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Everything posted by seweryn

  1. So I found more than one collection I like. One is changing faces, the other changing the environment, another is adding quests, and the other is totally changing the game aka total overhaul. I wonder, is it possible to use more than one collection? I personally like adding tons of armor, and weapons to my game but I found that there is ton of work getting some mods to work with one another. So can it be done using more than one collection? Thanks for the info, P.S. I am asking specifically for NV since I know this game can be a little tricky when it comes to modding. It feels like playing oblivion again.
  2. Before the forums rework, i just had to got specific nexus mod page click forum and i got redirected. Now, on every nexus mod i go i get redirected here. Anyone knows how to get to specific game forums? Thanks for the info, Cheers,
  3. So i take it supports from gog not only ?
  4. So on NVSE web page there is the info about stable version of script extender which is 5.1b4 but on nvse github there is version 6.3.4 . So which version should i use? Thanks for the info, Cheers
  5. Hey, Thanks to you I checked a few collections. I am interested in the Immersive & Adult collection. On I&A collection page the only compatible collection listed is Sexy Statues. On the other hand on the collection page of Wow Weapons and I&A Armor Expansion, there is info that they are compatible with I&A. So I am at a loss here. Does it mean they were compatible in the past but not anymore? Also does the phrase "made for anniversary edition" mean that it won't work with SSE? Back to the topic. If I know collections are compatible does it matter in which one is installed first? And if the answer is yes, should I use sorting software? Thanks for the answer, Cheers,
  6. I know i was wondering if there is some other way. Like there are many youtube channels reviewing mods.
  7. Is there somewhere where people rate a collection like a website? Because when i checked collections page there was so much variables.
  8. What i mean by this, let me explain. In my 20's, i had no problem spending hours upon hours downloading and tweaking mods, and resolving problems. Nowadays i just want to install a game and play it. I just want to enjoy a game and not spend a couple of afternoons preparing a game. I have over 10gb override folder for dragon age origins. I created it years back. If i had to create a modded dao from scratch i probably wouldn't bother with it. I have no problems with adding around 20-30 to a game nowadays (like adding mods to opentdd) but when oblivion was in full swing i spent hours in wrye bash to tweak it to maximum having around 250 esp with bash patch enabled. Sometimes it has nothing to do with lack of time; rather more it would too much time or i just want to play something now because i am tired after work. So i really want to come to mod skyrim but the number of mods and the research i would have to do really turns me off. Is it a sign that i am getting older or did my priorities changed only? Thanks for all the answers. Cheers,
  9. The whole point of collections is laziness as you delicately put it; so you do not have to do all the manual labor yourself. Click download, then install and they work out of the box. I am talking about adding multiple collections or individual mods via the mod manager or deactivating some of the collections mods since I do not like them. I am asking if i do this will it create more problems with mod compatibility or less? Will it be easier and faster to download every mod independently, since i will deal with any incompatibilities on the fly?
  10. So I have heard some collections may not work with each other. Is this a common occurrence or does it happen rather rarely? I ask this because when i install mods manually i read every mod installation instruction but when using collections i probably won't. The idea of collections is to download tons of mods as one batch and not worry about them working together. I usually download a lot of mods from different categories so i wonder if is it better to stick with manual installation or if using collections is really worth it. Thanks for the info, Cheers,
  11. Hey all, So i wanted to ask is it possible using unity mod manager to have two instances of mods. I have older version of a game that is perfectly modded but is not EE. The other version of a game is EE but i have not installed new mods for that version. Is it possible to have two seperate mod profiles for these game versions? The reason being that some mods do not work with EE and are not updated anymore. Thanks for the info, Cheers,
  12. So i have placed mods in folder but apparently for them to show in game in the selecting menu, i need to have xml placed in bin folder. So neither of them have xml file how can i make them show in mod selecting menu ? Thanks for the info, Cheers,
  13. So i currently use microsoft paint because of its simplicity. I use it to use to crop images and make them suitable for in-game portraits. Is it better to switch to photoshop or other advance tool for portraits creations. Will it save a lot of time or quite the opposite. Thanks for the info, Cheers,
  14. I am to find it , but i am having no luck . I liked oblivion darnified ui but i really not found of skyrim skyui, Searching for more colorful ui. Anyone knows abouts any mod like that ? Thanks in advance, Cheers,
  15. Omod comes with it's own installantion program . Rar is just copy and paste. So i would prefer to to use omod any day of the week Do you you mean i need to check every mod i download if it has a proper folder structure compatible with bain ? If that is the case it kinda sucks.
  16. When using wrye bash should i check if the mod have folder structure ? I remember when i used wrye bash back in the day , some people mods weren't compatible with wrye bash installation. I had to unrar then reorder them in proper way then create archive and add to wrye bash. That is why i am not fond off mod manager. I honestly don't recall, but I do believe you are correct on this This is why I really recommend following a guide, at least for the basics Guides usually provide general information regarding how to use the tools they recommend, which should include such notes on Wrye Bash You could also read the documentation of Wrye Bash, as it should have notes regarding such possible issues Sorry I can't be more helpful, it's been quite a while since I modded Oblivion...... No problem, basic skyrim has too much mods and it is 32 application which means it is ram limited not to mention i have to deal with sky ui, which i am not fond of ; i prefer the looks of DarNified UI in oblivion. The thing i really loved about skyrim is the "one click modding" thing ; You just click "downloaded with manager" and program was doing everything for you . One more thing i am wondering is, if i can use obmm for omod installs and nmm normall rar/zip installs.
  17. When using wrye bash should i check if the mod have folder structure ? I remember when i used wrye bash back in the day , some people mods weren't compatible with wrye bash installation. I had to unrar then reorder them in proper way then create archive and add to wrye bash. That is why i am not fond off mod manager.
  18. Obmm , NMM (I am not sure about this one since it was made during skyrim era) or do it manually ? I would prefer to use mod manager since doing it manually can cause problems. Of course i can use wrye bash but that is another cup of tea all together. Thanks for the info, Cheers,
  19. Hey, it may be a stupid question but if i won't buy sse ae will i have those issues that you are describing ?
  20. There was a mod I liked named something like IKAROS Androids. The only proper one I'd say if you use a female character. But it was deleted for whatever reason. You can find it on the author's website (TrophiHunter), outside the Nexus. He seems to have removed all of his mods from the Nexus (and seeing how the site's being managed, I probably would've done the same, not gonna lie). There was one called Project Apollo Androids or something, for male characters. But it wasn't as good as the IKAROS one. (I think I had it downloaded but wouldn't upload w/o permission from the author anyway. Was a port of a NV mod I think? Can't seem to find the FO4 version of it anywhere on the web now.) So what is happening to nexus ? I am not up to date to tell the truth.
  21. For skyrim there are tons for race mods. For fallout there was never any race mods. For NV there was this cool mars android/robot mod. I know there are those furries races mods , (I am not into them) also not into anime races. I am looking for some kind of android race mod or simillar mod. I do not want to play ordinary human. Thanks for the info, Cheers,
  22. So in skyrim i just download a new race. Here the only race mod is apollo and it is for male characters. So are there any mods makes them more beatiful plus are there any mods like apollo, for females, for fallout 4 ? Thanks, Cheers,
  23. With original skyrim i have always problem with memory so it is probably better to go with 64 bit version. Thanks for the info. Cheers,
  24. So i am wondering which one is better for modding ? Old rim have larger selection but it is also 32 bit engine which means 3gb limitation. Not to mention that textures are lower quality. Thanks for yours opinions. Cheers,
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