on or edit other alt start mods so character is dumped in random place with earth gear.
  4. I use Random Alternate Start Reborn for my random starts. With a new game, after you create your character, it asks what starting gear kit would you like: merchant, thief, ect. I would like for there to be an Earth Clothes kit, for the scenario someone has been transported from Earth to Skyrim. There are Earth clothes mods out there, adding jeans/t-shirts/sneakers/hoodies, etc but I don't know how to put together something like this. Or really any kind of mod. Earth Clothes Examples: Natsuno clothes mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/95055 Skyrim University Gear: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/35297 Thanks!
  5. AutoVanity Ini Settings (not just disable): https://wiki.step-project.com/Guide:Skyrim_INI/Camera#bDisableAutoVanityMode The Setting: fAutoVanityIncrementfAutoVanityIncrement sets the speed at which the vanity camera spins around the player character with values lower than the default reducing the speed and values higher than the default increasing the speed. Default is 0.0099999998. fAutoVanityIncrement=(...,-0.0001,0,0.0001,...)
  6. Years ago I came across an alternate start (not Live Another Life or Skyrim Unbound, I think) that would drop you at a random X,Y coordinate in Skyrim, rather than at an actual place. Would love to find that one again.
  7. I play with a self rule that I can't wear any armor pieces I find until I improve them at a work bench. Or if I create something new from the forge. Would this work as a mod; is there a way to get Skyrim to go/no-go on wearing armor like this?
  8. Cool, thanks man! Many years later and your how-to is still helping folks.
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