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Everything posted by Nysba

  1. Actually, I do have one gripe about it: I can't put it on my probable future SSD! Unless they do something to make it possible to separate the folders. Which is kinda far-fetched imo I could just uninstall all other games alltogether but I wouldn't want to do that.
  2. I don't really give a(n) [insert word of your choice here] As long as I can buy it from the store as well, and I surely can, it's not a problem for me. And that they won't release some very tiny updates and fixes that break all the mods every 2 days (I don't even know if bug fixes do that or not). Maybe it'll be like that in the start, but I'll probably first play through the game without mods anyway
  3. No thanks. And 4gb is borderline, though not as much as something like 3 (or 2 :ohdear:) , better just get 8. A lot of people have other programs running in the background, some more than others.
  4. You will NOT need 8gb of RAM. If you're upgrading for this game, please keep in mind going over 6 gigs of DDR3 RAM is pointless. You won't use that extra RAM in the game. and going 6GB on that rig would be even more pointless since the LGA 1155 (Intel Core i7-2600k) uses Dual channel technology and therefore it's better to go with 2x4gb instead of 3x2 like you're suggesting. (I've never seen a 3gb stick of RAM being sold ANYWHERE, so I'll assume they don't exist or are very hard to get, and not worth it) But yes, that rig will probably run Skyrim just fine on Max settings.
  5. http://www.overclock.net/air-cooling/1001181-i5-2500k-4-9ghz-cm-hyper.html No, you will not see dramatic differences in low idle temperatures, but you will when stressing the CPU. But that link is with a massive overclock, about the max of what that CPU will go to.
  6. Either Slash or Smash... I guess Smash fits better. :/
  7. Yeah, Slash seems to be fitting, since it starts with an S and all the others have been something violent as well... xD Also, Rash?
  8. I'd be really suprised if the 1100T is better for the money, especially since the 2500k, at least here, for me, is cheaper. 1 euro cheaper, but still.
  9. Nay because 18+ for nudity = harder to get the game. If it's only for violence, doesn't really matter. (This is of course only for people under 18) Otherwise I wouldn't care
  10. And here I thought it was common knowledge that you can install through the disk even if it's a Steam-only game... Also, Why would it take any longer than usual? Even if it did put a huge load on Steam's servers I doubt they'd slow down at.
  11. I really doubt that, the first video we ever saw, it was probably just a freak accident that it fell like it did. Or this one was a freak accident, but I'd go with the former one
  12. Nooooooooo!!!!! :(
  13. Your vids are awesome :D
  14. Well, that's what I meant, the ripples when you walk in it. I probably should've been more clear on that lol Better than Oblivion.
  15. Also, the water looked awesome when he just quickly dipped into the river :P
  16. What's with people insisting on recording that stuff and posting it? Pete said they would post their own vid of that, with HD... :facepalm:
  17. I have 2 Gentle Typhoon AP-15's on my H70 and I like them because they can go from 1000rpm to 1900. Very silent at 1000, though not too silent at 1900, I can hear them pretty easily through my headphones, but only when not doing anything. If I listen to music and stuff I can't hear them. And with the automatic speed adjusting, depending on the temperature of my CPU, they go from that low 1000 to the 1900 if necessary. My headphones aren't any 200$ noice-silencing professional headphones, but the Fatality MK II, if that helps anyone picture the noise of the fans.
  18. Still waiting for the "I don't care" option...
  19. No, it's not reading the lower clocks... If it's even reading any. Maybe it just takes your specs and downloads the score from a website >_>
  20. I voted for both. Do I win something? And what those 2 above me said
  21. Stupid windows won't go above 7,9 my 350$ GPU is getting the same score as them 1000$ 590's and whatnot (and that 580 up there) lol
  22. What is this graphical glitch? I don't see anything wrong with the pic Also, a Hybrid SSD = not really an SSD, it's just an HDD with a small SSD cache. (If you look at, for example, my score, that is with a 7200RPM HDD, the same exact score as yours) So yes, an SSD should and will get significantly better scores than an HDD or a hybrid.
  23. http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/2507/abcdtrololo.png No, it's not in English, I don't care because you can just look at the numbers and guess what they mean. And compare to your own pictures since they're in the same order :rolleyes: Also, last time I did this test, my Graphics and Gaming graphics were 7,6 like everything else (except the HDD), only change that has been made was driver updates, no overclocking on the GPU. It's a 6970 Also, the CPU is at 4,5GHz but I don't think it changed that score at all lulz And @Thor Yah, I beat ya
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