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Status Updates posted by Nysba

  1. But.. the avatar was supposed to be scary... Lasers. Rawr. Scaaary.
  2. About your Sexy City mods, do you think you'll be uploading them on the Steam Workshop? Or make a big pack that includes all of them?
  3. I see you're back, somewhat, ohai.
  4. *decloaks from Dead Ringer and shoots Corlan with the Enforcer*
  5. Nooooooooo!!!!! :(
  6. Your vids are awesome :D
  7. Yes, (even though it was an accidental click when I was readin them "My New Image *Blushes*")

    (Which is awesome btw :P )

  8. Just checking in, someone said you don't have a sheep anymore... It's true :(
  9. Hmm, moar finns popping up :P
  10. Hey! I'm active too...

    Although only in the chat :P

  11. Is it just me lagging or is your picture changing all the time? lol
  12. You never win. Never ever.
  13. Ohai, more Finland people :D
  14. Ever gonna join the chat again? lol
  15. Welcome back :D
  16. Just lurkin teh profiles :P
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