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Everything posted by porroone

  1. Well I figured it out, how to add my own animations for the flying movement without overwritting the original animations. Since right now while flying I only want it to fly, I mean play certain animations, basically what I do is a setrace on a new race, with a copy of the character's behavior. In that same copy I can overwritte the animations I like, since only my custom race will play those animations, then when you unequip the ring it sets you back to your original race and you are back playing the default animations. I still need to do some testing on non-humanoid races, like khajit and argonians, but since im not morphing to any race in particular, im using DefaultRace, I guess it should work aswell, I will keep you guys updated ^^ EDIT: Found an issue with this method, it sets some default facial traits, the character looks different, still I belive its the best way to go.
  2. If you read the whole thread, you will see my comments there, and the unfortunate waste of time it was (spent a whole day focusing on that while I could had spend it doing something else), there are very good modders who already tried those tools long time ago (like 2-3 months ago) and they came out empty, so its another dead end. Im waiting for Fore, see if he can get the acyclic slots working properly, right now he only managed to add idle slots to the behavior which is more than anybody has done, so I will put my faith on him, which doesnt mean I wont keep trying myself, but the people who actually understands this stuff, has been on it for months, while I started like a week ago.
  3. Hahaha you have no idea what you asking.. first im far from a good animator, then in order to do what you want to do I would have to edit the behavior in ways Im not sure if its even possible, so lets first focus on a simple flying ring, basic behavior editting (adding a few animations) and once I know how to do that, then I will focus on more complex things, but unless somebody releases a custom-made tool to properly edit behaviors, instead of going through 50.000 lines of xml code, its going to take time, lots of time. Same applies for custom creatures, havent you wonder why there arent any mods with new monsters and such, its because editing the behavior is some crazy s*** to do.
  4. Make sure to note on the instructions to remove the *.PEX file, found in Data/Scripts, that should get rid of the problem.
  5. I dont think this is going ever to work, there are some good modders, that already messed with this stuff like months ago, im talking about the hologram for example, who made hkxcmd, which allows us to convert regular hkx into kf so we can edit it and export it back, reading the forums I have seen that same guy already checked the old behavior tool, mostly as a reference to make his conversion tool,so if it were that simple we would already had tons of new creatures and new movement types, but its not. Right now the only way to add new stuff into the behavior is to either overwritte animations or to edit the behavior in TAGXML form, which is very hard to do (we are talking here of thousand of elements, to be renamed, changed..), there are some people who is actually getting something done, we have SaidenStorm for example, who managed to allow underwater combat as shown in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cisn0z5KxqM&feature=channel Or ronghpale's horse combat mod, made aswell by editing the behavior in TAGXML: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CD07afsS3iw Or Fores new idles, which is a mod very useful to modders,it gives 350 free idle animation slots: http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11811 Everything has been done by editing the behavior in TAGXML form, and some of this people have been looking into the matter for months.
  6. I am not so worried about collision to change the whole system now lol, so basically what I am trying to do now is to figure how to add new non-keyframed animations into the behavior graph, I just need to add 4, but its kind of a pain in the ass, adding an idle animation is possible, there is a guy who did it and left 350 free idle animation slots for modders to add their animations, but that isnt useful to me, since those animations dont let you move the character. It is very painfully complex stuff, I dont even understand it well enough to determine if its even possible lol.
  7. Yes thats the issue discussed here, when I preview the animation in the ck it works fine, when I test it ingame, whether by using papyrus (a method I know works perfect since I tested it with other animations) and by console command calling the new action I created, even putting the animation on known actions like ActionFall or ActionMoveForward doesnt do the trick, so I am out of options here.
  8. Everything looks good in the ck, I think the problem lays whenever you call the animation it goes to look for a state into the original behavior, and it doesnt find it. Maybe looking at the original behavior in xml, check what kind of modifiers use the animations.
  9. When I try to play the action, using the player.pa it fails, but at least it recognaises the action even when its in a different behavior tree, thats a good start.
  10. Well it does work in the editor, but it doesnt when I try to play the animation in-game using the SendAnimationEvent on papyrus.
  11. holy f***ing s*** I got it to work, ill be damned !! now time to try it ingame with my script.
  12. Yes, thats what im doing right now lol, thanks :P
  13. Ok im trying to add a custom animation I made into the behavior, I imported it to 3dsmax using hkxcmd, then exported it used the havok content tools, if I overwrite that animation for another, it works fine, the game plays the animation, but when I try to add it on the behavior tool it gives this error: Unable to load animation file "C:\behavior\Project02\Animations\mt_jumpfall.hkx". I compared your BethesdaAnimation which loads just fine and the I saw mine giving an error under Number of Samples while yours doesnt, any feedback would be appreciated hehe.
  14. Wow, I have a whole new shitload of stuff to test now, thanks a lot hehe. Edit: This gives way to make a proper Dragon shapeshift spell without having to use bats or that kind of stuff.
  15. OK maybe im not explaining myself well... Lets say I want to add a few new animations into the Troll behavior (to put it as an example), following your instructions, I would have to recreate the whole troll behavior from scratch in order to add my new animations to it.
  16. Maybe its just me, but your tutorial doesnt cover how to make a custom behavior, just how to edit the one you made, I would like to know all the steps, from the conversion to xml, to the changes you do in the XML version, how do u convert it back, the rest its nothing more than adding new animations to a behavior, which we could already do with hkxcmd.
  17. Yep im downloading something aswell.. this explains why CK wasnt starting lol.
  18. I updated my flying script to fly in different directions, so now if you press WASD it flies forward,back and strafes left/right. In order to do that I had to do some stuff I will explain later, if you are interested in recreating this, then follow the instructions: First create 5 magic effects, we will call them: FlyingRing,FlyingFwd,FlyingBck,FlyingLft,FlyingRgt. This magic effects will have the next options: Effect Archetype: Script Casting Type: Constant Effect Delivery: Self Once we created the effects we go to the Object Window, Miscellaneous/Global, and we create 4 globals with the names; DirF, DirB, DirR, DirL. Then we go back to the magic effects, lets start with the FlyingFwd, we add the following script to it: GlobalVariable property DirF auto Event OnEffectStart(Actor akCaster, Actor akTarget) DirF.SetValueInt(1) endEvent Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akCster, Actor akTarget) DirF.SetValueInt(0) EndEvent Pick the name you want and extend it on ActiveMagicEffect, then go to properties of the script and select DirF, look on the list for the global we created earlier or click autofill. Apply the same logic for the rest of the effects. Then go to the FlyingRing effect and add the following script: Scriptname __PlyFly extends activeMagicEffect Armor property RingFF auto Actor property Player auto import utility import form import game import debug import ObjectReference perk property NoFallDmg auto Action property JumpS auto GlobalVariable property DirF auto GlobalVariable property DirB Auto GlobalVariable property DirR auto GlobalVariable property DirL Auto float bearing float elevation float speed float posx float posy float posz Event OnEffectStart(Actor Player, Actor Caster) Player = Game.GetPlayer() Utility.SetIniFloat("fInAirFallingCharGravityMult:Havok",0) if Player.IsEquipped(RingFF) while Player.IsEquipped(RingFF) Fly() endWhile endIf endEvent function Fly() if DirF.GetValueInt() == 1 || DirB.GetValueInt() == 1 || DirR.GetValueInt() == 1 || DirL.GetValueInt() == 1 posx = Player.GetPositionX() posy = Player.GetPositionY() bearing = Player.GetAngleZ() elevation = Player.GetAngleX() posz = Player.GetPositionZ() if Player.IsSprinting() speed = 2000 else speed = 1000 endIf if DirF.GetValueInt() == 1 posx += math.sin(bearing)*speed posy += math.cos(bearing)*speed posz -= math.sin(elevation)*speed elseif DirB.GetValueInt() == 1 posx -= math.sin(bearing)*speed posy -= math.cos(bearing)*speed posz += math.sin(elevation)*speed elseif DirL.GetValueInt() == 1 posx += math.sin(bearing - 90)*speed posy += math.cos(bearing - 90)*speed posz -= math.sin(elevation)*speed elseif DirR.GetValueInt() == 1 posx += math.sin(bearing + 90)*speed posy += math.cos(bearing + 90)*speed posz -= math.sin(elevation)*speed endIf Player = Game.GetPlayer() Player.TranslateTo(posx,posy,posz,bearing,0,elevation,speed,1) else Player.StopTranslation() endIf endFunction Event OnEffectFinish(Actor Player, Actor Caster) Player.StopTranslation() Utility.SetIniFloat("fInAirFallingCharGravityMult:Havok",1.35) endEvent Go to properties of this script and press auto-fill all. Once you have all the effects with all the scripts, go to enchanments, look for an enchant that fortifies something, duplicate it, remove the content and add the 5 magic effects. Now in order to detect if you are moving forward,back, left or right I use the conditional functions the enchantment window provides, so when you add the FlyingFwd effect to the enchant, add the GetMovementDirection conditional == to 1, this way the effect will only trigger if you are moving forward. 1 = Forward; 2 = Right; 3 = Back; 4 = Left And thats it, I made this to get my head away from the behavior stuff for a while, and it works perfect.
  19. What did u use to export the hkx file to max 8, max 8 being 3dsmax right ?
  20. Could you explain what you did to the skeleton.hkx in order to make it compatible with the old behavior tool ?
  21. Even if it does, anything that requieres checking constantly for some kind of triggering would be really expensive to do, im not sure how bad but if you have several scripts doing that kind of stuff would probably affect performance.
  22. Been there, doesnt work, currently I made a system that detects w,a,s,d using magic effects inside an enchantment with the conditions GetMovementDirection(thanks DarkenDe for the idea :)), for example if my player is moving in the forward direction the magic effect "MoveForward" runs, this effect has an script that modifies a global variable on the events OnEffectStart and OnEffectFinish. Adding to all that my way to add new animations to the behavior, I could achieve a cool flight system with 5 different animations controlling the flight (one for standing, another to fly forward,left,right and back), there is still the problem with collisions, im not sure if its fixable since even Dragons dont collide with the world while in flight mode.
  23. Well I figured out that what I was trying to do was very complex, so i'm starting from something easier, like adding new animations to behavior and such, its a looong learning curve.
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