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Everything posted by porroone

  1. Wait, What? I know what a capsule shape is, it is what defines the collision boundries of a model, this actually solves a kind of bug I found and I didnt know where it was, it only happened when I mess with the race, the bug consisted in, after translation, the model itself went back to the original position, I didnt know what was causing it I guess now I do lol. DarkenDe what keywords did u set on your dragon? or are u using the original dragon race? because seeing you control the animation made me wonder, that never worked for me, so it might have something to do with the keywords.
  2. Well your support is certantly appreciated, we need as many people as we can to make this work, as for running console commands from papyrus, I think its not possible, but anyways what you do with the console commands is Player.pa which could mean either play action or animation, you can run that command from papyrus using PlayAnimation, problem is it doesnt work very well, im attempting to create a new behavior graph right now see if I can override the default controls.
  3. Sorry I did not know about this thread, basically what I see there is a Hierarchy, which in my experience refers to a parent and its childs, and since its inside a block called controlData and then a set of parameters that clearly define a type of movement and the fact I havent seen the same block in the character behavior.. Im just guessing here, I do not know if the parent is the AI which controls the childs, im going to attempt to create my own behavior see what comes out.
  4. Hehe first I need to figure out how to create the new behavior graph, which I know its possible since I know a guy who have done it, im just waiting for his answer.
  5. Well its not simple, if you read the thread you will see the problems we encounter, the flying method the dragon uses is based on AI, so even if design your own flying system (which I did) then you get the problem that animations cant be played without triggering that AI, so basically I ended up with a flying dragon that doesnt play animations, and I decided to surrender.. But then a mod came out, one that deals with behavior graphs which taught me how to open these, and after looking and comparing both character and dragon animations (we are talking here of 9k and 12k lines of code) I think I found out why it doesnt let me move the dragon when I play an animation on it. <hkparam name="controlData"> <hkobject> <hkparam name="keyFrameHierarchyControlData"> <hkobject> <hkparam name="hierarchyGain">0.170000</hkparam> <hkparam name="velocityDamping">0.000000</hkparam> <hkparam name="accelerationGain">1.000000</hkparam> <hkparam name="velocityGain">0.600000</hkparam> <hkparam name="positionGain">0.050000</hkparam> <hkparam name="positionMaxLinearVelocity">1.400000</hkparam> <hkparam name="positionMaxAngularVelocity">1.800000</hkparam> <hkparam name="snapGain">0.100000</hkparam> <hkparam name="snapMaxLinearVelocity">0.300000</hkparam> <hkparam name="snapMaxAngularVelocity">0.300000</hkparam> <hkparam name="snapMaxLinearDistance">0.030000</hkparam> <hkparam name="snapMaxAngularDistance">0.100000</hkparam> </hkobject> </hkparam> <hkparam name="durationToBlend">0.500000</hkparam> </hkobject> </hkparam> <hkparam name="keyFrameHierarchyControlData"> this here kind of makes sense, now I need to figure how to pack it back into a normal hkx file, and how to create a new behavior graph inside the ck..
  6. well there is a guy who taught me how to open behavior graph files and this is crazy stuff, I mean 9k lines of code crazy, and thats one of th small ones... if I manage to get my head around it I could design my own behavior graph, im not sure how to implement it yet but one step at the time.
  7. Ok ok, hold on a second you telling me you managed to get the plattaform on the players feet idea working? and it lets you play idle animations while you are running ? are u kidding me ? xDD
  8. Well, the assets the game offer are very lovecraftian, I cant belive nobody is really working on a project like this, so Im starting this thread to see how many of us will join on making a small mod from one of lovecraft's short stories.
  9. I can see there you use jump to increase z position right ? and the movement direction isnt really an issue, you can use global conditionals, like actions, ActionMoveForward, or strafe or jump, I still need to test it but seeing you already using jump to increase height im pretty sure it will work. The beauty of actions if I understand it correctly is that they are called with a key, for example ActionMoveForward is called when you press W, which sets a behavior graph that makes you move forward. Thats the problem I found out when trying to play animations on my rideable dragon, whenever I try to play an action on it, the source, in the case on the character being an input key "W" , and the dragon being a hardcoded AI, completly overtakes any movement you want to apply to the creature.
  10. Yea I know what you meant, you could even get jump with that method. Edit: Well I have to say you just showed me a new whole world to mess around, this is going to take time but I belive with this I can do everything I want to do, you can even get globals with this, which means actions or hardcoded states, so the idea is to make a parent script which will handle all the child scripts, the child scripts will have the conditionals and the parent will handle which one runs.
  11. That could actually work, I'll give it a shoot see what comes out.
  12. Yes I tried that but that animation locks the player controls and doesnt let you move.
  13. Hehehe I found out a good tank, very brave one, its the housecarl of windhelm, I think his name is calder, he gets the job done.
  14. Yea I belive some followers are hardcoded, I think your best bet would be create a new follower, with lydia's traits, and then add the ai you want, tell me how it goes, I have the multiple followers mods and im trying to create a party with a healer, a mage, a warrior and a tank, and I was hoping lydia would be my tank since I always saw her with the shield, but seems like vilkas got the job while lydia always stays backs with the damn bow.
  15. Im not sure but seems like a problem with the nodes, I found a similar issue when trying to make a 1h sword attach to the WeaponBack node, whenever I tried to draw my sword, it played the animation but the sword got sticked on back, two things maybe, make sure the scb is attached to a node not being WeaponSword, and make sure the weapon is attached to the WeaponSword node. You might have to create a new skeleton for that, with a node paralel to the WeaponSword node, where the scb gets attached.
  16. Thats because the script is compiled only, I think you are missing the source. Anyways if you want to script your way out of this, let me tell you its impossible to determine what key the player is pressing with papyrus.
  17. Again those mods depend enterily in console commands, I might take a look at dragonscript, there is something that could do the trick, or at least play any animation I want, since I wont depend on the IsRunning input..
  18. You can actually call those animations on the player, I belive they use the same skeleton, problem is the player becomes inmobile and the IsRunning() function does not respond. Same issue here, you need the IsRunning() function, there is no way to determine what key the player is pressing in papyrus, you need to relay in either IsForward() or IsSprinting() and the player needs to be moving in order to do that.
  19. There are several projects running to get flight working, with different approaches from what i can tell... I think you are all experiencing the same problems though. I think the biggest problem is that all the modders that are able to get it done individually work on their own projects rather than trying to assemble all this knowledge to get it solved together. The community is somehow totally spread across several boards... One of the main reasons I quit the project. I also removed the ring from download, no point in having it there if nobody is going to help work out an animation.
  20. Yes I will advice to use while instead of OnUpdate, the second tends to pile up s*** you dont need when the OnUpdate triggers before it ran all the code.
  21. I found out that the PlayAnimation function plays actions, but to tell you the truth I think im done with this, I thought more people would support the idea of flying dragons, I guess I was wrong, so oficially im not working on this any longer, good luck for future modders.
  22. Yes im aware of this for a while, problem is you cant execute console commands in papyrus, so no shapeshifting spell into dragons, or at least that i know of, hope im wrong hehe.
  23. Ok, one thing tho, ive been working on this for quite a while, dont you think I tested those functions already, and anything that has to do with either "animation", "idle" or even "Action", what I need is a new animation, or a new way method to play them, I am aware of all the functions on the wiki, and those who arent on the wiki aswell (uncommented functions on the code), but none works fine.
  24. Yep, thats why I made my own riding system lol. Now that I think about it I could do flying horses.. that should be relatively easy, I might give it a shot.
  25. You set the ActorTypeHorse keyword on the actor and it will let you mount it, and if it has a saddlebone it will auto-attach the player to it.
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