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  1. So whom do you think is really to blame? Is it someone in washington? Or is it the person that goes to a gun free zone, and starts shooting people? Or is it the guns fault? What some folks just can't seem to figure out, is that you are indeed less likely to be killed by a gun in the US, than you are in many other places. If you dropped Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Los Angeles, and New Orleans from the statistics, (all havens of gang violence), you would change the 'odds' significantly, and the US would seem a FAR safer place. I would also point out, that a significant percentage of mass shootings happen in California, a state with some of the toughest gun laws in the nation. Your not going to win my heart and mind by citing Socialist cities and states that indeed should leave the Union. Those particular places have out of control crime, over the top welfare, insanely high taxation, and not to mention that places like California are not only due to claim bankruptcy but have no possible means to provide a serious essential service for its current population over the course of the next 20 years that being water. Its a serious concern if the states of Illinois and California will ever be able to pay back their debt because they simply cannot bring in enough tax dollars to put a dent into their own deficit, and meanwhile they are still spending beyond their means. They are a lot like Greece...Also people are basically leaving those States, they have more leaving than coming in to pay the taxes. Detroit, literally a third world country. The city of Chicago has been running about a 50 Billion Dollar deficit for the last 3 years, it has a revenue of 3.5 Billion, it cannot afford its services. Should I care about Blue states and cities that don't have their act together and cannot understand how corrupt they are? The main running issue is that somehow taking guns out of the hands of the law abiding citizen is going to then magically make guns go away from the hands of the criminals. For those outside of the US, understand that we here in the US have a constitutional right to freedom of speech, bear arms, and freedom of religion these are just the top three. 2nd is more fully understood under the full context of the Constitution, it is intended that the people have the power to fight tyranny in the form of corrupt government, this can also be more fully understood by examining the Federalist Papers, documents which the forefathers themselves prepared to more fully flesh out the meaning of the Constitution. Taking away guns would be the fastest way to start American Revolution 2. You have to understand that the last time there was a gun census was in around 2010, the number of reported known guns was around 300 Million....The suspected amount of guns is placed at enough weapons to arm every man, woman, and child in the nation. My next door neighbor could equip around 30 people, a lot of the families in my neighborhood have at least 7 firearms in their household. For some reason there is a group of crazies that control the media that think that they can just stage a bunch of protests and that Red States will just see and believe. News for you we don't believe jack about it. We actually have armed militia's and the news loves going after them too. Here's another thing for you, Florida just passed right to carry for teachers....Like that was going to end up any different. All the news broadcasts tried to paint a picture that we don't want guns, that guns are bad, and that our own neighbors with their gun closets feel this way too....Well I guess the media's full of lairs with an agenda. They actually took a poll from Florida school teachers before passing it, guess what the teachers were fine with the right to carry a firearm. What did the news say? They said teachers didn't want to carry firearms and then they put together a whole line up of teachers and Union members to say as much. I guess the news is full it. The left (Democrats) want you to believe that big government is good. The problem is that our Founding Fathers never wanted big government. They also want to take our guns away. They also want us to believe that police are incompetent and unable to do their jobs when it suits their agenda but on guns no we are supposed to trust the police...That's a conflict of idea's in their own rhetoric. Meanwhile something you don't know about. Florida...Here we have it in law that the SCO on scene is supposed to set up in the building that the event is happening in. The Parkland officer set up at the wrong building out in front of the school. They had 3 more officers show up, a SWAT team, and Paramedics...They still didn't go in. The police had to force fire rescue from entering the building, which BTW Kodo's to those brave firemen for doing their job! All of those guys will lose their jobs, the Sheriff himself will likely also lose his job, and most of his Officers will be under review. At the moment Florida has a full investigation ongoing but I expect heads are going to roll so to speak for failure to respond. Of course that's ignoring the other obvious stuff with Parkland High, such as the fact that the shooter should on several occasions been put into police custody before the event ever took place so that's going to put some FBI agents also on the chopping block. The fact is that Parkland High is a perfect example of how government fails and it shouldn't be looked at any other way. edit Now of course I'm no expert on all of those topics, but I do have some credentials beyond making mods for video games and I don't have a lot of trouble finding information on the web. Thing is I don't see how its my responsibility to have to educate or inform...I do get that for some that's a cop out and that if I knew something I should share it especially when there are a lot of heavy issues all tied together.
  2. So is Hillary or have you forgotten that she was essentially the first large political figure to make the claim that video games correspond to violent sex acts, via vie Grand Theft Auto 5. The media specifically showed how the player could pick up hookers in a vehicle and then throw her out the door and run her over.
  3. Furthermore, Far more people die from hands in our nation than from guns. By population proportions your chances of dieing from a fire arm of any kind are far lower in the US than anywhere else in the world, period.
  4. Oh great OP, Lets have a discussion about rights on a server that is located in a country where freedom of speech is under attack. Wonderful idea, just wonderful. I got news for you buddy, here in America its my Constitutional Right and that's the end of it. Also the AR in AR15 stands for Arma Lite, not assault rifle. EDIT Arma-Lite Rifle 15.
  5. So we have 3 posters, Chucksteel, Ethreon, and Myself....Each of us with a load of actual Mod Creation experience... We are all in agreement that mod packs don't work. The sad thing is we can get down to the nitty gritty of why these don't work and all the effort and time that it would take to make something like it work and people still wouldn't understand due to their lack of experience in implementing any system with their own two hands. Most people demanding mod packs are not going to understand that the closest approximation of such a thing is a combined feature frozen mod such as FWE or Unofficial Patches. They want to here, I hit one download button get everything at its most recent state of being and it all magically works perfectly.... That will never exist, and its precisely why we have mod collaborations such as FWE or Unofficial Patches, cause stuff like the patch is so needed and wanted that it has a singular ESM.... If the Unofficial Patches were designed as a separate series of free standing ESP files it would never function as well as it does now. The state of what is likely perceived as a Mod Pack, is so easily broken that no one modder in such a mod pack has to actively work against it to create an issue, this will happen naturely in time without any one of the modders even having to be conscious that his mod exists in such a pack.
  6. I find this doesn't work nearly as often as it should. Usually, the response is something along the lines of "I dunno, try it and find out". For some of us that only have a loose understanding of modding and are having difficulty understanding things like "load order", experimentation is not something we can really afford to do. Not everyone knows how to fix a corrupted save, and fewer still know what steps to take to make sure things don't go sideways in the first place. Small bundles of mods that are already pre-approved and organized would be a GODSEND to many less computer savvy folks. I sort of understand the worries of "mod theft" in a loose sense. You worked hard on something, you want recognition for it. It might be irksome to have your mod downloaded from elsewhere with little more than a name-drop and maybe a link to your page, but it ALSO means that people too nervous or inexperienced to try those mods now have the opportunity to do so safely. Some people aren't being very considerate of the system (the whole mod-drop controversy is a good indicator), but things like that are TOOLS. And helpful ones at that! The fact that people aren't being considerate of the concept is no reason to dismiss it completely. As for the different likes and desires in a modpack, that CAN be an issue, but can be eased by using smaller packs, and keeping each in a theme. A few mods that improve the UI, HUD, and item sorting in one bundle. A collection of texture improvements for things like roads and trees. A small pack of compatible weather mods. A bundle of 5 or 6 lore friendly weapons. Each with links to the mod page and a reminder to like or donate if you enjoy what you get. You'll still get the same people downloading the mod directly, the confident ones who know what they're doing. You'll ALSO get recognition from a whole new category of users, ones who were too hesitant to try something in the first place, or too confused by the variety to pick a single mod. Authors are more likely to GAIN recognition than lose it through mod bundles........at least, if done correctly. Honestly, I think the best way to do this would be to add mod-packs as a subsection of Nexus itself. Let people post up their packs in a separate section from the singular mod pages, but since they're doing so on Nexus, proper links, information, and credits would be much easier to handle. Perhaps a like or endorsement of a mod BUNDLE would count as one on the INDIVIDUAL mod pages as well? They can get their recognition, and people who otherwise couldn't enjoy those mods get to experience them properly. This is a complicated matter with a LOT of variables, but there ARE solutions. Unfortunately, recent sloppy forays into this have led to some authors feeling slighted, which is understandable. Sadly, this is the Internet, and all it takes is one author and a few fanboys getting their dander up to start the mob mentality rolling. Chances are that after the whole mod collection scene is burned to the ground and the torches and pitchforks finally lowered, it will be quite a while before anyone is willing to give the whole concept another shot. Building an actual working mod pack isn't as easy as you want to think that it is. Its not just a matter of getting the permissions either.... Its making sure that said pack works. For an example of some mod packs you have FWE (Fallout Wasteland Wanderer for Fo3) and Book of UUNP (I built that) From my experience the construction of a good pack takes many months of long work days everyday of the week to get produced so it works consistently...Most end-users don't really understand that and they don't understand that the work is largely done by one person either...A lot of guys think oh just cram all this in and hit some buttons....Nope....In my work on the Book I built everything to fit a specific body in the UUNP Bodyslide system took about 12 months...Now mind you I split that work up over a couple of years or so but yes I kept track of my time. Time to toot my horn.... See a good mod pack isn't just a collection, it has an intended outcome that has to be fussed out and even created as in the case of my own pack...I built a system so that all the outfits would show up on the NPC's, leveled lists, have appropriate enchantments...I went the extra miles beyond what any other comparable armor mod had done for Skyrim....Top that off with Bodyslide Support and a slew of brand new outfits.... Basically I wasn't just rolling a bunch of other peoples stuff into an ease of download mod, I was building my own mega mod with new content using the other mods as resources....Still it took a lot of time. A real mod pack is a serious endeavor, a true labor of love, and takes real commitment to see through to the end...This is why your not seeing a whole lot of these raining from the sky. __________________________________________________ A Mod Pack system, sounds nice but it wont work. You just run into compatibility problems, one person wants to update his mod, but now he cant because if he does than all the mods that integrate into his have to also update or be broken and the whole system breaks... I know I put that really in simple words and it sounds too simple to be the truth but basically if a person really wants a mega pack that works than the whole selection of mods must be fully integrated into one final file. As an example, I'll point at FWE again. FWE stopped updating at some point, its page also stopped getting maintained... Suggested mods to use alongside FWE were MMM and some Laser Mod.... So you were directed to use FIOP patches... Thing is that MMM got an update and the version of MMM that was needed was no longer available...Breaking compatibility....Also the FIOP patches were now also worthless. A year later someone produced new patches, named "Blackened" Im not sure but I believe that those also became useless due to broken compatibility cause an author updated their mod. However FWE as a core mod, still working....Just without all the suggested other mods to use... This brings me to another point... Even when you have a mod pack, you have compatibility issues that creep up due to other mods that said end user wants to play with in their load order... Anyway, Short Answer....Mod packs do exist even on this site...These take hefty time investments...Fallout 4 is still really young game, there may likely be a mod pack in another year or two who knows. Anyway, Im not thinking mod pack the way some think of mod packs...Those things don't really work out stuff breaks...Only way to make an actual working mod pack is to turn it into a fully functional singular file like a DLC either as a singular ESP or ESM, making sure in the process that said ESM or ESP file only needs the base game and can function fully on its own in that game without other downloads that's the only way to ensure against changes in the modding environment moving forward into the future.
  7. that is one of the best features of the game, a game that I happen to enjoy. Where it falls flat for me is the crappy DLC's. I had hoped that they would put out Story DLC's like new vegas did. DLC's that expanded the Characters actions and impact on the Wastes. While I enjoyed the added content for what it was, the minuscule story's contained in them felt more like it had been tacked on at the last moment. The rust devils alone could have been used to create an awesome story line for hours of game time. Deep breath... LOL.. anyway.. I hope that at some point a modding group will do for FO4 what some guy and Project brazil did for New vegas. Just played through Far Harbor...Well not the whole thing but most of it, there is still the Robots at the hotel to do and there are several places I haven't visited yet. Spent 30 hours on FH so far. Took about 3 or 4 days to play Nuka World. Now there are Halo games I have completed on Heroic Difficulty or higher in about 3 to 4 hours start to finish all the little mini-movies included in that time estimate as well....Those were of course full priced games and Im not the only guy out there that'd say ya you can finish a Halo game in under 3 or 4 hours some guys in like 2 hours.
  8. Heather doesn't have unique dialogue lines with mod added companions. She will fight with Piper, Has interactions with Preston Garvey and funny comments... She will sit down with Mama Murphy and ask for her fortune... I haven't done a lot with the other vanilla companions so far but I know that Heather doesn't have lines with DLC added companions or automatron robots that you make.
  9. A clean test should be done with a clean save that has not ever had a taste of the mods. Simply removing a mod doesn't always mean that the save is clean of that mod and that is certainly in the case of scripted mods, which there are quite a few I imagine in that load order of yours.
  10. Raider Face Variety ESP Go to its bug reports section, you will see the exact same bug reported there. I also had the same issue, took me a good long while to narrow it down to that mod and then found that it was in its bug report section. Its likely that the mod was made with something like Zedit which was an early editing tool. Its also the last mod that any modder would even think of being the culprit but Im telling you that mod is jacked, its causing the issue with your freeze/laggings. Just remove the mod, you'll notice an improvement straight away.
  11. Anyways, America fell, and when it did.... Super Mutant Armies arose, Ghouls came about, Robot armies went nutty, Deathclaws, Giant Ants, Radscorpions, The rise of other forms of intelligent life, Man eating plants (they were in the lore and the games!) a whole slew of other radioactively enhanced beasts happened on America.... With little to no idea of what happened outside of the places any of the games happened in or just snippets really. Yet 3rd rate countries of the time are going to brave all of that to plunder America while the ground is still deadly enough to kill normal men. When the first Fallout hit shelves in 1997 our collective knowledge of Nuclear or Radioactivity allowed for characters such as Peter Parker to have been biten by a radio-active spider causing the teenage boy to become Spider Man. The trouble about bringing science to this game is that our understanding of it has changed quite a bit since the lore of this game series was laid out back in 97, yet the lore hasn't really adapted very well has it? Today's Spider Man isn't biten by a spider suffering from radiation, and other characters the Lizardman and Hulk both of whom the entire world was fine with being created with Radiation at the time back in the 90's well now they are changed by special knowledge of DNA tweaking. The real issue is that players attempt to come at Fallout armed with current ideas rather than attempting to think about it from the very same perspectives that young people in the 90's had of science and accepted idea's of 90's science fiction.
  12. Survival Options Mod, That and the one that activates console commands are essential for modded playthroughs in Survival mode. There are just going to be times when you need to do things and normal survival wont let you such as save the game and walk away from the computer.
  13. Ok so just from memory, The total possible deduction of any source of incoming damage is around 80% There are of course mods to weapons that can be used by opponents that reduce that to 50% Damage Resistance does work but its not in any shape way or form easy to understand just looking at the numbers on the ingame sheet. So basic understanding is this, At a DR of equal value to damage received the player receives 50% of the damage. So DR 100 vs Dam 100 = 50 damage to target. A DR 20 vs Dam 20 = 10 A DR 20 vs Dam 10 = 5 (we are at 25%) A DR 20 vs Dam 4 = 2 A DR 20 vs Dam 2= 2 (At this point our DR doesn't nagate any damage) DR 20 plus Lone Wanderer Perk of 30% cap Vs Dam 20 = 7 DR 20 plus LWP 30% vs Dam 10 = 3.5 round up 4 DR 20 plus yada yada vs Dam 7 = going to equal at least 2. a 100 DR still will let through 20% of any incoming damage and may be subject to letting through 50% depending on mods and perks of said creature. That pretty much goes for everything. So a minigun will always do at least 2 damage per round that hits. as said before you cannot completely negate all damage there is a flat 20% you will always take. That flat number can also be increased due to weapon, perks, or other value similar to those aka Deathclaw and a few other creatures I imagine will have a flat reduction in just how much of their damage can be soaked by true damage reduction percent. Dang its confusing but there will always be at least 20 percent getting through your protection no matter how high it is and on top of that its entirely possible to reduce your possible soak by at least another 30% so basically you could have only 50% soak. That likely puts a lot of players in one hit range of a DeathClaw. Anyways, Best way to get real protection comes from true damage soak sources such as "Lone Wanderer Perk" and Legendary Item effects such as Assassin's or equivalent for race your up against. Bear in mind at that point there are still caps such as 80% hard cap and a 50% soft cap due to other effects that reduce how much can be soaked.
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