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Everything posted by KennyMcCormick315

  1. In response to post #55563054. To be fair, it's hard to point out specifics when there's barely anything about the new UI that works. I could print off any random new Nexus page, tape it to my wall, throw a dart, and there'd be something about the element the dart landed in which doesn't work for me. It should be clear from how many of us are saying 'the whole site looks awful/like it was designed for a phone' that there isn't a specific set of elements wrong with this design. The entire design is at fault. And I had to use uBlock Origins to restore basic functionality just now, because the 'donate to the mod author' pane had popped up above the mod dependencies warning, making it impossible for me to click the button to actually download the mod until I used uBlock to nip that pane entirely. So not only does it look like it was designed with smartphones in mind, which is something I positively loathe but acknowledge that it's a more subjective aspect of UI design, but the new design is actively interfering with the primary usage of the site. Needless to say I'm definitely not a fan and if you ask me to be specific I'm just going to point to the entire UI and say 'Everything on the screen', then point to the old UI and go 'This is far better, use this'. There's simply too much wrong with the new UI for me to sit down and itemize it, I'd be here till Christmas sorting that one out, and I imagine this is the same way for everyone else who is being general in their comments. I love this site, I'm probably going to toss a few bucks its way once I have a new job and can afford to do so(Terrible UI aside, the Nexus network is an amazing batch of sites and my favorite games wouldn't be playable without it, and that's something I'm willing to support), but I'm not going to sit here and leave my concerns unvoiced when I feel the entire UI is bad. Hell, it's making some people leave the site entirely...probably not enough to meaningfully affect site traffic, but it's never a good sign when you have people saying the UI is so bad it's making them quit playing Fallout 4 because the mod repository they need to enjoy it is painful to look at, nor is it a good sign when you have people saying it's literally painful for them to look at.
  2. In response to post #55565719. #55566854, #55566949 are all replies on the same post. I might be willing to accept it if I didn't have to just use uBlock Origin to nip the donation pane on the mod download page so I could get to the button I needed to click to download the mod I wanted. The site is objectively broken for me. It isn't a matter of 'I don't like the UI'...well, I don't...the issue is that I have to go in there with Firefox addons and disable elements of the webpage just to get basic functionality to work. I shouldn't have to do that. The donation pane shouldn't be sitting on top of the buttons one needs to click to download mods, which are the primary reason the site exists at all. Bit frustrating to say the least. But I have a local workaround, so it's all good, and I'll just put up with the UI now that I have the site working again.
  3. Anyone else having issues with mod downloads...just not triggering? I'm trying to get Transfer Settlements to download and it doesn't want to pop up the box asking me permission to open the NMM link in NMM like it's supposed to do. It's done this on other mods, too, but I was able to F5 them and get it to work. But not TS. What gives? What is even the point of having that button if it doesn't work? Also, any sort of information that would be displayed(Including a link to force the download if the script fails as it is doing to me) is obscured by the great big 'DONATE' box. This was annoying enough on the old nexus but it was just a matter of clicking through it. Here, it's obscuring every piece of text that might give me a reasonable idea of why the download script isn't firing properly. This UI needs work. Setting aside the rather subjective points of how it looks, it doesn't work properly. If it matters, I'm on the latest non-Quantum Firefox build, with a few really common addons. uBlock, Greasemonkey. And nothing more. Old site worked fine. New one doesn't. Can we just get the old one back and not worry about the redesign? Old nexus wasn't broken... Edit: Yah, the donate pane is the problem. I got in there with uBlock and nipped the pane. Soon as it disappeared I saw a warning for 'This mod requires x and y mods' and a button there for continuing the download. The donate pane was obscuring the basic functionality of the site.
  4. In response to post #55565719. Uhh, no, it isn't, in fact I just now came in here because not only does it look like a mobile app, but it's also outright broken for me. Change is good...when change is necessary. Change just for change's sake is a waste of everyone's time. And I'm not of the opinion that the Nexus site needed this redesign.
  5. All I want in a mod manager is the ability to install FOMODS, manage archive invalidation, and handle load orders. THat's it. I don't particularly care for logging in through the mod manager or being able to rate mods through it, I don't want it checking for updates(For itself or for mods) as I will do this as I feel the need to. I just want it to manage my load order and install fomods, nothing more. FOMM was overpowered for me, but I adored its simplicity, and that's what I'm hoping for out of Vortex. I'll probably give it a try in January when it pops out. Here's hoping it's an honest and simple little program that does what it says on the tin and doesn't have a lot of extraneous fluff.
  6. In response to post #55344843. #55373403, #55373898, #55376993, #55378678 are all replies on the same post. To be fair, NMM is horribly broken. Always has been. I don't yet know if Vortex will be an improvement but here's hoping. I wholeheartedly disagree with 'If it ain't broke don't fix it' being a dumb saying, in fact, it's one I live by and one I feel the world should live by. Change solely for change's sake is dumb and often introduces problems that weren't there beforehand with no net benefit to be had. 'Fixing' things that aren't broken is a major problem with society today. That being said, NMM needs a lot of fixing. I flat out wouldn't use it at all if I had a choice. I love FOMM, it's my ideal mod manager. I actually jury-rigged it to work with Skyrim and spent a ton of time attempting to coax it to manage Fallout 4's mods as well. Hell, I still use it on FO3, FNV, Skyrim, and I've gone out of my way to make sure NMM never tries to associate with those three titles so it can't screw up what's working. But try as I might I couldn't coax it to work with FO4, so I was forced to use the crashy pile of crap that is NMM. Not fond of NMM and I'm not going to shed a tear when it's depreciated. I just hope Vortex is an improvement. I'll reserve judgement until it's in my hands.
  7. I'll be perfectly honest: The new design is yet another casualty of catering to smartphones. It feels clunky and disorganized on desktop, like it was designed primarily for touch screen devices rather than pointing devices. To put it simply, it looks and feels like a mobile app, not a website, and I'm not particularly fond of that. Not even when I'm browsing on my phone, funnily enough, I always force desktop sites on my phone. I'll be sticking to the old UI for as long as I can until I begrudgingly switch due to not having a choice in the matter. What would change my thoughts on it? Making it more resemble the old than it does. About halfway between old Nexus and mobile Nexus would be the butter zone, I think. Something that works and feels smooth on a mouse, yet also works and feels smooth on a touch screen. Currently it feels like it swung way too far in the touchscreen direction. I also echo avpn's sentiments on the arrangement of items on the homepage.
  8. In response to post #36175210. Not quite the same thing. I'm referring to the free upgrade path you get by allowing the ads to show. The current plan is to raise the speed cap by half a meg, but for a lot of users that is a worthless thing because they cannot hit the cap as-is. An incentive to turn ABP off that doesn't cost money and doesn't revolve around speed caps would be a better one, as it would appeal to all users. Not just those lucky enough to have high speed internet. The hard part is finding out what that could be. Maybe access to that special image share would do it? And, as for me, the only real perk I get out of giving money to the Nexus is keeping the Nexus running. Which, for me, is well worth the pennies it would cost as this place is a great one-stop-shop for mods for my favorite games, but none of the other things on offer really appeal to me.
  9. I do greatly appreciate that you're not trying to bash our(ABP user's) heads in with punishments, but I would like to point out a slight flaw with the incentive you chose. A lot of us are on terrible ISPs. I am no exception. My maximum download speed is about 3/4ths what the cap is. IE: I would never hit the cap anyway, so raising the cap is utterly meaningless to me. This holds true for anyone and everyone on a slower connection, which includes most rural users(as I am) since they just do not have a choice. Hmm, but what else to use instead, something that even a dialup user could take advantage of? 'Tis the conundrum for sure. As for supporting the Nexus...up until very recently I was so broke that the only way I could enjoy gaming was to find a really good game with a really active modding community that would let me squeeze thousands of hours out of a single title. That, for me, was Fallout 3, and New Vegas behind it. The Nexus powered the modding community. Now that I'm not broke I'm probably going to toss a few bucks your way once in a while. Most of the perks of premium/supporter/donator are worthless to me, but eh. I don't care. The Nexus continues to be a kickass mod site and, even while I disagree with a few things they do and don't care for the mod manager, I adore the site. I feel being able to keep the servers running without being begged to buy crap I don't want is well worth it.
  10. WELP there went any chance I'll ever use NMM. I already didn't want to use it, I've always thought FOMM an unquestionably better way to manage load orders, but this is just the final nail in the coffin for me.
  11. In response to post #7981549. I've definitely forgotten to endorse a few I liked. Would be nice to be able to click it right off the bat, 'specially since we can just as easily remove that endorsement if the mod turns up to be a big bag of mirelurk turds.
  12. In response to post #7972188. #7973352, #7974373, #7975151, #7975812, #7977220, #7977246, #7978609, #7980949 are all replies on the same post. I'd be happy if we had a little box at the top again. Or, at the least, let me add it to Firefox's choices of search engines.
  13. In response to post #7516667. #7516700, #7516921, #7517121, #7517246, #7517427, #7517456 are all replies on the same post. Would only work for New Vegas, Skyrim, and possibly other games outside of Bethesda's catalog(I'm not familiar with those titles.) Oblivion, Morrowind and FO3 can be had legit without a Steam account necessary. Buy a legit used copy off eBay, for example. That's how I got Fallout 3. It doesn't require Steam to run.
  14. In response to post #7517591. #7517664 is also a reply to the same post. Use FOMM instead? I've been using FOMM the whole time and I've had exactly 0 issues with it.
  15. This is nice. Once I get some dosh I'll probably get the supporter thing. The main reason I run ABP is because I don't trust advertising companies. Malicious advertisements end up on legit sites like the Nexus all the time, despite the best efforts of webmasters. So, in the nature of the security of my machine, I have ABP turned on for all sites. That's fine for sites like Youtube which are too big to fall. I couldn't care less about Google not getting my ad revenue, they make a bloody fortune they'll be fine. But small sites like this? They don't have that luxury. They need their ad revenue to sustain, and often offer things like premium memberships. But why, then, if I love the Nexus and understand its financial woes, have I never purchased it? I'm one broke MFer. Like, seriously broke. I've got just $5USD in the bank right now, and that's very much the norm. I simply cannot justify a $65 fee to a site, even though I love it dearly, and get nothing in return. I need that $65 to get to work and back over the coming week. I need that $65 to keep the fridge stocked for the week. I simply do not have the budget for a lifetime premium account here, as much as I would like to get one, and nothing it offers makes it worth the money to budget that $65 in somewhere. "But Kenny, what about faster downloads?" My DSL is too crappy for that to be an issue. The current cap is about 60% higher than the fastest my internet can actually download, and where I live it's either this or dialup. So that has precisely zero value to me. I don't even see the entire range of bandwidth normal users have available, let alone get any use of having unlimited bandwidth. Even if it did, I'm rather patient about these things, having unlimited speeds would not be worth $65 to me. That's where the supporter thing being presented here comes in. I can afford that. I don't have to choose between supporting the Nexus and eating for the week. I can do both. So I will. It's all I can spare, but spare it I will. I do love the Nexus and I want to support it as best I can without breaking the bank or opening my computer, something I obviously cannot afford to replace, to malware. I'm also glad there's no plans on freaking out and telling ad blockers to bugger off. That was a huge annoyance when I was on The Escapist's forums. It made me resent the site, not want to support it even more. The fact that Robin is not doing such things makes me like the Nexus even more than I already do. Will I ever go premium? Perhaps when the cost of a lifetime Premium account doesn't mean I live on Kraft M&C for a week I will. Perhaps when I can just shrug off that kind of dosh I'll get a lifetime premium. But right now that's just not the case. So in the mean time I will get the supporter package instead.
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