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Everything posted by Misakichun

  1. yea it's a bug and it happens with morakei :wallbash: and it's not just with arch mage robe i equipped morakei while naked and ... well i was like a headless zombie , but it will go away if you unequipped it and then save then load the save game ( it worked for me at least ) :rolleyes:
  2. i don't know when it started but when i called for Odahviing, i heard his fire breath and his dragon sound but ... i couldn't find him anywhere , i could see the fire breath coming from the sky but the source ( odahviing) .... was invisible :blink: :wallbash: it seems that even the other creatures including dragons cant see him lol :ninja: :tongue: hmmm ... i think it's good to have an invisible dragon ally with you :laugh: but i can't see him anymore :(
  3. Thank you Xlcr for your information :) i'll do it :biggrin:
  4. An unknown figure of a troll: Descending dragon corpse from sky :
  5. 1.In a cave you will see a Bread floating in the air : 2.Between Heartwood Mill and Avanchnzel you might see a Floating carriage like time has stopped there ! : 3.In one of the Crypts you might encounter a lockpick or some other items that are floating in the midair !! : 4.And the last floating items will be the floating potions :
  6. In Whiterun stables at first i saw him ( Louis Letrush) he was alone but after doing some quests and came back to get my bounty he was doubled ! and now he is tripled!!! :blink: what on earth is this bug ?!!! is he going to be cloned every time i go to whiterun ?!!! i think if some time passes i will see an army of him !!!!! :wallbash: :wacko: picture :
  7. 72. There is a small bridge just past the Mouth of the Panther, east-southeast of Bravil. Underneath you will find the remains of a Dead Troll. you will find A Poorly Scrawled Note on the body, explaining its failure as a bridge troll. the note says things like this : Mee wurst troll evurr and ... err.. i don't remember the rest of his note :) 73.The statue in Chorrol in front of the south gate there is a rendition of the Pietà ( don't know if i spelled it correct ), it is one of Michelangelo's finest works. believe me . :yes: 74. When NPCs carry out their "book reading" animation,when you go close you will see that the text of each page is the same no matter what book the NPC is actually reading. 75.The Imperial City quest Unfriendly Competition involves the Macabre Manifest, a catalog of those recently perished. One of its entries concerns an "Oford Gabings", an anagram of "Frodo Baggins ", and lists several items that Frodo carried during The Lord of the Rings trilogy, including a "travel cloak with silver and green leaf fastener", an "enchanted shortsword with inlaid writing", a "leather bound travel journal", and a "gold ring with inscription ? :sweat: 76. in shivering isles : When Sheogorath says "You wouldn't like me when I'm bored", it has nearly identical pacing and intonation to the famous "You wouldn't like me when I'm angry" from the Bill Bixby version of The Hulk.
  8. In planes of oblivion , 3 dremora attacked me so i summoned my dark seducer to fight for me and help me she killed one of them and went to kill the other 2 , when i wanted to loot the dead one i found out that he is still alive :blink: but i could loot him :blush: :sweat: it happened 4 times in different places , Did this happened for you too ? ( you can see that the life detect is still active so he is still alive ) Please share your opinions . thanks. Note : i didn't use any paralyze spells nor the dark seducer .
  9. In some oblivion planes when you are in the "sigil sanguine " area you will hear a dremora screams in pain and then a corpse of him falls on you !!! o_O and usually there are 2 types of them one that i said above and the other one is a naked dremora with just his underwear and his boots on , and he appears everywhere !!!! :sweat: the problem is when you want to loot anything from his body ,you simply can't :wallbash:
  10. Yes i had this problem too , did all sort of things and at last it opened . try this : open your console and select the door the type " unlock " then enter . it should work . it worked for me .
  11. i think the oblivion creatures are better than the scary creatures of Morrowind !!!! * woii *
  12. oh thanks Striker879 . the problem is fixed but now he won't give me my reward :(
  13. If you are curious you can check this out : enter an oblivion gate and start to run toward the lava , (if you have a good health you can do it, or u can use console and write this " tgm" it will active the God mode for you ) after some time you will find out that the lava ends and there is a solid ground in front of you that is vast and full of nothing :) . if you continue to run , again you will find out that the solid ground goes down like stairs and there is an other area down this really continues for all eternity , and yes you might lost too :)
  14. There are these strange weathers in the planes of oblivion : fuggy , starry or sunny weather !!! and if you are a vampire you will get sun damage even if you have fed :( Notes :unofficial oblivion is installed i have OBMM,OBSS,OBME I've installed the Natural environment mod ... ( could this possibly the problem?! ) thank you .
  15. err ...in the quest of Vampirism cure , i gave the cure to the count of Skingrad and he told me go and come back the next day . so i went to do some other things like closing an Oblivion gate ...i was in the plane of oblivion that it said " Janus Hassildor " is unconscious !! and then i saw him , he was following me to say " please go " !!!! :blink: what on earth is this ? he came all the way from his castle to an oblivion gate to tell me " go" !!! ??? :sweat: guys any idea what this might be ? thank you .
  16. i see you r playing Skyrim :) hopefully in 2 days i will be able to play it too :)

    have fun .

  17. hello how r you doing?

    sorry i couldn't respond to you sooner , kinda very busy these days . really sorry again .

    i hope you r having a nice time :)

    take care

  18. konichi wa ! o genki desu ka ?

    just passing by and wanted to say hello to you :) hope u r doing fine my dear friend :-D

  19. oh thanx .... and yes i didn't really search for it because i didn't think it was even mention sorry really sorry .
  20. hi i was wondering about a mod err .. don't laugh pls ... but can it be possible for a mod that allows us to carry guns and shot our enemies and kill them , such as rifle ,magnum ,desert eagle and ... .? :biggrin: thanx
  21. oh that's good to hear , i really like Japanese language .

    specially their Anime .

    so if it isn't a problem i want to add some Japanese in my messages ( of course with the meanings ) hehe ... sorry i've got use to do this and it's kinda hard not to do it.,

    ja matta ne ( c u later ) or until next time :)

  22. ohaio :) ( means : good morning in Japanese )

    how r you today /to night ?

  23. i'm fine thanx for asking ...

    Happy valentine :)

  24. hello :)

    how do u do today ?

    ( ogenki desu ka ) :D

  25. hmm .... welcome to my profile :)

    enjoy your stay :D

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