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About CreepaCatcha

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  1. lol, mini-Titanfall. I like it, even if it doesn't attack anything. Either that, or make it fly in on order. If they are going to make us use power armor, at least make it convenient. Have it fall from the sky titanfall style, such lore friendly, such awesome
  2. Somehow make it so that when you exit your power armor it becomes a follower and follows you around
  3. As the title says, what do you guys think about it compared to the regular sliders and such?
  4. tgm works as does player.additem and player.placeatme however when trying to find item codes always put o at the end (eg help deathclaw 0) to stop it defaulting to some werid filter that blocks everything out Edit: Player.setav , player.setscale and setscale all work as well
  5. No. You can just extract the 7z, shift + right-click on the "0001" folder inside "fallout4_tools_0001", and select "Open command window here". Then you can run the executable in cmd like this: ba2extract.exe "C:\Steam\SteamA pps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Fallout4 - XXXXXXXX.ba2" "C:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Fallout 4\Data\XXXXXXXX\". Replace XXXXXXX with whatever ba2 you want. Your steam folder is probably in a different location so don't use this verbatum. The destination folder can be anywhere too. Cheers
  6. Noob here, just drag the src folder into the fallout directory to install?
  7. How well would a bow work with vats though?
  8. Something like that star wars character would probably be better suited to some kind of agility armor, more based for enhanced movement as opposed to being super protective
  9. All I'm worried about is the eyes, how hard would it be to create "pretty" eyes with the click and drag technique.
  10. From New Zealand here, at time of writing fallout will release in about 13 hours (Which happens to be 2am in the morning) not sure if this is earlier than anyone else or not. Purchased via steam btw
  11. Recorder would fit in amazingly http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68683/?
  12. Probably medium high graphics, better processing, but lower memory for textures. Would work fine as long as other components are better than minimum spec. Cheers
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