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About DragonAviator

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    Skyrim, Fallout New Vegas

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  1. How are things in Australia?
  2. Save regularly and re-load to contiue play. DBorn is riddled with conflicts from just about everything including Skyrim. I have played 99% of the DLC, but have been locked out from finishing by loss of access to the [TAB] Magic menu, and CTD's. Another almost consitent CTD source is trying to acces Dragonborn Armor from dead bodies. . Command line is the only (usually) reliable workaround, but even this can give CTD in the game. Still working on eliminating conflcts, or patching around them. Had to abandon some Alpha patches because of loss of critical path progresson in the DLC - great care is necessary! I am still a learner with Python,but lucky enough to have ready access to very skilled users among our Modding group. xiamthewalrusx thanks I will try the papyrus lines. Cheers DragonAviator PS this is also a good thread to read http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/753253-only-you-can-prevent-forest-fires/
  3. Suggest TES Mod Manager may help you start - it's the Skyrim's version of OBMM. Caste a critical eye over you animations list. Check your video card's 3D settings as your SS's from Saarthal are indicating you have 3D activate, and are running spells running on on your player and NPC's. I use 1920x1080 and Ultra setting as so these aspects show up clearly , and I isuspect you are using an ENB video plugin. As a word of caution- conflicts kill games and enjoyment. If it looks like a mod is causing a problem disable it, be ruthless. Work one at a time so you limit any rework if you get it wrong, and document what you are doing. The Skyrim mods are often particularly buggy and full of conflicts - Hence getting happy co-existence between them is a real game of Russian Roulette. And lots of programming skill is required if you decide to try and patch around those conflicts in the fragile Skyrim environment. GameBryo is still the underlying technology in TESV and the legacies of it's heritage (and age) are very apparent when it is pushed hard, and challenged by conflicts. Cheers DragonAviator
  4. I usually save exit and reload. if that does not work regress down my save files list to one with full functions. Currently, my play has lost a large section of successful questing Player inventory & companions. It's a save game bug associated with escaping from the Thalmor Embassy and Party. when this is run in conjunction with Mages Colleges Quests. happen in a number of play throughs and players its more prevalent if your player has finished the Civil War Quests. Persist, Skyrim like its TES predecessors as many problems perpetuated by an aging GameBryo engine. Steam does not help. Have you tried playing off line, and downloading the Steam cached files before going off line. Suggest you only do this if you have an unlimited ISP account. My radio link has cost me several $100's to keep Skyrim up to date since its release. Also back up, its far easier to restore you Back Up Files, than to go through the pain of re-installing Skyrim from scratch. Cheers DragonAviator
  5. Apologies I have been more than a little busy with Real Life for the last couple of months and likely to be so for some months to come.
  6. If you are not worried about screen wavey lines and dishadow distortions there are a host of older card that will render basic Skyrim. However, if you want clear screens and minimal distortion abberent shadow effects you will need a IGByte card no earlier than a NvidiaGTENG 460 seried which will support Ultra settings at 1680 x 1050, and witha suitable screen far higher resolutions screen rates. for Skyrim you also need a 2ms Black black screen refresh rate to allow fast motion rendering correctly. With Skyrim you need a good graphics rendering capability to by passthe uglies inthe skyrim code for drawing screens in the game. My laptop has a 4.5 Gbyte intel 3000 video GPU. renders flat greyish screens at 1920 x1080 with good detail but poor color definition. Fortunately, the laptophas an interleaved nvidia Geforce GT540M 2Gbyte that irun as the piimary video card for very good clear and distortion free screens at ultra settings. Cheers
  7. Defragmenting of your Hard disk could help. Loss of frame rate is useually a sign of the OShaving difficulty in accessing files o the video cad being driven to hard,since you are running a later version driver
  8. your exe archive in nighthawk flying companions is flagging as infected with ILCrypt.
  9. HI saw your comment on Voice acting, Enter_77 is looking for voice actors for 'Sexy Maids of Skyrim'. This is his follow on TES 5 work to the very successful Sexy Maids of Chorrol and his conjoint works with Grumpf_be on Claudia's Little Secret for which I am doing the Finale Qualification testing. If you are interested give him a PM or email and introduce yourself , who knows what ...
  10. I saw xD, been keeping a close eye on CLS. Will download soon and give it a try ^^
  11. Hi Monica,

    CLS adventure is finalized, you will learn Claidia's Secret. Grimpf has released the sad ending, and is working on the Happy Ending animation. Expect the full code set to be released in less than 14 days. Also a new BSA file and a small patch is available along with an alternative Torrent download.



  12. Hi Han,

    Just updating my Avatar


  13. Hi Grumpf

    Just bringing my profile up to date so my Avatatar is used .


    Dragon Aviator

  14. @atonis @Striker879 It looks like atonis may have hit the old Oblivion loss of USE Bug. Quite often P1D see you sleep mod is blamed for the loss of use, unfortunately it is just the conduit for another rogue animation file laying (probably disabled, but common named) that has activated to knock out the Space Bar command function in Oblivion. The old fix is draw a weapon and hit some furniture (not NPC's they hit back). The more permanent fixes are disable 'P1D see you sleep' (yes it can be patched or load order adjusted to fix the problem until the next event). and make sure he is running these Obivion utilites to reduce Buffer Flush problem, and by pass the Gamebryo engine known crash points and a lot of other 'Fragilities" that cause partial CTD, or full CTD's. To Everyone: Check that you have these or an alternative in your Oblivion build : - Purge Cell Buffers - (both esp's), but you stil need to save as an extra precaution http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9139 and off course we_OCPS :- http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22282. Merkur67 is the author of the German translation, and is currently working on the Chapter 3 translation and is probably the best person to PM. I have passed a cop of atonis transcribed German language query to Merkur67. The German version is still current, and Merkur is actively supporting it. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34456 I will also post this in the Nexus Forums page. Cheers DragonAviator
  15. Hi,

    Happy New Year to you, and hope you had an enjoyable Christmas, we certainly did. look for an email

    DragonAviator aka Flyer

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