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Nexus Mods Profile

About Kretzge

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. So I recently did some working around and clearing up of my mod folder and discovered after I returned to the game that my main character can no longer save, or do anything that causes the game to save. This problem is strangely restricted only to my main character, which makes me believe it a problem with the specific save file, my two alts can load and save perfectly fine. Ive tried several things such as dying ( which caused a CTD), Waiting ( Immediate CTD), and going outside ( CTD) and none of them have worked. Ive tried two different save cleaners which have done nothing noticeable and even gone in and cleaned my master files, all to no avail. I can move around the map only through console commands, as they don't cause autosaves, but as soon as I do anything save-related Im instantly back on the steam homepage. I have also tried the whole loading an old save, saving and killing yourself thing, but again, I CTD on dying. If theres anything you can suggest please do so. Im at my wits end here with my 300+ Hour character.
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