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Nexus Mods Profile

About SmokeyGum

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  1. I am thinking about making a mod that will allow the NPC to make a comment about the player wearing a hat (specifically inside buildings). How difficult would this be?
  2. I think this may actually be helpful to my cause, but I will have to give this a crack some other time. Edit: It seems this mod is coded to add an object to the target's inventory, allowing that specific target to be renamed. The object is removed once the new name is changed. Interesting.
  3. Ok, I am using the Near Death mod (http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/60201/?) and I have messed with it a little, and I got an idea while thinking of the 12 Years A Slave movie. Renaming my slave. Is it possible to rename an npc using the same input system as naming the main character? If so, what would the code/script look like? Thanks.
  4. I always thought there was an Auto-Doc suit. I learned a few moments ago that there is not such thing. Maybe a mod was made after four years...?
  5. Let's say I wanted to make it possible to access the inventory of the people in Big Town only during the point after rescuing Red (and Shorty) and before Big Trouble in Big Town ends. How would I set up the topics and what should the conditions look like? Thank you in advance.
  6. The change in appearance is not permanent. It can be changed at the player's will. To be honest, I am not sure what you mean by xmarkers. But now that I think of it, if I wanted certain objects to appear in the room, I could use the theme system for your room/house that you living in to activate them as a reference to work off of. My main concern is if I wanted the gambling objects (Slots, Blackjack, etc.) to stay in the same location but have the textures change with the theme, what would I have to put in the script(s).
  7. Okay, let's say I was working on a casino simulation and you can choose what the theme (custom themes) of the casino can be (such as cards, blackjack table, slots, etc. except the chips), but the casino would still function as the same, just the appearance would change. How would I set the script up? Would the script be set to quest, object, or effect?
  8. When adventures couldn't find a job/quest to get some extra coin, they had to gamble. Get something like a Blackjack, Liar's Dice, and Poker mod made.
  9. People have made mods to gamble in Skyrim, so it is not impossible.
  10. The only two card games are Blackjack and Caravan. I am surprised that no one has made a Texas Hold'em mod. Edit: Shoot, I meant to put this in the mod request section. Sorry.
  11. Ok, the Ghoul mask can trick feral ghouls because the faction is set to be allied with the ferals while wearing it. Let's say that I make a piece of armor that provides the ability to give the player a perk based on race and/or gender. For example: a special stealth suit that gives the player the "Light Step" perk while wearing it if the player is Asian. Or a special sexy sleepwear that gives only women the "Black Widow" perk while wearing it. I am pretty sure there would have to be a script that checks race and gender, but if someone could please provide me a sample of such a script I would highly appreciate it.
  12. I recently scanned some playing cards and I was thinking how cool it would be to have these cards shown in a casino or a game of caravan as an added deck, not a reskin. Now, I have the Fallout Mod Manager and a software that allows me to export images in dds format. I found and extracted a few files such as the nv_caravan-cards file and the nv_playcards01 files just to see how the textures are set up. I noticed that not all the faces are not in the same image. I guess in short words, what images do I need to extract and what exactly do I have to do in order to make an additional deck? Thanks.
  13. I am a little rusty on my coding language, but I have to ask. What is the code language to the scripts in Fallout New Vegas?
  14. Ok, remember in Fallout 3 how you can purchase ammo for the Mesmetron from Grouse at Paradise Falls through conversation and not going into "shop mode"? I have been trying to mimic that procedure, but I have accomplished nothing. I even went as far as to purchase Fallout 3 to look at the original code, but still nothing. Can someone please point me in the right direction on how to do this or explain in detail on how to recreate it? Thank you.
  15. Ok, remember how you can purchase ammo for the Mesmetron from Grouse? I have been trying to mimic that procedure, but I have accomplished nothing. I even went as far as to purchase Fallout 3 to look at the original code, but still nothing. Can someone please point me in the right direction on how to do this or explain in detail on how to recreate it? Thank you.
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