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Everything posted by Vistix

  1. Any news on the matter? Anyone started anything like it? I like DA2 Isabela and Flemeth to DAO a lot and I was wondering if there is anything else that would make the two games look more similar artistically at least.
  2. I think it would be very cool if someone could do it. I haven't played DA2 enough to have an opinion on the story, the UI or the combat mechanics but I would really like it if the models and animations could be updated in Origins to be on par with the ones in DA2. I initially came to the forums looking for models for Merill, Isabella and possible other characters that appear in both games for DA:O but I really dig the idea of making all the elves look like they do in DA2. I would gladly offer help to anyone who would be willing to undertake this task but I'm afraid I don't really have any experience with the DA Toolset and I don't really know where to start. If anyone plans to do it I'll be right there with you, supporting you if nothing else! :)
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