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About Killerboy17

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  1. Thanks for trying to help me out, I'm thankful. That's interesting how you have similar performance and mods to and can run it at Ultra! I'd be happy if my game stayed above 40fps but it just changes so rapidly even at low graphics. Could be at 45fps then drop to 27ish. I guess I'll have to just keep experimenting to get it working nicely with my system. Oh, what exactly is that Purge Cell Buffers? Sounds like it could be useful it's worth a shot to see if it helps.
  2. Ok my load order is as follows: FalloutNV.esm DeadMoney.esm HonestHearts.esm OldWorldBlues.esm LonesomeRoad.esm GunRunnersArsernal.esm ClassicPack.esm MercenaryPack.esm TribalPack.esm CaravanPack.esm BushesRemoved.esp MissionMojave - Ultimate Edition.esp CleanHuntingRifle.esp CM_Lighting_FNV.esp FP Gun Follows Crosshairs.esp Mojave Sandy Desert.esp PerkEveryLevel.esp Pipboy2500_edisleado.esp Realistic Headshots.esp Sprint Mod.esp The Weapon Mod Menu.esp TheLozza's_Gasmasks_V2.esp TumbleweedsRemoved.esp FalloutNVCheatTerminal.esp M37Itacha.esp 1911.45ACP.esp B92FS.esp CM4A1.esp DEagle.esp GoodspringsPlayerHome.esp KABAR.esp M14.esp PortableCampsite.esp LHBackpacksNV.esp R700.esp RagingBull.esp TOZ66.esp Whirlwindremover.esp MoreGhouls.esp UrgeWastersScarf.esp WorkbenchRepairs.esp ZatyEliMachete-EasyMode.esp Also my game settings are: Resolution: 1280x720 Antialiasing; Off Anisotropic filtering: Off Windowed mode Vertical Sync Off HDR Texture quality: Medium Radial Blur Quality: Low Depth Of Field: On Transparency Multisampling: Off Decal Cap: 5 All water options are off but Water Multisamping is set to low. Shadows: On Shadow Quality Low Shadow Filtering: Medium Max Interior Shadows: 4 Max Exterior Shadows: 2 Object Fade: 5 Actor Fade: 8 Grass Fade: 2 Specularity Fade: 5 Light Fade: 10 Item Fade: 3 Shadow Fade: 2 Tree LOD Fade: 20 Object LOD Fade: 40 Land Quality Fade: 85 I am also the 4G Enabler, NVSE, NVSR and Nexus Mod Manager to install most of my mods. As for the GECK edit I was altering some Damage values for my favourite weapons (MOD Weapons) and once I went in game my FPS was insanely high for an unknown reason but it only lasted until I quit the game.
  3. Ok thanks for trying to help me out, I'll try and post all the info you need as soon as I can. I just love this game and since I saw that I can get speeds of up to 120fps in-game I've been going crazy trying to find out how.
  4. Hi I've reached the point now where I just can't be bothered to try get this game running decently, I need help just getting started. I've tried everything to get this game running smoothly with no success. I have a 2.1GHZ Processor 8G of Ram and an AMD Radeon HD 8550 I believe. The other day some kind of glitch happened to my hardware or the game, I was editing in the GECK went to go test in game and somehow by some miracle I was getting up to 120FPS in game but it only lasted on that one session. Once I quit the game and started back up I get a measly 27 to 50fps, which changes oddly if I look at the ground or sky it'll go up to 50 if I look ahead or at an NPC it'll drop down to 30fps I don't get it! Please I need some help. Got the game a few weeks ago and so far I haven't been able to enjoy playing it.
  5. Ok so I'm new to the whole modding scene on Fallout and so far I'm loving it, I've got around 45 Mods installed and the game runs ok from 30 to 60fps. However recently some kind of bug or glitch happened to my system or the game and somehow I was getting up to 120fps stable too. But it only lasted for that one start up and I'm not sure why. I was editing some weapon damage values in the GECK when I decided to save up and try it out in game. So I started up the Nexus Mod Manager and quickly started up the game when it hit me that my FPS was extremely high. I've been unable to get that since. Why did this happen and is there a way I can get it to stay at that level of performance?
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