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Everything posted by Misakichun

  1. I was in raven rock exploring that a green_orange scale dragon attacked me . when i started to attack him i saw that his name was " Wyvern " he spitted something like poison on me :blink: then he used his frost breath on me that it made me lose half of my health ... somehow i managed to kill him ( sadly i didn't absorb his soul :( i assumed he is dead so i went on my way to temple of Miraak ... that i saw Wyvern agian :blink: he was alive and healthy , and it wasn't like he was killed some time ago by my hands !!! i thought maybe it's because i didn't absorb his soul and such things so again i killed him but this time i could absorb his soul :ermm: so i thought .. that's it he is dead for sure this time . but again i saw him near Skaal village :woot: , but i ignored it . because i was tired of killing the same dragon over and over :dry: :down: now there is these questions : 1.who is this Wyvern ? 2.he was killed twice but reappeared again ,how can this be possible ? 3.does it belong to the main quest or it's just a random encounter ?
  2. err ... i couldn't find a file with such name :( are you sure it's the correct one ? isn't it " .pex "? or maybe i don't have it ... strange .. oh well any way...
  3. i did the same and even Serana said something about the ice being too thin but nothing came out :"( i guess they won't come out anymore since the quest has been completed :(
  4. where is this " actordragon.pxi" ? if this works it will make me very happy , i'll try it then thanks
  5. i'm not sure if this will help but try to update to the latest unofficial dragonborn patch and unofficial skyrim patch. it may help but i'm not entirely sure , sorry , sadly i think there is no real fix for this yet . and i too suffer from this issue ;'(
  6. I read somewhere that when you go to forgotten vale and find the word wall of "drain vitality " two dragons wiil emerge from underwater and attack . err ... i've finished the quest and went there several time but i didn't see any dragons and none has attacked me i've waited hours but no luck :( is it another bug ? is there any way to fix it ?
  7. I rented a room in an inn in Raven Rock and when i woke up i found myself near one the standing stones, curving something ,like other people , i think i was teleported there somehow but how ? this happend when i was in my home in the raven rock. is it normal and a part of the main quest ? and another thing : people are sane during night time but insane during daytime , is this normal too ?
  8. recently , I've noticed that there are no dragons in the dragons lair and they won't even respawned after 36 days wait , their existence has become so rare and even if one appears it won't give me any soul . :wallbash: i was wondering that is it because i have collected so many souls ( 76 ) or i've hunted them to the verge of extinction ? and that how much time does it take for a dragon to respawn in a dragon's lair ? it's happening for other creatures like gargoyles , werewolves , vampires too :( please help me it has affected my dragonborn's main quest . and it's kinda boring for not having anything to hunt :sweat:
  9. ahh ... i forgot to say i don't use stream , i mean i can't it's filtered :( i search in the net and download them , now any help ?
  10. i had this problem , but i didn't do anything in particular i just exit the game and re-entered it and i could block again , not sure it will work for you :ermm: but do it , if you haven't tried it already .
  11. hmm ... then he is not depenable in solstheim :( so sad durnhaviir is not so reliable he will disappear after a few min :'(
  12. well .. i guess you are right ,but it wasn't a bad idea , because i wasn't able to fully explore there :( i think that was wishfull thinking .sorry
  13. i've downloaded the version then wanted to upgrade it to the version ... but ... i've searched many sites that said they have the latest version so i download a few of them but they turned out to be the version or russian version ( in they description it was said it's and (Eng) version ) >:( :wallbash: . now i have this silly question are they the same ? if not how on this great universe can i download the real version :facepalm: i know this sounds so silly but please help me thank you
  14. i called him when 2 dragons attacked me but he didn't appear and i had to call durnhavir, i was wondering can odahvinng travel from skyrim to solstheim ? do you have any idea ? thank you
  15. After finding out that with dragonborn DLC we can ride dragons i was wondering one thing , we're able to travel to Skuldofen again, right? ,i haven't tried it yet , but i see no reason we can't . have you thought about that ? :wink:
  16. err ... let's see , the problem is just for breezehome , i checked it and no other houses have any issues . i've read somewhere that hearthfires is incompatible with dovahkiin's hideout but for the workshop version and it said the nexus version is fixed so it sould be caompatible , but i have the nexus version and still CTD. hmm ... try installing hearthfire unofficial patch and see if it'll help .
  17. hmm ... it's a bug obviously and i had this issue , but when i updated skyrim to the latest version ( ) it was gone ! and i have the deadly dragons and i can say that the issue has nothing to do with it . try to update your skyrim to the latest version ,see if it'll help . good luck
  18. I've noticed that whenever i use " call dragon " shout to summon Odahviing there is 1 or 2 sec delay and everything freezes and then CDT . a message appears that says : " Skyrim has stopped working properly ,something has caused skyrim to crash .... " the mods that i've installed recently are : SkyModMod , werewolf king , summon legendary dragon , dragon companion _dragoon , legendary dragons but the shout was working properly even with these mods and my other mods ,i have no problem summoning dernhaiir thoough :mellow: so i really don't know what to do :wallbash: please help me thank you
  19. hi merry Xmas and happy new year .

    sorry for the late message .

    have nice year :)

  20. err... i did that and the line that says : "follow me i need your help " will appear but it's gray and can't be selected .... any ideas what went wrong or what can i do to fix it ? thanks
  21. oh good good i was going to ask the same question , good that i had a search first it was a question in my mind too that how can i have myself as a good follower :) thanks everybody I'm going to try this , hopefully it'll work for me as well .
  22. i wanted to sacrifice Cicero since i didn't like him ... but then i found out he is essential :( then i wanted to sacrifice Astride but well she couldn't be used as a follower then i tried a random stranger ( just like Luchian said ) but well ... i couldn't bring myself to kill one so i decided not to complete her quest until for ever . but i once sacrificed a redguard mercenary in Whiterun ,although i regretted after that .hmm it's quite a nasty quest :dry: i certainly can't bring myself to kill Lydia she is one of my most trusted and beloved followers :wub: oh how i love this one ... oh ... wait how about killing a colon ?!!! yes it make sense ofufufufufufu of course .
  23. My rules changes as people's behavior toward me : 1. if one of those orc,khajit, elf ... travelers tell me what a milk drinker doing here go to your mother ... well first i'll ask nicely of them to take back your word if he/she refuses then Fus-ro-dah, .... or with one of my skillful hands his/ her head will be flying :facepalm: 2.always kill all bandits/vampires/skeevers / werewolves wherever i see them ( although i'm a werewolf myself ( my character i mean ) , i'm a proud, honorable female werewolf not a savage beast that doesn't recognize friend from foe ) 3.help the poor but not Dagain ( hope i spell it right ) 4.don't side with the vampires because of Feran Sadri's kill quests :( i can't kill good pple in the street :'( ) 5. never take followers ( the risk of them dying because I'm using my shouts is high ) but if i have too i take Lydia and Serenna 6. take jobs from companions regularly , i didn't have any restriction on becoming one of TG or DB. as long as i'm respected and get paid i'm fine :) 7.never fast travel too often ( honestly the good events happens around 12am till 5am i'm not gonna miss these good events ) 8.sleep ,eat , read ( i always spend sometime reading the skyrim's books , they are quite fascinating in fact :) ) and interact with pple 9.never kill springen ( i hope i sell it correct ) 10.never kill Pathornax ( why should i do that in the first place , just because he was once sided with his brother Alduin ?!!! oh ... come on we all make mistakes ) 11 .always call Odahving and Dernhavir in time of need :) 12. as dragonborn i will always use my shouts for my protection or to kill my enemies ( and i don't care what Jurgen Windcaller said about using shouts just for peace and .... :turned: ) and at last spend some time praying :tongue: :tongue: ( pretending is somehow more fitting )
  24. hmm , yea this could be a good idea .... thanks for telling me :biggrin:
  25. wow what an armor you have there :thumbsup: nice what mode is that ? oh ehm sorry ... err... have you tried healing yourself ? even if your health is full sometimes ice spikes , arrows and other things stay persistence , but healing ( not drinking potion ,exactly healing using magic ) will remove the effects , if you dis that and the effect still persist try exiting the game and then entering the game , it should solve the your problem :) hope it will work
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