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  1. Well I tried the various ideas others here have posted, what finally worked for me was doing a mod merge with all my mods deactivated leaving only the main patch. I don't know why that worked but I am very happy I did finally find a fix.
  2. Sounds great i will keep an eye out for the next pack then. The nightingale armor would look great on my follower can't wait to try it on her :).
  3. Hi there these are some great looking armors. Got two questions for you though. Are these armors male and female sets? I love the look of the nightingale armor you show there but can not find a download for it, can you tell me where to get it at? Thanks for all the awesome work.
  4. well i had downloaded the version of nifskope that the tutorial said to but i went ahead and downloaded the newest version of the nifskope and it worked alright this time. so i am past that little problem. i still have no idea what i am doing with the blender yet but ill keep at it and hopefully not screw anything up to much :)
  5. I am trying to use the NifSkope and Blender for the first time. I followed to tutorial for installation of the blender, python, nfiscripts and the nifskope. everything installed fine everything starts up fine. The tutorial said i needed to change the files in the nifskope before i could use them in the blender. When i tried to load the file it asked for i get this error. ""failed to load file header (version 14020007,"" "failed to load nif from 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/SteamApps/common/Skyrim/Data/meshes/actors/character/character assets/femalebody_0.nif'" I have no idea why it is not working, my game work fines so it is not a corrupt file issue. any help for noob would be appreciated. Thanks
  6. is there a way to disable her spell without the CK? it does not work for me for some reason and i would really like to change her spell casting too. what are her spell IDs? if i can get those i will just use the console to remove her reanimate corpse spell. well just in case anyone wants to know i found a mod that let me get rid of her necro spells http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/21961/?tab=1&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D21961%26preview%3D&pUp=1 now the modder set her up with fire, ice and lighting spells and they can not be removed, at least not by me. i have learned that anytime a followers spell also says equiped left or right hand it gives it a different id # and we can not through the console find the number, remove it or unequip it. now if i could just get me CK to work i might be able to find more.
  7. would that work if the gatekeeper has opened the gate but serana wont go through the door and start the next part? if so how do you use the setstage command? i went ahead and tried the coc command the OP mentioned and it worked fine. got through the door and i was able to complete the rest of the quest without any problem.
  8. well i find that this time through i am having a problem getting past the front door of the castle. i have tired disabling the few mods that i have added since last time i went through but i still can not get in. serana just stops and hangs out by the door and will not go in, i know it wont let me in until she goes in first. so can anyone tell me a way to patch or remove this bug from my game? if it is some kind of console command please explain it in detail as i have never used the in game console. thanks for any tips you may have, for now i just do quests with her until i find an answer. ok after some online research and trial and error in the game i found the console command to bypass this bug. i used -- coc dlc1vampirecastleguildhall-- and that got me through the door and let me finish that part of the quest normally.
  9. well with some help i got it worked out. it was the mod wyrmstooth that was causing the problem so i wont be using that one again.
  10. I have recently encountered a very similar problem. I am not getting any random attacks and when i go to a draonlair there is no dragon waiting there. Is there anything i can do to get the dragons back? I checked the wiwaitdragon and it is 3 the dragonsreturned is 1. The only thing i can think that would cause it is the mod Wyrmtooth that i added. I have disabled the mod but no matter how far back i go on my saves i can not find any dragons. Any help in resetting this would be greatly appreciated.
  11. no i built the bedroom, i have a double bed and 2 childrens beds with chests in it and have 3 more beds upstairs. Well i finally found a patch that fixed the problem for me. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25795/? in case anyone else has a similar issue
  12. yeah i can't stand her either. I would love to be able to turn her over to the jarl and have her go to prison :). I was compeletly shocked that she was for the empire and not the stormcloaks. it was a bit satisfiing to go to her house and steal Frost and the papers.
  13. i have just finished building lakeview manor, add all three wings and have built most of the furnishings. i have a personal steward in the place and a housekarl but i for some reason can not move my family to it. it does not show up on the list when i talk to my spouse or daughter about moving. am i missing somthing here?
  14. I don't suppose there is a way we could create a mod to allow us control over our followers perks? None of my followers seem to want to pick new perks when they level up and thier stats get hight enough. I had a ranger with me that had his archery upto 85 and not a single perk. It is kinda fustrating, I would like to see an option for us to pick a perk for them when they level up if they have the stats for it.
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