I posted this with a screenshot in the gallery outside of the forums but am moving it here. YES it does contain spoilers for the Trespasser DLC along with a lot of analytical eyeing of events over the course of the game and dlc's. If you’re reading this you love Solas. I know I love the egg-headed bastard. Or if you don’t love Solas the title caught your attention. Our ancient elf has good intentions for his people, but suffers from a near sightedness that seems to blind him to the fate of his people in the semi close future. What he is planning to do may destroy more than just the current world of Thedas, it may destroy his people.These thoughts came about while I daydreamed about my Inquisitor speaking to Solas about his folly. It latched onto my brain and would not let go as I pondered the realistic reactions of Thedas and the elvhenan to these drastic changes that Fen’harel wants to bring about. The fate I saw was not a happy one and makes the sundering of the Veil all the more dangerous. It is now my head-canon. The ones to be affected the most would be the elvhen. A people that for two millennia have been stepped on, abused, used, usurped and betrayed; with lifespans equal to humans and mages random in their society would suddenly find their entire world, their entire culture, in upheaval. The impact of their almost immortal lifespans would sink in slowly, however the resurgence of magic among all elves would be felt immediately. Dalish and City Elves would have the means of overwhelming anyone who dared to try and force them back into servitude. Most amongst the Elvhen would want retribution for the suffering of their people, the power of their magic filling their head with a sense of godhood. City elves and most Dalish would have no training in controlling this newfound power and those already mages would be overwhelmed. Elves would fracture into groups: those wanting revenge, those confused and scared, and those who want nothing to do with the magic at all. For the rest of Thedas the cities that housed a Circle would suffer catastrophic damage: Kinloch Hold, White Spire, Pemberton, Minrathous, etc. So much magical energy is stored in the Circles in the forms of artifacts, stable with the Veil in place. The might stored there would become unstable and explode, causing widespread death. Chaos would consume the kingdoms with everything in shambles; armies scattered, trade lines disrupted, a sudden enemy in the Elvhenan inside their lands and some seeking revenge. This would pale in comparison to the destruction that would come forth from the Qunari. Their elvhen converts would be forced into being Saarebas, or outright killed. Once the Qunari had purged the elves they would turn their sights on the mainland. The Viddasala’s planned attack on the South would be nothing compared to the Army that would take advantage of the turmoil to sweep across the lands. So many would be slaughtered, the human kingdoms scrambling to defend themselves and the elves would be key targets. The Qunari would want Fen’harels’ head if he still lived. I cannot see the future of Thedas being a pretty one. There would be a blood bath of extreme proportions staining the soil of the land. DON'T FORGET: Patrick Weekes says there is HOPE for Solavellan!