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Thank you for the responses. Seems like Nexus has been going through some trials, I hope everything comes together.
Many of the more popular mods end up with dozens or even hundreds of posts on their respective comments history and in times past there was a link to a related forum thread where we could do keyword searches. If that forum link still exists I haven't found it, nor have I found a way to search comments without reading every.single.post. I am I missing something or was there a deliberate decision to make researching mod issues much more difficult that it used to be?
I just encountered this too. I've used Vortex to run Fallout 4 with mods on the same drive I have Baldur's Gate 3 installed on. Both steam versions. I did a full windows reinstall after getting sick of problems with the BG3 Mod Manager and decided to try Vortex for BG3. Everything *looks* like it installs fine until I try to load a modded save game and BG3 tells me no mods are installed. I go back to Vortex and see the Deployment Interrupted message. What the heck is "an elevated process", what settings do my User Access Control need to be and/or what different deployment methods are available? It's a singularly unhelpful error message. Edit: I came across this Youtube guide by Food then Games: ... and realised Vortex was launching in Vulkan mode when I had been playing in DX11 mode. When I swapped to the ...Steam\steamapps\common\Baldurs Gate 3\bin\bg3_dx11.exe as the starting tool and restarted BG3, suddenly BG3 was recognising installed mods.
I don't want to change how weapons function, or their stats, or even what they look like to other players online, but the assault rifle (especially) is SUCH an eyesore that I would love a mod that let me change what it looks like at my end of the game. Is this an option I've just been unable to find?
Thanks Storm, any info is helpful. End of the day I'd like to replace the looks of the canon weapons, but not the stats - but most replacers require a base weapon mod and don't specify whether you end up with just new-looking-canon-stat-weapons, or those plus the modded weapons (often with dramatically different stats), dropping around in game. Guess I need to wrap my head around making my own weapon replacers if I really want to be sure.
So, just wondering. how weapon replacer mods and their prerequisites work when overwriting default weapons. e.g. If I use a weapon install the Ultimate M4 Pack, then the Replacer Pack that draws off the UM4P to replace Handmade Rilfes with CAR15's... Does that mean when I find "CAR15"s in-game... they all have the Handmade Rifle stats? they all have the Ulitmate M4 Pack's CAR15 stats? orit depends entirely on how the Replacer Pack is written?do I need to avoid level list injectors when installing the Ultimate M4 Pack* to be sure? *(I can't remember if that particular mod has level list injectors but some replacer pre-reqs do...) Thanks in advance for any guidance.
Just add a Vortex Collections section in the... Vortex section? Remember that the Collections API will be open and it will be possible for MO2/NMM/whateverelseexists to implement the feature as well. As one of the unwashed masses that uses mods far, far more than I'm ever likely to write one - through Vortex, I'd personally find it heartening to see the roots of Collections' development remembered by placement within the Vortex section of the forums. Then again, maybe that would just feel like payback for the leetist "just use MO2/NMM" posts I"ve seen since my discovery of FO4 and the addictive ever-expanding trove of mods in the Nexus hoard. I don't really care where such a forum appeared though. It would just be nice to not have to trawl through pages of random chat to find topics of long term relevance to me.
Thank you. I guess I should have expected a discord, but I'm a bit old fashioned and find forums MUCH easier to navigate and comprehend, especially when trying to follow a particular question/topic over time. Guess I'll dig up the link and stumble around. Thank you Zanerat. I had come across the collection topics forum, but each thread seems locked to discussion of a particular collection, while I was hoping for one where the collection *system* could be discussed. It seems the trend towards Discord marches on, despite (IMHO) this style of forum being much easier to track and understand discussions on topics.
Tha Thank you. I guess I should have expected a discord, but I'm a bit old fashioned and find forums MUCH easier to navigate and comprehend, especially when trying to follow a particular question/topic over time. Guess I'll dig up the link and stumble around.
Maybe my search-fu is failing me but I can't find a Collections-dedicated Nexus Forum where I/we can discuss the creating, uploading, editing and updating Collections. I've stumbled into one with threads locked to discussing specific Collections, the wiki is somewhat useful, and I can find scattered threads with an overarching forum searches, but there seems to be a distinct lack of somewhere easy to find that we can discuss making the most out of this new Nexus feature. In short, it seems quite hard to find information that we can't deduce from the sometimes obtuse basics. Is there actually a forum I've overlooked? (If so please point me in the right direction) When can we expect one? In the absence of a categorisation tool with Vortex (that doesn't wipe or reset every time a bee sneezes) I've found draft collections a great way to organise my personal mod preferences, but I have questions I can't find the answers to in the wiki and had no response to suggestions and bug reports I've locked my collections page. I had around 400 mods working nicely together for a while before I messed something up I couldn't figure out and had to start again. I get that Collections are still in development, but it would be great to have somewhere the Collection-inclined community can discuss the quirks and help each other make the most out of this option. Who knows, it might rev up enthusiasm.
Having come back to Nexus for another run at FO4 to find some of my old-favourite mods gone or hard to find, it occurs to me that the vast majority of enjoyment Ive had from mods comes out of the passion and generosity of people far more talented than me at this kind of thing, sharing their work in a space where I can access it. As well as those whove shared instructions and guides that help us code-illiterates fumble through installations and configurations. It was disappointing to see the exodus but Ive dabbled with the collections system, mostly to organise the mods Im currently enjoying that seem to work well together and it looks very promising for the future. Hopefully mod makers and Nexus devs can reach a happy place that brings departed authors back one day, but regardless of that, Im awed and grateful for the talents that let me tweak my game experience to suit my tastes far beyond the core game that I paid for. Whether you shared you work forever or just for a time thank you.
Red Rocket Repaired has some options including one that gets rid of the fuel arm. Im away from home at the moment but I think I installed the main mesh file then the no arms optional file to get rid of them. Such an annoying feature. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10337?tab=files I think Jenncaves Clean & Simple Red Rocket worked as well if you can track that down, but it seems to overlap something else I had for Sanctuary or Abernathy so Ive stuck with RRR currently.
Just wondering, what ever happened to the Mass Effect armour mod that got a YouTube review back in 2016 then (apparently) disappeared? How is it that theres only one mod these days offering a mass effect themed reskin of combat armour (which lives in my load order) when there are so many great looking other mass effect armours that havent made it across? X-com 2 has ME armour mods in the steam workshop, Im amazed theres not a bunch of FO4 options on nexus.
Dismissed Companions as Settlement Leaders or Mayors ?
Errant6 replied to Drivinghard's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Probably a reference to Sim Settlements 2. Its been a while since I had the opportunity but Im pretty sure its an option. -
I've hit a bug where I fast travel to a settlement and find the entry filled with junk that looks like settlement assets. I have a vague memory of something similar being linked to assets placed into storage during workshop build mode but I can't find the reference. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Current mod list (using MO2):- #Mod_Priority,#Mod_Name"0000","DLC: Wasteland Workshop""0001","DLC: Vault-Tec Workshop""0002","DLC: Ultra High Resolution Texture Pack""0003","DLC: Nuka-World""0004","DLC: Far Harbor""0005","DLC: Contraptions Workshop""0006","DLC: Automatron""0007","Core Framework & UI_separator""0008","Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource (AWKCR)""0009","Mod Configuration Menu""0010","MCM Config""0011","MCM Booster""0012","Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch""0013","HUDFramework""0014","Workshop Framework""0015","FallUI - HUD""0016","Active Effects on HUD""0017","FallUI - Inventory""0018","DEF_UI Iconlibs Rescaled and Fixed""0019","FallUI Item Sorter Mod (Standard,Weightless)""0020","FallUI - Map""0021","There It Is - Satellite Maps For Collectors""0022","Far Harbor Satellite Map""0023","Nuka-World Satellite Map""0024","FallUI - Workbench""0025","FallUI - Sleep and Wait""0026","Clean Pause Menu""0027","FallUI - Confirm Boxes""0028","Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer -CBBE-""0029","Crafting Highlight Fix""0030","Fallout 4 Wheel Menu""0031","Gameplay_separator""0032","FO4 Hotkeys""0033","Another Life""0034","LooksMenu""0035","Third-Person Movement Speed Fix""0036","Increased Walking Speed""0037","MGS Aiming""0038","Effective Melee Blocking""0039","Demolitions Expert and Grenade Arc Fix""0040","Lowered Weapons""0041","Classic Holstered Weapons System (CHW)""0042","Survival Options""0043","Fill Multiple Bottles""0044","Simple Wait Anywhere (Lightweight)""0045","Faster Terminal Displays""0046","Easy Hacking""0047","Easy Lockpicking""0048","ETSGM - Easy To See Glowing Mags""0049","ETSGH - Easy To See Glowing Holotapes""0050","ETSGB - Easy To See Glowing Bobbleheads""0051","Salvage Beacons""0052","Lootman""0053","Rich Merchants""0054","QuickTrade, Base""0055","Protected Unique Brahmin""0056","Extended Dialogue Interface""0057","Old Time Religion""0058","Atomic Radio and Tales from the Commonwealth""0059","Environmental_separator""0060","Optimized Vanilla Textures""0061","Insignificant Object Remover""0062","Vivid Fallout - All in One""0063","True Storms Wasteland Edition v1.4""0064","True Storms Nuka World Add-On (for Darker Nights)""0065","Darker Nights 1.11p6""0066","Wasteland Imports - Goodies from all across the Wasteland""0067","Civil Defense Posters - Vanilla""0068","Horror Posters""0069","Hot and Horny Wastelands - Posters by TheKite""0070","Lore Friendly Posters - Disappearing Mesh Fix""0071","Park Posters""0072","Sci Fi Posters""0073","FCO - HD Eyes""0074","Female Diamond City Security""0075","Gear_separator""0076","Black Vaultsuit""0077","NanoSuit""0078","Armorsmith Extended""0079","Armorsmith Extended Diamond City Guard Patch""0080","Quick Outfit""0081","Tactical Fast Helmet""0082","Tactical Accessory Compendium (TAC)""0083","K-9 Harness -- Tactical Body Armor and Backpack for Dogmeat""0084","Backpacks of the Commonwealth""0085","SF Combat Armor and Jetpack - Performance""0086","Jetpacks FAO v5 - Installer""0087","(RERELEASE) Adamantium Skeleton - No Falling Damage""0088","Real working jet pack""0089","Scouter_by_Ruddy88""0090","Scouter - Toggle Patch""0091","West Tek Tactical Optics - Night Vision Thermal Vision Goggles and More""0092","West Tek Tactical Optics - Enhanced Targeting HUD (No Friendly Highlights)""0093","WUNV - Worsin's Ultimate Night Vision v2.5.1a""0094","TNR Shoulder Lamp""0095","TNR Shoulder Lamp - Alt Slot""0096","ANZAC Biscuits - New Food Item and Sweetroll Replacer""0097","Craftable All-in-one version of Big E's Military Berets and bonus""0098","VIS-G Legendary Modifications""0099","Tactical Armor kit""0100","Combat Helmet Visor""0101","Combat Leg Armor Variation""0102","N7-CombatArmor-STANDALONE_by_Ruddy88""0103","Unzipped Vault Suit - Vanilla Body Conversions by femshepping""0104","Weapons_separator""0105","Craftable Guns and Weapons""0106","Ammo Crafting""0107","Colt 6520 10mm pistol""0108","Colt 6520 10mm Pistol Replacer""0109","Heckler und Koch - MP5 Complex""0110","Modern Weapon Replacer - Heckler Und Koch MP5 Complex - FOMOD Installer""0111","Wattz Laser Gun""0112","Energy Weapon Replacer - Wattz Laser Gun - FOMOD Installer""0113","Wattz Laser Military Paint Retexture""0114","Combined Arms - Modern Weapon Pack""0115","Combined Arms - Modern Weapon Pack v.1.1""0116","Modern Weapon Replacer - Combined Arms - Modern Weapon Pack - FOMOD Installer""0117","Lasers Have No Recoil""0118","M72 Gauss Rifle""0119","X12 Plasmacaster""0120","Plasma Weapon Replacer-X12 Plasmacaster""0121","SIG Sauer MPX 001e""0122","RU556 - Assault rifle""0123","DKS-501 Sniper Rifle - Standalone""0124","McMillan CS5 - A Standalone Sniper Rifle""0125","Scopes Framework""0126","See-Through-Scopes""0127","RobCo Recon Scope Replacer""0128","Remington Model 700""0129","MK14 EBR""0130","Tactical Reload""0131","Spears - Board Replacer - Standalone""0132","Weapon Damage Improvements""0133","Power Armor_separator""0134","WIPAG - Worsin's Immersive Power Armor Garage v2.9""0135","WPS - Worsin_s Paint Shop 1.1""0136","WIPAP ESP Files""0137","WIPAP - Worsin_s Immersive Power Armor Paints - Style 4 (Dirty)""0138","Immersive Backpacks for Power Armors""0139","Clean Power Armor HUD""0140","Settlements_separator""0141","Do Your Damn Job Codsworth -- A Sanctuary Hills Overhaul""0142","Aloot's Home Plate""0143","Clean and Simple Red Rocket""0144","Clean and Simple Ten Pines""0145","Clean_and_Simple_Starlight_Drive_In""0146","Shaikujin's Better warning for settlements being attacked""0147","Recruitable Settlers""0148","Recruitable Settlers FH""0149","Settlers got clean faces""0150","No Lollygagging Settlers""0151","Place Everywhere""0152","Workshop Rearranged""0153","Workshop Plus""0154","Faster Workshop (Workshop Lag Fix)""0155","Settler Sandbox Expansion""0156","Solar Panels""0157","Longer Power Lines""0158","This is MY Bed""0159","Sim Settlements 2""0160","Sim Settlements 2 - Chapter 2""0161","Sim Settlements 2 HUD Override""0162","Sim Settlements 2 - Recruitable Settlers Leaders Pack 2""0163","Address Library for F4SE Plugins""0164","Baka ScrapHeap - Script Memory Limit Expander""0165","Rise of the Commonwealth for Sim Settlements 2""0166","Wasteland Venturers Sim Settlements 2 Addon Pack""0167","Sim Settlements 2 - Pra's Random Addon 2""0168","Sim Settlements 2 - Ruined Homes and Gardens 2.0""0169","Sim Settlements 2 City Plan Sunshine Tidings Co-op - SummerVil""0170","Leaders and Legends of the new Commonwealth""0171","CSM's Vanilla Leaders (SS2)""0172","Hang'em Mall (Hangman's Alley) - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan""0173","Oberland Station Planet X - SS2 November City Plan Contest""0174","Red Rocket Happy City (Sim Settlements 2 City Plan Contest 2021-03)""0175","Sim Settlements 2 City Plan Tenpines Bluff - PinesVil""0176","Vaulted Vault 88 - Sim Settlements 2 City Plan""0177","Companions_separator""0178","Where Are You Now - Companion Tracking""0179","Amazing FollowerTweaks""0180","Amazing FollowerTweaks Recipes""0181","Better Companions - All In One""0182","Companion Infinite Ammo""0183","Ataralyxius' Companion Face Morph Collection For Fallout 4 V4.0a""0184","Commonwealth Cuts - KS Hairdos - ApachiiSkyHair""0185","keke-bu MacCready""0186","Mecto Amore - A Gen 3 Nick Valentine""0187","Settler and Companion Dialogue Overhaul""0188","Factions_separator""0189","We Are The Minutemen""0190","Militarized Minutemen""0191","Minutemen Leather Armor Paint - Standalone""0192","Minuteman outfit Recolor""0193","MMP4APA - Minuteman Paint for ALL Power Armors""0194","CROSS_MojaveManhunter""0195","CROSS_Courser Strigidae""0196","CROSS_Chosen_Of_Atom""0197","Brotherhood of Steel Armor Overhaul""0198","Enemies_separator""0199","Deadlier Deathclaws""0200","Glowing Deathclaws - A Retexture""0201","More Enemies""0202","Endless Warfare""0203","Night of the Creeps""0204","Mojave Cazadores""0205","FallEvil - Complete Edition""0206","Mutant Menagerie - Big Game Hunting""0207","Mutant Menagerie - FallUI Sorting Patch""0208","Trial_separator""0209","Budget Limit Remover (Definitive Edition)""0210","MCM Hotkeys""0211","WIPAP - Worsin's Immersive Power Armor Paints - Style 3 (Clean)""0212","WIPAP - Worsin's Immersive Power Armor Paints - Style 4 (Clean)""0213","WIPAP - Worsin's Immersive Power Armor Paints - Style 6 (Clean)""0214","Secret Service Armor""0215","The Eyes of Beauty Fallout Kaleidoscope Edition - All-in-One"