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Everything posted by christopherwoodward87

  1. Any mods that let you become the leader of a faction? Preferably an evil faction/army?
  2. That's for Fallout 3. It adds a shop in fallout 3's map so I have no clue how this would work with New Vegas.
  3. Any experienced modders willing to create a mod that allows you to play as a deathclaw? I would like the textures to mostly be a mixture of deathclaw alpha and deathclaw mother, coloring of the mother, but both horns from alpha and mother. Attack animations, walking animations everything included. If anyone is willing to create this mod, i'll provide monetary support via paypal.
  4. Is there any way to overwrite one of the mesh/texture presets and play as a melee deathclaw skin?
  5. Okay, so using the GECK, I want to create a unique Trail Carbine by modifying the existing Trail Carbine and then hitting yes to make a new entry when prompted, my question regarding this is when I save it, it asks me to save as, and I would need to save it as my own .esp, is this going to affect anything except add this unique trail carbine to the game if I run this .esp? Second question, I load up the falloutNV.esm and only editing the fAutoAimMaxDistance to something higher, then saving as a seperate .esp, will there be any repercussions or difficulties when running this esp that only modified the autoaim stemming from the nv.esm, sorry if the questions seem noobish, i'm not a modder.
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