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  1. Due to the awesome new memory patch I decided to reinstall Open Cities Skyrim, stability wise everything is fine, I get 40+ fps at the worst and I've had no crashes or freezes. There are only two real problems, one is some landscape textures near Solitude that I don't care enough about to change, I'm ok with it not really matching outside and inside the city. The other problem is far more anoying, A certain texture at the bottom of the temple of dibella is behaving strangly, I can see it through other buildings, it flickers and is partially see through. Has anyone else had this problem? And if so, how did you fix it?
  2. I decided to completely reinstall. I deleted everything, including ini files, downloaded the game and now it's crashing when I exit to desktop. It's being caused by Dawnguard, turning it off removes the problem, I have no mods installed at this time. Does anyone know what causes this crash?
  3. Yeah I removed it since it has no effect, the error is back. It's clearly related to that area though. I'm starting a new game using Live Another Life and I only crash there, if I start anywhere else I'm fine, and even if I start in Falkreath and then use a carrige I get no CTD's.
  4. So I'm getting ctd's whenever I get near the tower outside Falkreath, the one with the necromancer in it, when I look in my papyrus log the last entry is this: [09/28/2013 - 07:55:17PM] Error: Cannot call Play() on a None object, aborting function call stack: [Active effect 1 on (000BA4B3)].FXSkeletonNecroScript.OnEffectStart() - "FXSkeletonNecroScript.psc" Line 14 This leads me to belive that something has gone wrong with this script, when I search for it I can only find it inside source folders. Has anyone encountered something like this before? And should I try to figure out what folder it belongs too and copy one from a source folder to test it? Thanks in advance. /Neuropain EDIT: It really was as easy as moving the file from the source folder to the script folder. Unfortunately I still crash in the same area, it's clearly related to the area or something in it, if I go somewhere else I get no ctds.
  5. I would love to know if you could do this with a mod, save all the exp you've gained but only level up on completing a quest. It would be even better if there were options for allowing misc quests or not. The reason for this is to make leveling mean more, and also to prevent saving a level for use as healing, I have trouble stopping myself from using such an easy exploit.
  6. Thank you for the reply, I had already tried that method before without it working, didn't work now either or at least not until I did it three times in a row out of frustration. This wasn't a misspelling or forgetting to close the console, I had to do it three times before the effect disappeared. I'm sorry that I didn't try that in the first place and will remember it in the future, thank you again.
  7. So yeah, I have some weird smoke/distortion effect stuck to my arms. I know that I will most likely have to do a clean install, but I figured I'd check to see if anyone here had seen it before. http://imageshack.us/a/img7/8746/screenshot24295.th.png http://imageshack.us/a/img254/7005/screenshot20513.th.png Boss Recognized. Boss not Recognized.
  8. We have a distinct lack of good pirate gear in this game, there are a few items here and there but I have yet to see a pirate bandana. I'm looking for something in this style: http://www.bestcostumesite.com/assets/images/rubies/RU7790.jpg The preferred colors are plain black, dark brown and deep red. The closest I've seen is a Witcher 2 bandana but it covers one eye and isn't quite right.
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