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Everything posted by Nysba

  1. I look at these more like "Top most recommended games" If I'm looking for a game to buy, and can't decide between a few games, I won't decide which one to pick by looking at the rank they're at on these lists. It's about them being on the list or not :P And maybe not even that What I'm trying to say is there's no 1 best game. Like mods here on The Nexus :D
  2. EDIT: lol fail nvm
  3. Maybe we should go like aa- ab- ac- ad- Or aa- ba- ca- da- ea- ie. Aardwolf, abdomen, ace
  4. Yeah, and the mobo prices aren't too bad either. If you're saying NO intel (and nvidia) just because, then I really suggest looking into the 2500k. (biased suggestions are biased :D )
  5. I bet it's just bedtime for him... We'll see tomorrow
  6. You will never win on your birthday
  7. Nysba

    Portal 2

    Yeah, it felt much smoother than Portal 1, which felt just like CS:S or HL2. Not that smooth, kinda blocky you might say. And the story was pretty awesome, especially compared to Portal 1 which I just felt like it was only about doing the tests, nothing more. Haven't played co-op yet, waiting for people to buy it, but sounds very interesting. Do recommend.
  8. I really don't think they're doing this to find a way to turn gay ppl straight or the other way around as much as they are trying to find out what causes it.
  9. Just lurkin teh profiles :P
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