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  1. I do have that issea, sadly!~ I've redone a quest now twice and just 15minuts ago after placing 2 patrol markers for a creature in a completly other interior... 3rd time, Bam! no dialogue options that are to start up the quest... All nice and well and i don't mind these faulths, but i do mind doing the same thing three times over... So if anyone knows a solution for this, please share. (Undo stuff doesn't help, the only thing that does help as stated by the orignal writeer... redo the complete quest)
  2. Perk Upgrade. Acidcrew. V1.7 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index: - General/extra information. - To be introduced in. - Perk changes. - Items. - Spells. - Races. - Last words. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General/extra information: - Unarmored Perks, See Light Armor perk section! - Story line added, The Acient Huntress, See section "Items; Books". Follow the directions told in the books to continue the "quest". - Unarmed attacks with "Fist Coating" now increases your one-handed skill. - In-game image of "Fist Coating" is the same as an iron dagger. - "Fist Coating" can be found near the first dead stormcloak when you first enter Helgen Keep. It can also be found at Riverwood, located infront of Alvor's workbench. - Difficult settings: Novice is 25% thougher. Apprentice 38% thougher. Adept 44% thoughter. Expert and master are 50% thoughter (This is done becuase of the addition of this mod to still make it playable). - Updated and added a number of loadingscreens. - Increased the price that merchant will ask for items, decreased the price of items merchants buy from you. - Bride and persuation is 50% harder to succeed. Idea's for later versions: Doable Idea's: (Hmmm mabey i should hire a monkey, i miss a bit of spare time): - Weapon enhancement. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alchemy: - Physician skill requirement has been made higher (from skill 20 to skill 25). - Poisoner skill requirements has been lowered (from skill 30 to skill 25). - Poisoner perk has been attached to Alchemist (rank 1) (used to be linked to Physician). - Experimenter and Green thumb have there skill requirements lowered and have been re-linked to Alchemist (Rank 2). - Green thumb has been upgraded with two additional ranks (granting three and four times the ingredients). - Concentrated poison no longer applies 2 times the poison hits. It applies now for four times. - Snakeblood perk is reachable in the "poison tree" and has it resistance reduced to 25% (up from 50%). - New perk (Rabies) is introduced (at the spot of Snakeblood) that gives 25% disease resistance. This perk is reachable in the "potion tree". - Purity is no longer reachable by the perk Experimenter. It's reachable by the perks; Snakeblood and "Rabies". Alteration: - New perks for "Buff" spells. Block: - Added a new perk called Shield defence, increasing armor with 10% if player is wearing a shield. Destruction: - Destruction Novice, apprentice, adepts, experts and master perks now reduces mana cost by 75% (used to be 50%) but increases the damage by 25%. - Runemaster perk will make you place runes twice as far away (used to be five times) but increasesthe damage done by runes by 20%. - Intense flames (in addition to flee) also increases the range of your fire spells. - Deep freeze (in addition to paralyze) also reduce damage taken. - Disintegrate (in addition to disintegrate) also reduces the mana cost of shock spells. - Impact no longer stuns with every cast. Stun chance has been reduced to 35%. - Added perks; Frostfire, FireShock and FrostShock. (example: Fireshock; firespells have decreased mana cost and deal mana damage. Shock spells have more spell damage and deal damage of time) Conjuration: - The perk Dark Souls can now be futher improved. Not only can your zombies have more health but they can also have increased mana, stamina and more! Enchanting: - Perks Fire-, Shock- and frost- enchanter requirements has been changed (All require skill 50 and perk Enchanter rank 3). Heavy armor: - Fists of steel has been relocated, the perk is no longer needed for Cushioned. - Added a new perk on the spot of Fists of steel. - Modified the perk Cushioned. In addition to half fall damage it also reduces the chance you'll be critical hit. - Added a perk in follow up of the "Fist of steel" perk. Light armor: - Added a similier perk like fists of steel for light armor called Fist of Leather. - Added a perk in follow up of the "fist of Leather" perk. - Added a new perk tree inside light armor. Unarmored, works only with cloth armor not while being naked! (Required skill for these perk are a mixture of other skills) Marksmen: - Relocated Hunters disipline. The perk Powershot is now needed. Tho Hunter disipline isn't neded any longer for other perks. - New perk introduced on the spot where Hunters disipline used to be. - Added new perks that will futher improve your eagly eye (sniper mode). - Increased the stamina drain of eagle eye with 50%. One-Handed: - Added perks for Daggers. - Increased the Poison Sting damage (rank 1 + 10%, rank 2 + 20%, rank 3 +40%).\ - Changed savage strike for axes only. - Changed Critical charge for swords only. - Added a perk for daggers (skill 50) - Added a perk for maces (skill 50) - Re-linked Paralyze strike from the skill 50 perks. (Has been a (buffed) sword only perk in V1.4) - Unarmed attacks now benefit from Armsmen, Fighting stance, Dualflurry and dualsavagery. - Added two perks for unarmed combat (skill 30/60/90 and skill 50). - Added Deffensive perk's for Maces, Axes, Daggers, Swords and unarmed combat. - Added new skill 100 perks for all type of one handed weapons and unarmed combat. Pickpocket: - Poisoned is a lower skilled ability and it's re-linked to Light fingers. Restoration: - Added a new perk that improves wards. - Increased mana regen from the perk Recovery (from 25% to 35%, from 50% to 70%). Smithing: - Added perks for the making of cloth; Tailor. - Reduced skill needed for Arcane Blacksmith (from 60 to 50 skill). - Added perks that will make tempering armor and weapons more. Sneak: - Unarmed attacks now benefit from Backstab (4 times the damage) and Assassin's blade (8 times the damage). - Added a perk for sneak attacks with magic attacks (3 ranks). - Added perks for sneak attacks with fire, frost and shock spells. Speach: - Hagglin effect reduced with 5% every rank. - Allure effect reduced with 5%. Two-Handed: - Adjusted most perks to a similiar tree as for one-handed (with the exeption of daggers/unarmed and the defensive perks). - Lowered the skill required for the perk Sweep. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Items: General: - Reduced all mana regen enchantments with 50%. - Cann now make linnen from leather on a tanning rack. Books: - Added two Alchemy skill books. Books contains a small story and a recipe for a poison. - Spell tome's for buff spells have been added. Most are buy-able, the best are findable. - Added a few books with different type of skill increasement. Each book will tell the story of a Hunter and will lead you to great rewards. The first book is found at Anise's Cabin south of riverwood. Recipe's: - Added loads of recipe's for smithing (cloth outfits etc.). - Added Fist Coating. Weapons: - Fist Coating. (Fist Coating can now be tempered and enchanted!, Don't cheer to early it will take a special ingrediƫnt to temper your firsts!) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spells: - Buff spells, these spells will increase stats like resistance, melee damage and much more! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Races: - Added a new race: Ban'Merish (Altmer template). Ban'Merish have increased magicka regen and start with an improved buff spell. - Reduced health, magicka and stamina regeneration with 20%. - Changed the Imperial race bonus from enchanting to speech. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conflicting Mods: This mod hasn't and will not be tested with other mods. So asume that every other mod that changes your perks will be in conflict with this one. Last word: Feel free to post; Requests, Idea's and most importantly comments (i would like to know if i went a wrong turn!). Also feel free to rate this mod! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Acidcrew's Perk Update - Perk Layout Version Zash - Perk Layout Version Hecubah - Always Day! - Always Night! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. I Haven't made a mod (yet) for enhancing weapons at this point. Tho i might have an aspect that you may like. In my mode i introduced spells that will buff your character for a short wile. for example an exper buff spell: Increase Critical strike with 10% for 15 seconds. Example number 2: Increases your melee damage with 5%. Currently there are around 12 buffs (times 4 if you count ranks) in my mod. Mabey you like it, Mabey you don't! Name of mod: Acidcrew's Perk Update Latest Version: V1.6 (26-02-'12) Avaible on: Steam (only)
  4. I'll keep that idea in min for Version 1.6! thanx for the suggestion, sounds like a wonderfull idea!
  5. Blind, aka reduces vision. from seeing nothing (pitch black) to seeing fully (normal sight). i Would love a spell or even a magic effect that can do it!
  6. Hello! I'm looking for a spell that can blind my character, in other words; A spell that reduces my vision. i've been searching throu the creating kit and i'm unable to find an effect. With the exepsion of "Abblind", that does absolutly nothing, most likly becuase it's lacking a script to do so. Sadly im inexperients with scripting and/or with creating effects out of the blue. If anyone can make a(n) (magic) effect for a spell like this or happends to know someone who already done this, i would appriciate if you would share this!
  7. Answering (hopefully) your request: Only avaible on Steam: Always Day! (No more nights, no sunrises, no sundowns, weather untouched tho it will rain etc.) Other mods: Always Night! Acidcrew's Perk Update
  8. So, i've finally found a way to let unarmed attacks count as one-handed attacks!!! ;D Told in short version, its a 2handed with all the animation of unarmed. the 'item' is called "Fist Coating". I've tested it and it works fine, tho the only down side i can't fix myself is that the 'item' will appear as a iron dagger ingame (tho once you equip it, it looks like your regular fists). Only avaible on Steam, name of mod: Acidcrew's Perk Update. (I haven't made a stand alone version of the unarmed chance, mabey i will, mabey i won't). Hope this helps ya all a bit!
  9. Meh, you won't see me making such a mod. I'm a huge fan of the (even older) morrowind style. More realistic in my eyes. Tho Gl finding a modder that's up for it! (It is possible to do this!)
  10. Can you Qoute the sentence from the guide what value you mean? (There are multiple sections were the word "Value" is being used :D)
  11. Atm i can't find the specificts for activating a spell on critical hits, tho i do know the specifics for a chance to deal (for example:) fire damage.
  12. Hello! I am currently working on a improved perk tree, Due the fact that i haven't been able to play Skyrim a lot yet, i miss experients in certain builds/perks. So to put the reason for this post simple and fast with a question; What would you like to see (changed) in the perk tree's? With some of my own experients and jumping trou forums i've already obtained a bit of information and i have already conversed the idea's into a mod. The mod is (only) on Steam under the name of "Acidcrew Perk Upgrade (V1.2). Concidering that some people ain't be able at the moment to check steam when they read this i've attached the description with changes already made. So let's hear your idea's&suggestions (and comments about changes already made)!
  13. It seems that that isn't working (sadly!) Already thought of that one, but thanx for the tip anyway!
  14. Anyone knows how to make unarmed increase the one-handed skill? I'm kinda stuck on that one^^ Atm i made my own mod, one handed perks will affect unarmed combat and done 2 perks "special" for unarmed attacks. (only on steam workshop atm, name of mod = Acidcrew perk update(v1.12)).
  15. Currently working on this myself tho i am already aware of : Unarmed Warfare .9 made by Father.of.eleven Mabey that's something ya like.
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