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About bethjunkie

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    United States
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    Fallout 3

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  1. Oh things are changing but it won't have any effect on the dollar sign starry eyes. I'm so sick over this that I damn sure won't upload my mods anywhere ever again. I most likely will not even mod for myself. I've had a lot of fun and met a lot of great people here through the years, some mod authors, some screenshooters and videomakers, some mod users. Hell, I met my husband here and I'm forever thankful to Robin for the site for that reason. I am not thankful for the "Screw you, got mine" ultimatum we've been handed. Pretty glad we didn't send him a wedding invitation now :confused:
  2. Lurking... >_> <_<
  3. I'm a we. I needed a mod like this a year ago but not enough to consider making one. I really wanted a Fallout where we spent a good bit of the game in the pre war world. Instead of making the entire world prewar and leaving the quests as they are, I would have preferred to pre-warify a portion of the map from Sanctuary to Concord, Lexington and Diamond City. Alter the beginning of the game and have the player actually spend time with the family we're meant to care about, maybe even go to a baseball game. Then the next time you go home to your Sanctuary house the MQ starts and the game as we know it begins. Oops, guess I wandered off a little there. Sorry.
  4. Welcome Introvert Marc! Fellow Oceanic Flight 815 passenger here :) Hope you enjoy your stay at the Nexus. There are a lot of great people around here (and a few jerks but they generally get themselves banned soon enough).
  5. THIS game would make me play again especially if you could go into the Hoover Dam battle with Pack Raiders and a few Reiklings by your side. Damn, that would be some fun stuff.
  6. I... I stole a lot of salt and pepper shakers. The world is doomed to a lifetime of bland food! Mwahaha! :D
  7. Joker! :dance: Where's Roy with that Kermiting gif when we need him?
  8. I am happy for the first time in a very long time. Win!
  9. No such thing as winter in the South. We just have Hot, Hotter-Than-The-Devils-Buttcrack and Still-Hot-But-Bearable-In-A-Tank-Top. No win :/
  10. The third garden gnome is unused and has the same model as the destroyed garden gnome. The Pool Balls are pretty rare. I think there's one in the Robco Factory, one in Fort Constantine and a few in the utility tunnel on your way to the Metro in Broken Steel. They're the same model as the regular cue ball and can be used as RockIt Launcher ammo, sold, or shoved in a filing cabinet with the rest of your junk.
  11. But which Commonwealth's people is this recruitment announcement meant for? Sure, you might find a coupla people from the Southeast or Northwest Commonwealths to do some grunt work but really your best chance is with going straight to the Columbia Commonwealth. Introduce your big opportunity fella to theirs and Bada boom, project done. Or at least that's what all those Dragons Den ripoff shows have taught me.
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