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Everything posted by Tdunk

  1. Move Forward Y+Move Right X+Camera Up RY-Camera Right: RX+Jump 1 - AHeavy attack 4 - Y Light Attack 3 - X Action 2 - B Primary Skills Set 8Secondary Skills Set 7Grab / Climb 6Draw / Sheathe Weapon: 5Dash 11Pause Menu / Skip Cutscene: 10Inventory 9Center Camera 12Command Pawns to Go Dpad UpCommand Pawns to Come to You Dpad DownCommand Pawns to Help Dpad Right This is what the game see's. I obviously had to make a few changes, but those settings are at least functional. It actually doesn't show up as a keyboard to answer your question it shows up as a third option as "blank"
  2. Move Forward Y+Move Right X+Camera Up RY-Camera Right: RX+Jump 1 - AHeavy attack 4 - Y Light Attack 3 - X Action 2 - B Primary Skills Set 8Secondary Skills Set 7Grab / Climb 6Draw / Sheathe Weapon: 5Dash 11Pause Menu / Skip Cutscene: 10Inventory 9Center Camera 12Command Pawns to Go Dpad UpCommand Pawns to Come to You Dpad DownCommand Pawns to Help Dpad Right This is what the game see's. I obviously had to make a few changes, but those settings are at least functional.
  3. Could someone modify or show me how to modify the current mod that enables the PS4 controller mod to work? I was finally able to get the game working with the Nvidia Shield Controller however it shows up as button 1 2 3 4 5 blah blah blah. Obviously that is incorrect. I posted on the steam forums what each buttons correlates to. If anyone would be willing to assist me with this i'd greatly appreciate it.
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