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Status Updates posted by Ogramirad

  1. Bummer Deal, :( HD Crash. Down for repairs. :(
  2. Howdy My Friend, I see you dropped by my page yesterday. :)

    How are things for you besides freezing your lower extremities off Lately? ;)

  3. Welcome Back Bernt. :)
  4. Welcome Back! :p
  5. You are Most Welcome. :)
  6. Thanks. :) And Done Deal on the Friends.. lol ;)
  7. Thanks for the Information My Friend, I have been getting the urge to play some Fallout 3 myself, but I am still enjoying Fallout New Vegas so that may be awhile yet... lol
  8. Nope not playing yet, I am still saving yup for my new computer, so I can play it the right way, still playing Fallout New Vegas, and thinking about giving Fallout 3 another run though maybe since it has been a long time now sine I played it. Other than that I am doing ok, I guess, Good To Hear From You Too. :)
  9. Hey Pal, How you been. :)
  10. Here you go, thought you might like this, and I actually have that radio, I don't have the player though but I am working on that.. lol

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