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Everything posted by ewdennis

  1. well im planning on making variants myself i just havent uploaded a few of them yet, one is already out but its only for females.
  2. still having this problem with the tyre rims, i have loaded every mod in to the geck and they still dont show up, but they do in game. how can i get rid of them. http://imageshack.us/f/163/gfffffffffffffffh.jpg/
  3. there is a mod where you can build your own towns called RTS (real time settler) there is a thread for this called mod detective to post things like this in.
  4. ok thanks i gess ill could just link it up to the boneyard then
  5. first of all: the problem im making a NCR support camp near the great khans, theres a row of tyre rims in front of the HQ thats only visible in game (in the geck they arnt there) i was would really like for them to go. http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/5407/gfffffffffffffffh.jpg next: the query at the same camp i have a hummer from fallout tactics that i recived permission to use in my mod, i would like for it to have a menu when you click on it it would come up with a list of locations to fast travel to, e.g if i was to make a boneyard mod in the future, past the mountain range on the left side of the map i could fast travel to it by clicking on it on a menu that would pop up when you click on the hummer. thanks
  6. sorry for the double post, clicked the wrong thing
  7. iv been making a outpost mod at the lake near redrock canyon where the houses where, i removed the houses but when i test it it game this show up. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/593/unledjxr.jpg/ im just asking how to remove this shadow thing
  8. did you even read the holotapes that where in the same bag as it, the rifle used to have a scope which is why the iron sites are bent back. Try listening next time and dont give skyline99 s*** for telling you why thing are like they are a**hole.
  9. ahhh ten year olds, you shouldnt play games like this
  10. i think somone should be able to do i because theres already resouces at least for the humans on the game (if youv ever done the NCR hospital mission youll know what im talking about) its just i dont know weather the modles of the people missing arms and legs in the vanilla game are capable of walking running a fighting in the world insted of laying in a bed. its deffinatly somthing it would like to see
  11. Thats amazing is there a female version for it aswell well im using the type 3 alice texture, i dont really like the gloves and i dont mind weather you put it as a mod or you send me the files and give you credit
  12. Thats amazing is there a female version for it aswell
  13. i first had this idea when i made my first retexture for the partol armor i wanted to ivolve it into somthing more but with limited experience i just cant i dont want in sleevless i just want it with short sleeves like the combat armor ones so if somone could make it id be very thankfull
  14. it wasnt quite what i was looking for but a good mod i was looking for more just the armor with short sleeves all the same just with short sleeves
  15. i made a unique of the NCR patrol with a new texture and a plan to bring out a clean version of it. But i also want it with short sleaves like the female combat armor the only problem is that i dont know how to iv tried on blender with no luck. so if somone could do it for me id be happy to give them exclusive rights to the original retexture and the new clean one. I could also send you a gobi sniper rifle retexture that im not planning on realeasing so youl be one of two people in the world to have that texture.
  16. I really dont think you can since the camera angles are random if you can look for somthing called bullet follow or somthing like that in the place where ever you edit that stuff also i gess you could uncheck all the outher angles so thats the only one that playes. sorry if this doesnt help atall i dont really have experience with camera angles and stuff like that
  17. well i can imagine that japan would be quite simalar as it is to day to how i was then, given that the bombing of tokyo and all the major citys is the main reason why japan is so advanced as it is today, but since there had basiclly no resorces and much much more tech id say it was run down and still partly occupied by the US i can imagine that some on the buildings would still be destroyed by the napalm strikes, very rundown and very few pices of tech just laying around (if any). Around Hiroshima i rekon that that would still be a ruind iradiated city with possible mutants. i could imgine that some sort of radier gangs would be arond the hole contry. very few people would still be alive (the people that would have suvived would probably be ghouls or very badly burned) because vaults wernt built over there. US army bases would probably be the only source of tech these WOULD be very secure and heavily guarded but after the bombs very few would still be around there might be US soliders still there but ghoulifided and still loyal to the US and still performing there orders a bit like the chinese soliders in Fallout 3.
  18. well i like your idea but the m9 is a bit modern and iv always really thought that mods that add modern guns and armor are a bit unrealistic. I have been using photoshop and gimp for years but iv only really just started with the fallout textures and stuff so i could help with textures if we used the vanilla weapons and edited them with new models and textures (kind of like the gobi rifle)
  19. well i already have a unique version of the patrol armor out but it just has a new texture, now i want to remove the sleeves from the patrol armor i was just wondering how i would do that, i downloaded nifskope and just deleted the arms and and the pipboy on and off on the mesh thinking that would do it i was wrong it removes the arms and hands from my guy. I was just wondering how to do it properly.
  20. There's a box to type in file version. Did you leave it blank? Once you get past that stage you'll have the opportunity to upload your project files. oh yeah got in now i put a space in there
  21. right well last night i compleated my firsh mod a unique armor the NCR ranger sniper armor so i went to the nexus, clicked on my members area and then add a new file gave it a title, Category, small dicription, large discription, did all that permission stuff but there wasnt a place to upload the file on that page so i accept the terms and the outher permission thing and it just takes me to this Site error The site has run in to a problem, please look at the error message below... The file version can only contain letters, numbers, and full stops. every time iv tryed it like 7 times now please help
  22. it really doesnt matter i got it working i got it working
  23. i really need help with my mods i downloaded a mod called i am real sniper http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12379 it just doesnt work i get the room where the snipers are ment to be but all i get is big red and white exclamation marks where the sniper rifles are ment to be i need help with some outher mods to im really not sure where to put them or what to do when they are there if somone has teamviwer, skpe or xfire could they help me i have FOMM but i just dont get it my name for xfire is: ewdennis skpe: Elliott Dennis
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