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Everything posted by ThePrinceofDarkness

  1. Welp, I've been busy with school again, and I'm absolutely hopeless at editing textures apparently, so I'm going to step down from the project until I manage to make something to contribute. If I manage to ever figure something out and help out, I'll do so, but until then, consider me dropped. Sorry mate.
  2. I'm using Photoshop CS5 now too, I have the whole Adobe Creative Suite, but thanks for informing me of the plugin! I'll check out Paint.net and start working on stuff, thanks mate!
  3. While I do agree that the towns have gotten smaller, the five "major" holds all have FAR better design than Vanilla Oblivion cities. Major Vanilla Skyrim holds are almost on par with modded Better Cities Oblivion. Of course, the minor holds are really disappointing. They're more like big villages, which would be okay in theory, but places like Dawnstar and Falkreath according to the lore, are actually supposed to be bigger and more grand. Then again, war and all... Once the CK is released, and a Better Cities is released for Skyrim, the minor holds will hopefully be improved.
  4. I tried opening some of the texture files with Photoshop to start working on them, but it appears that the textures aren't opened by Photoshop. What program would I use to open the dds files and begin re-texturing?
  5. This trend's been around for a while, it's not going anywhere, it's not necessarily "growing". The amount of people getting into modding in general is growing, so while it may seem adult mods are growing, it's only because mods in general are. Also, there are no laws against nudity or pornography mods, as long as they are only available to people over 18, as already handled by the Nexus. The Nexus also has rules set in place for adult mods, no rape, bestiality, pedophilia, etc. If any of these mods were published, they'd be taken down fast, and if the site was threatened to be taken down, there would be time for the Nexus sites to resolve whatever issue they have. Sites don't instantly vanish.
  6. I've been following this thread for a while, excited for the mod, and now that I've checked it out, I have to say, wow, job well done! It's rough in a few areas, but it shows great potential, and I can't wait to see how it grows ^^ On that note though, I have photoshop, and I would like to help out with the texturing process. I've never re-textured before, and only roughly know how to do it, but I was wondering if I could join and attempt to help contribute what I can to this? Thanks.
  7. Listen, as a game developer, graphics don't matter. There is such as thing as stylization versus realism. I prefer stylization myself, as realism will ALWAYS be lacking. To whoever said, "I dare you to put your graphics on minimum", actually, I have them on minimum. I use a cell-shader for Skyrim, and I play with textures as minimized as possible to give it a "stylized" look, because I prefer it over realism. Second of all, Bethesda released the game with bad graphics and expected modders to fix it? What the hell. Listen, you must not play many indie games, am I right? You probably don't know a spec of how games are made. Games work on a schedule. Games have to be put out by the end of that schedule on a certain budget. That budget gets spent on gameplay, writing, voice actors, design, and graphics. On this limited time and budget, artists do what they have to in order to keep up with the textures. Bethesda actually had plenty of time and money, and it still shows. Have you looked at some of the texture files? They're actually pretty high quality. The game looks great as it is, and just works. We've hit, (or are pretty damn close to hitting) a graphics platau. As long as it doesn't pull you out of the immersion, and looks beautiful, it works. It gets the job done, and other aspects of the game are worked on. The only reason modders can make better textures, is because this is leisure to them. They have unlimited time and it doesn't cost money, it's a hobby. As to the "movie" comparison, it obviously shows what you know about movies. "Special Effects" are not comparable to graphics, if anything, the Camera work is. The textbook example of PERFECT black and white filmography is Citizen Kane. Sure the story is a bit meh, sure there isn't much action or adventure, but the camera work and film proficiency is amazing. Whereas you could have a very poorly filmed and designed movie, that has several special effects. Even action or Sci-fi could be done relatively well with little to no special effects. Just go watch any art-house film.
  8. Ysolda. She's the Nord merchant in Whiterun. I love her characterization and role she plays in a few quests. They really worked on her budding merchant, yet ambitious personality quite a bit.
  9. This made me cringe with pain. That sounds like a lot of characters. Do you not mod much, or only re-roll for major load order changes? I normally roleplay with my characters myself, so I re-roll new characters that will fit whatever guild/build I'm doing, and will re-roll if I install major overhauls, or accumulate a lot of smaller gameplay changing mods. But imagining a re-roll for every single mod sounds painful x.x OT: Depends on the DLC. If it's like Shivering Isles and adds a new area/quests, I will probably go off of whatever roleplay character I have that it fits with. If it changes the game in any big way, I'll probably re-roll.
  10. You know this is project is already being done right? It started up here but was taken down due to legal issues, so no doubt this thread will get locked too. I would link, that that would probably be frowned upon. Just PM Cire992 and ask him about project DC to Vegas. We have both ESMs running and we have both of the lands and quests running, much of the stuff is glitchy and not working correctly. I don't want to get too much into it for fear of mod wrath, but this is being worked on and is possible, if you wanna help just ask Cire992. We could use testers and a few modders to help with scripts and such.
  11. Yes, but you gotta get to that point I don't believe you can gamble at primm actually. You would need chips and they don't have a chip refund thing, and none of their stuff works for gambling. guess I'll just have to return my 1/4 million chips to the casino in Prim where I won them. BTW since this isn't in the spoilers forum I cannot tell you how. Ahh *spoilers* Did you make Primm Slimm Sheriff? I don't believe I have this option with Meyers, but then I haven't been to Primm often, hafta go back... *end spoilers*
  12. Steam. Heh that actually got a chuckle out of me. Good wor- *throws computer tower at above poster* *breathes deeply and creepy* I... told you... not to say... STEAAAAAM!!!!! Jking jking. I kinda understand the people who don't like Steam, I was one like that, but if you just trust Valve you will like it. I mean 70-90% Discounts around holidays, auto-updates, it's made by Valve of all people, it's pretty good.
  13. Yeah Goodsprings just relied on being nostalgic enough to Redding from Fallout 2. Glad you stuck with it though, the game does get much better characterized and grey. You probably get what I mean by grey now that you got to the NCRCF as they were slaves and only raid to survive. As you go on you will find NCR aren't as good as you thought and Ceasar's Legion not as bad as you thought. Give it some time and it has amazing writing, dialogue, characters, and atmosphere. I like it much better than Fallout 3. I dun wanna spoil to much, but keep playing, you'll like it.
  14. Yeah yeah there was, and so there is in New Vegas. But I don't think the electricity and stuff is overdone, remember, this is the West, unlike the idiots in the East, the West survivors have agriculture and government, and with these you get the ability to create and sustain energy. Fallout 3 was very bleak with very little humor, and while the other fallout games are bleak, the humor and environment outweighs the rest. If you have played Fallout 1 and 2, then I call you a heretic for believing that the games are supposed to be the bleak result of mankind's hubris. You must have obviously started with Fallout 3, took that game as god, then played the rest. For the rest of us who have been playing Fallout since it was released, Fallout 3 as a game was very good, but as cannon was failure. It was depressing. It was green. It was cramped. Fallout 3 was that bleak punishment of mankind's hubris. Whereas Fallout 1 was sorta depressing, but it had that feeling of a great pilgrimage, of discovery. You really felt like the Vault Dweller since you would have had no experience coming into this. All the new settlements and places were new and fantastic. Whereas in Fallout 2, you played a tribal, that had basic knowledge of the wastes. New players were wowed and old players had that same sense of familiarity yet the feeling of discovering something new. The true fallout experience is not one of harsh post-apocalypse survival, but one of renewal. The land have been mostly tamed, agriculture is abound, people are beginning to rebuild life! The Brotherhood of Steel and the NCR are working towards reusing old technology, trade is going on, so on and such. What makes Fallout special is seeing what happens after people rebuild from a 40s sci-fi distopia. It's like A Boy and His Dog and Mad Max combined. Sure it's post-apocalypse like Mad Max, which is what Bethesda followed mostly, but it's also supposed to be darkly humorous and kinda amazing like A Boy and his Dog. Go watch the movie. They still have old movie theaters up showing pornography, and a man leads a group of slaves on this caravan like thing, or the underground society of people in clown make-up living a sci-fi 40's life. True fallout is more A Boy and His Dog than Mad Max, sure it IS kinda Mad Max, but not to the level of Fallout 3, which was a gritty survival Post Apocalypse game. After 280 years people are not going to act like the bombs just fell. Most of the people were born after the war, pre-war is just a distant memory. This is the way of life for people, sure it sucks, but they were born with it, it i not Post-Apocalypse survival, it is a brand new world! I like New Vegas for that reason, The BoS and NCR with all of their resources have taken back electricity, House saved the electricity and spared New Vegas from the bombs, and the Western Atmosphere int he wastelands is perfect. buddy, fallout in the middle of nowwhere like Redding, Klamath, Goodsprings, that IS fallout with cowboys and lazers. Get used to it. Technically Bethesda got saved for trashing cannon. The East got hit the worst and thus most of the place is just about beyond saving. The super-mutants are 2nd generation and thus they are dumb, so on and such. Fallout 3 WAS gritty post-apoc survival because that was the life over there. However back West with the NCR and what not, things have been made anew. Sorry buddy, but the Fallout series is NOT gritty post-apoc survival. New Vegas is just like Fallout 2. Sure Fallout 2 and New Vegas might be a bit more funny than 1, but 1 is still NOWHERE near Fallout 3. Go actually play the games or read the Fallout Bible. Learn2cannon
  15. Yes, but you gotta get to that point I don't believe you can gamble at primm actually. You would need chips and they don't have a chip refund thing, and none of their stuff works for gambling.
  16. What he said. but DUDE. I told you this twice, he told you this, someone else told you this, and yet you made 3 new threads and asked this question in other threads, is we have not answered the question please tell us so, and maybe try using correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation to help us fully understand the question, by saying, i not haz game file, we are left to fill in the blanks on what you mean. Do you mean the folder for the game? Do you mean the launcher file? What do you mean by mod to? Install mods you downloaded? Make your own mods? If you continue spamming topics and hijacking other threads I'll report you to a mod, if one hasn't already noticed. If we are not answering your question PLEASE use the search bar and look for other threads, or google it, or find a wiki, just don't make a mess of our forums dude.
  17. You mean to MAKE mods for New Vegas right? Because you don't need the GECK to install already made mods. I have about 10 mods and I didn't even grab the GECK yet. the question was how to mod FO NV (or at least that's what i understood) but no, for installing mods, you only need the mods and the game Yeah, but How to mod gamez!? is noob talk and can easily be mistaken for how to install. Oh well. Either way he should know how to do these things now. theres no file for new vegas for some reason idk why it might be cause its installed to steam or does everybody who has this game have it installed to steam What do you mean there is no file for New Vegas? And everybody uses Steam for Fallout New Vegas unless it is pirated as that is required. Are you having trouble locating the folder? If you need to run the ESM in the GECK just put the GECK files in the data folder. i tried opening file location but all it brings up is microsoft games and new vegas and i also did pay 50 bucks for the game What? Okay, I'll try to guide you through the folders, but it might be different for you depending on OS. Go to My Computer. Double click /C/ Find and double click to open a folder named Program Files /86/ OR just Program Files depending on your OS Find and double click the folder named Steam find and double click the folder names Steamapps find and double click the folder named common find and double click the folder Fallout: New Vegas There you are, if you want to install mods though, double click the Data folder in that one. also extract your geck to that Data folder.
  18. That' good to hear. Hopefully you get hat NPC problem fixed. When do you think you'll have this up and running?
  19. Iunno. I think that there, if possible, should be two versions. One which starts you out in the capitol wasteland with the main quest and the dialogue about you being a wanderer, and you can travel to New Vegas. And being able to start as the courier o New Vegas with that main quest, and being able to go to the Capitol wasteland. It would probably be a bit tricky though.
  20. You mean to MAKE mods for New Vegas right? Because you don't need the GECK to install already made mods. I have about 10 mods and I didn't even grab the GECK yet. the question was how to mod FO NV (or at least that's what i understood) but no, for installing mods, you only need the mods and the game Yeah, but How to mod gamez!? is noob talk and can easily be mistaken for how to install. Oh well. Either way he should know how to do these things now. theres no file for new vegas for some reason idk why it might be cause its installed to steam or does everybody who has this game have it installed to steam What do you mean there is no file for New Vegas? And everybody uses Steam for Fallout New Vegas unless it is pirated as that is required. Are you having trouble locating the folder? If you need to run the ESM in the GECK just put the GECK files in the data folder.
  21. You mean to MAKE mods for New Vegas right? Because you don't need the GECK to install already made mods. I have about 10 mods and I didn't even grab the GECK yet. the question was how to mod FO NV (or at least that's what i understood) but no, for installing mods, you only need the mods and the game Yeah, but How to mod gamez!? can easily be mistaken for how to install. Oh well. Either way he should know how to do these things now.
  22. You mean to MAKE mods for New Vegas right? Because you don't need the GECK to install already made mods. I have about 10 mods and I didn't even grab the GECK yet.
  23. Excuse me? Bah. Mods are installed differently so read their description, but for the most part you just drag what ever files you have into /Programfiles/Steam/FalloutNewvegas/Data. That is not the real directory though, I believe one you are in the steam folder you have to open up commonapps then Fallout New Vegas. Your directory will also be different depending on your OS. Sorry if that wasn't clear enough. If you still don't know what to do use that pretty search bar and search the forums for where this question has been asked. It's probably been answered quite a few times.
  24. Interesting... I just thought of that. 1. I know next to nothing about real world guns. I'll just say it's he alternate universe the Fallout games take place in, although in reality I think they just didn't want to have you be able to reform pistol stuff into rifle and hoped people wouldn't notice. 2. Bah, this is Bethesda and Obsidian we are talking about. Their weight logic is always screwed up. 3. That my friend is probably a glitch or an unforeseen exploit in the merchant system. I myself don't use the recycle benches, but I have never noticed that the merchants sold anything for 0 caps. I'll have to check that now.
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