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Everything posted by aaroncox

  1. so how can i find out if i dont know where my box to it is?
  2. hey i'm not too savy with computer specs and if anyone could give me a pointer or heads up i would thank them with kudos.. here are my specs. are these good enough for high settings or low settings? Intel® Core™ i5-2500k CPU @ 3.30GHz 3.70 GHz 4.00 GB - Ram 64- Bit Operating System Graphic Card - ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series Hard Drive Space - 842 GB Free Space Did i forgot anything ? thanks
  3. hey i'm not too savy with computer specs and if anyone could give me a pointer or heads up i would thank them with kudos.. here are my specs. are these good enough for high settings or low settings? Intel® Core i5-2500k CPU @ 3.30GHz 3.70 GHz 4.00 GB - Ram 64- Bit Operating System Graphic Card - ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series Hard Drive Space - 842 GB Free Space Did i forgot anything ? thanks
  4. i mean i got bigger arms than him lol
  5. dont get me wrong.. that video was awesome.. the live action trailer. but couldn't they had made the dragon born slayer's arms just a little bit bigger? lol
  6. umm my game informer didn't have pc listed under available platforms for skyrim. Only ps3 and xbox. so what's the deal here?
  7. nope he's not extreme . i agree with him.. i think we should be striving to make adult games more realistic.. in the real world there is nudity and video game producers shouldn't shy from it. it's not even the idea of porn, it's the idea of realism. Thats not saying i want to see women with breast implants walk around skyrim, but that fact u can't take their bra off is kinda lame.
  8. nah, pete hines should have told us over a year ago that they weren't going too add were-wolfs in the game, he didn't. He didn't lie, but he did get people's hopes up for no reason at all.
  9. that might be true. but that doesn't mean it will be in the DLC, if that was true. then they would clearly say it that instead of not answering simple questions.
  10. it's just common sense.. the fact that they haven't directly told us it's NOT in the game. is all the confirmation i need to confirm it is in the game.. A few weeks ago before we found vampires, if you were to ask pete hines if vampires were in the game he wouldn't give you a direct answer either.. 9lives is a stupid magazine for spouting out lies.
  11. is everyone in this thread absolutely crazy? if wearwolves werent in the game, pete hines or todd howard would have told us this a LONG LONG time ago... the whole fact that they wont talk about spoilers is the same fact that they are in the game.. Pete Hines wouldnt even confirm at first that vampires were in the game until someone found them (ripten) so guys relax. jesus
  12. i agree with you guys, but some stupid guy from gamestop said skyrim will be the last game in the elder scrolls because they can't compete with other game companies because it takes them 4 years per game, and all other companies are pushing games out every year or two like fable etc. so bethesda is loosing a lot of money over their huge games.
  13. does anything think skyrim will be he last elder scrolls?
  14. ok thanks, well any updates you hear let me know =)
  15. So now that Rage is out, and everyone has seen rage being advertised on t.v, does anyone know anything about the possibility of skyrim broadcasting advertisements on t.v? thoughts ideas?
  16. i'm gonna get skyrim anyways, been waiting for this game for years now.. but i'm kinda disappointed mounted combat isn't in. there is not a good enough reason why it's not in.. any excuse bethesda makes can strongly be argued against... like making it harder to hit while mounted, less accurate.. but oh well.. i'm sure someone will mod it in AGAIN. rofl
  17. nah.. it says everytime you level you have the choice to increase one of three things.. health, stamina or magic.. so it's really based on every time you level up
  18. so he's gonna make us wait until monday before he finishes his well oiled articled of skyrim :(
  19. oh i finally remembered what i forgot to say yesterday... Encumbrance is now based on how much stamina you have... so the more stamina you have the more you can carry..
  20. no news from him? how lucky can this guy be to keep getting so much time with the game? lol
  21. i'm sorry when i wrote that post i meant to say you can't duel wield spells without a perk. that was my mistake. i actually had something else really cool to say but i forgot it :( . i like the farther u pull back the string the more damage it will do, was that the way it was in oblivion? spoiler telling your hirelings / friends to sit down, open up a chest, pick up an item open a door sounds awesome even though we can still get in trouble for the crime. but the combat controls sounds very similar to oblivion's combat, basic sword swings and a power attack ..
  22. i'm not sure if anyone has confirmed this or not but you can't duel wield until you get the perk for it..
  23. has anyone had a dream about skyrim yet? i had a dream i was actually playing the game the other night.. i opened it out of it's box and i was playing it.. in the dream is felt so awesome to play it.. :D but it took awhile to get use to using both left hands and right hands on the controllers. hmm weird huh?
  24. that idiot.. when he TRIED to compare dragons it was not even an argumentative stance... he just said oh dark souls dragons are so better based off blah blah blah blah.. total bs argument.. no facts or evidence included.. what an idiot.
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