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Everything posted by ricke44654

  1. @AugustaCalidia - sigh, no you haven't misunderstood. Your solution is far simpler than what I did. :rolleyes: That should work just fine. @vortexposer - I hadn't used Vortex variants yet and that was indeed what I was looking for... I glossed over that functionality and actually forgot that was in there, that works great as well. I think I'll go with @AugustaCalidia's solution as I won't have to duplicate the loose files in this instance. Thanks to both of you for the answers, I appreciate it.
  2. Well, a little reading and some more understanding from a video by Gopher (Starting Your Own Conflict at 21:17 here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eSkurhkPSyw&t=17s) and I solved it like this for my particular example: Went to Mods in Vortex.Selected Install From File (+ icon) at the top menu bar.Navigated to Immersive Music folder in Vortex Mods directory and selected the Immersive Music.esp file.Clicked Create Mod button in Vortex dialog explaining mods are generally installed from archives and should it create a mod containing just this file. Vortex will default the folder name to Immersive Music based on esp fileIf Immersive Music was enabled, ignore Vortex warning about unresolved conflicts.Head to No category section in Mod list and double click Immersive Music.esp entry.Changed Mod Name to something better - Immersive Music (Music Merged).Changed Source to User-Generated.Changed Category to Audio.Click Close button at bottom of panel.Right click original Immersive Music mod and selected Open in File Manager option.Copy contents of the mod folder (Music folder in this case) and paste into new Immersive Music (Music Merged) mod. Close File Manager window.Drag dependency icon from Immersive Music (Music Merged) mod to Immersive Music mod.Select Conflicts with / Can't be deployed together with option in the dialog and click Save button.Now Vortex shows Some mod dependencies are not fulfilled warning.Disable whichever mod you need to based on the profile you want to use.You may need to confirm External Changes dialog - select Save change (delete file) and click Confirm button.Vortex may get angry occasionally if you had both enabled and you disable one of them - it might still show an Incompatible mods enabled warning. I closed the warning and redeployed after making sure just one was active, no more warning.Maybe there's a better way, but like I said... I'm noobish to Vortex. :yes: It works as I'd expect... just wanted to share in case it helps someone else.
  3. Hi there. I'm noobish to Vortex... longtime MO / MO2 user that wanted to give Vortex a spin for this go round with Skyrim AE and try collections to see how I liked them. I'm planning to try to use a good collection as a base, then add some mods to it that I want to play. So far... I'm liking it. A lot. I'm using Vortex 1.8.5 with Skyrim AE 1.6.640 - Steam version. Some searching of the forum didn't yield any results for what I'm wanting, could be I missed it. :smile: I'm using profiles to segregate different test versions of Skyrim SE to play with to get familiar with things and to test mods in a few different environments. Is there a way to have two instances of the same version of a mod installed? Example: I'm using the Immersive & Pure collection for Skyrim and it uses Immersive Music 3.2 (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/16402). I'm keeping a profile with no changes to the collection to keep it clean. I want to make another profile to use the collection as a base and add mods to it. In the modded profile, I'm wanting to use Music Mods Merged (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4625) in which I'd like to use Immersive Music (a requirement of the collection) but in this instance I need to "hide" the esp file as I only want the loose files.I've figured out how to ignore the mod as a dependency in the collection under the collection's Mods tab... but I'm looking to be able to switch between profiles for testing and not have to make changes to the file system to keep the esp from showing up (e.g. rename it to something like "Immersive Music.esp.hide") in one case and then show it again on the other profile.Maybe I'm making it too hard. Any thoughts appreciated. Thanks.
  4. Sorry to revive this zombie post, but I'm in the same boat that @tzar777 was in... I don't get notifications for my posts on mod pages, I just had one today that I had to go lookup. My "Comments on your files, images and videos" is currently set to On, I've never changed it. I'll try changing it off and on to see if maybe that wakes it up. UPDATE: For anyone who stumbles across this post in the future - I contacted Nexus support and after a few back and forth emails, apparently there are TWO places you need to check to make sure you're getting notifications for Nexus posts: Site Preferences - accessed through your user icon at the top right of the page, then click Site Preferences. Under the Homepage feeds section, make sure your Show user comments about your files, images and videos option is on.Notification Settings - accessed through the notification bell icon at the top right of the page. Click the gear icon at the top right of the popup. Make sure your Comments on your files, images and videos option is on. This was the setting that was off for me and causing me issues.Hope this helps anyone in the future.
  5. Hi there. I've been doing a fair amount of editing in TES5Edit of late... I'm getting much better at it but still need to fill in some gaps. Take these couple examples here: Editor ID Conflict http://i.imgur.com/fTm9Ufl.png Leveled List Entry Conflicts http://i.imgur.com/lIFHTsp.png I've got two conflicts here, both of which I have questions about: Do I need to resolve the Editor ID conflict between JaySus Swords and my Bash Patch? I've read through http://afkmods.iguanadons.net/index.php?/topic/3940-skyrim-tes5edit-records-that-merge-at-runtime/ and Arthmoor made a passing reference to fixing EDID entries when talking about Location records, but I wasn't sure if that applied to Leveled Lists as well. Can anyone fill me in on what function the Editor ID does? Is it only applicable for Creation Kit purposes or does it serve a function in game?I'm a little confused on why the Bash Patch didn't include the Level 6 / 9 Orcish and Dwarven Battleaxe entries at the top, but included the Level 7 / 8 Immersive Weapons Battleaxe entries and Level 12 Dwarven Battleaxe entries in the middle and bottom. I have more like that, just using these as an example. Should I be merging those into my own separate patch for resolution or do some changes in Wrye Bash somewhere to make them get picked up? They're in the leveled item list when I build the Bash Patch.Just looking for some clarity on these few conflicts. :smile: If I've missed some resources online that would clear these up (I've watched / read several), any pointers to their location would be much appreciated. Thanks.
  6. Sharlikran, thanks very much for the insight, I appreciate it. Your points about what you try to fix are quite helpful as I've found it somewhat difficult to pin some of those things down... sometimes it feels like I'm searching for a needle in a pile of needles. There's a literal mountain of information out there on Skyrim, but sometimes divining what's useful / correct from stuff that's outdated, wrong, misinformed, etc. can be a challenge. I've been playing modded Skyrim for a couple years now and feel I have a solid understanding of the basics, but sometimes it almost feels like I need to be an amateur modder to ferret out the problems. Outside of doing auto merge patches, I haven't really delved into TES5Edit much until now. Perhaps I have benefited from my laziness for too long and just been lucky. :smile: I feel I have a good technical understanding of how to edit in TES5Edit, it's the understanding of what conflicts / issues are important to resolve vs. what really won't cause a problem that seems to be hard to find. It sure hasn't been from a lack of reading / watching. If you have any other pointers on nearly certain game killers when left unfixed, I would gladly accept them. I found this post the other day from Arthmoor that was most helpful - http://afkmods.iguanadons.net/index.php?/topic/3940-skyrim-tes5edit-records-that-merge-at-runtime/ I do have SKSE with it's memory goodness setup and I also use ENBoost without the graphic portion active, though my attempts to get it going on my wife's rig met with negative results... it got stutters and freezes instead of smoothing it out. I worked on troubleshooting it for quite a while, but the end result was no joy so I don't use it on her's... perhaps I gave up too early. A bit odd since she's got a "gaming" laptop (an Alienware M14x) and I expected it to perform better than my own. ENBoost works a treat on my laptop and I have no issues. My thanks again for your response.
  7. @Nephenee13 - I wasn't expecting TES5Edit to be a savant and tell me what my mods are "supposed" to do, not at all. :) No, what I was looking for was the distinction between a conflict and a critical conflict and what that means. If a critical conflict is simply a record that is completely overwritten by a later loading one -- that's perfect and nailed what I was looking for, a definition of a critical conflict. I spent considerable time searching for an answer online because "critical" to me generally means something urgent, don't ignore, etc. and I wasn't sure if it was a stronger indicator that something would break in Skyrim if not addressed. That doesn't appear to be the case. @Nephenee13, @Sharlikran - Thank you for the responses, I appreciate it. I'm trying to learn TES5Edit in more detail so I can address conflicts more appropriately for my wife's rig to get a stable setup - she seems to get late game issues (somewhere between Level 30-40 character) where she hits a spot where the game does CTD / freeze every time in an area, building, particular weapon/armor... it varies. At lower levels, she doesn't seem to have problems with the same area, building, etc., though she may get the occasional CTD as Skyrim wants to do. It seems to point to something else maybe opening up later in game maybe? I haven't been able to nail it yet. My own rig doesn't seem to have these issues, though I fully understand we have different hardware, different mods, different orders... so it's not the same. We use Mod Organizer, Loot, Wrye Bash, TES5Edit for Merge Patch (automatic), SKSE, ENBoost, etc. In the past, I've had reasonable success just using Loot, Bash Patch, Merge Patch, mod patches, and install / load order adjustments to get a stable playthrough - I've finished a few times, and I use bigger mods (Requiem, Legacy of the Dragonborn) together than she does. Not once for her... and boy do I hear it, especially after it's been the 3rd-4th-5th time it happens. :ohmy: :ermm: Don't mean to go on, just wanted to explain the method to my madness and my goal for a happy home. :) My thanks to you both for your explanations.
  8. Thanks for the reply. I understand that conflicts will happen, in fact nearly have to happen as that is the basis of how Skyrim mods fundamentally work in an overriding fashion. But if TES5Edit identifies something as a critical conflict, that seems to imply something needs attention and shouldn't be ignored or allowed to pass through. Otherwise, why not just show it as a conflict without calling it a critical conflict? No flames intended here, just trying to understand the difference from a standard conflict, if indeed there is a difference. :)
  9. Hello all. I have a question about conflict resolution in TES5Edit that I can't seem to find an answer for across the Internets, despite my best Google-Fu. My question is this - what makes a critical conflict (red text, fuchsia background) critical as far as TES5Edit is concerned? For example, I load up TES5Edit on my full load order and do an Apply Filter to show Conflict Losers. I see around 15 mods in the list (about 1/2 patches) that are marked as critical conflicts, but I don't really see why that would be. Should critical conflicts always be fixed? I found more than a few instances where the winner had values that seemed reasonable to keep in place. Just trying to understand the nuances of the tool so I can use it appropriately. I've read the TES5Edit manual a couple times over the last two days along with numerous searches to try to track it down, but I didn't find really any explanation on critical conflicts. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks.
  10. I just did the upgrade to the 0.60 version today. For my part, I only ran into a small problem with the reinstall of SkyUI... it popped up with a message during the NMM upgrade that stated that SKSE wasn't installed. I went ahead and forced the install anyway, then tried to start my game and got the "missing content" message when loading my save. After thinking for a bit, I remembered I had renamed my skse_loader.exe to SkyrimLauncher.exe so Steam would load it up. So I uninstalled SkyUI, renamed my SkyrimLauncher.exe back to skse_loader.exe, reinstalled SkyUI and boom... no more issue and my game & save loaded without issues. I exited and renamed my skse_loader back to SkyrimLauncher... and everything is right as rain as far as I can tell. I only have around 60 mods, which sounds on the low side for many of the peeps here. :) Just to add my .02 on the upgrade and the fury from some... I've been a professional developer for 20+ years. When you're developing software, things WILL happen, despite your best efforts to keep them from happening. Remember that they didn't set out to release something that destroys your setup/game... that's just nonsense. When you're dealing with a complex system of mods/enhancements to a game such as Skyrim, no one can think of all permutations and account for every situation. If you get 95% success, I'd say you're doing fantastic... and from the stats given (roughly 40 bug reports / 8200 installs = 0.004878 * 100 = 0.49% had issues)... that's pretty stellar. Now if you're one of the chaps on the wrong side, it feels like 100% fail. I understand, I've been there... no one likes their game roached and hours of troubleshooting to get playing again. But screaming at the devs with insults, threats, etc... what exactly do you hope to accomplish? Again, I just don't see them sitting in a room laughing at your pain and snickering at their diabolical plot to ruin your existence. As I've read from several posts and heartily echo... keep calm and post constructive feedback on your problems so they can fix any issues and make it better. Programming is not a perfect science... few things are. A little grace for them is not too much to ask, they're doing their best. Devs - thanks for your efforts and hard work. It's a handy piece of software and I've used it often. Keep up the great work and squash the bugs as you find them. Rock on.
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