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About luxwing0go

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  1. To the general Nexus Community: You used to be a pretty cool cat. Within the past year, you have transformed into one massive crybaby. If you don't get your way, you throw a s*** fit. Everyone suddenly has this undeserved air of royalty about them that it has become unbearable. Get over yourselves. To the Modding Community: There is a lot of great work here, which is what pains me to leave. But the Workshop is seeing more and more of you, so I'm glad. To the Administrators: Keep up the good work. Done Bben46 Thanks for the laughs, Lux.
  2. Didn't realize part 2 was out. :3 That part where the guy kept opening the door...I do the same thing and keep closing it. xD
  3. Oh...well then, let me be the first to say HOLY CRAP THAT'S AWESOME. *dies* Skyrim is begging for an Arena mod, now.
  4. I have done this, but thanks for taking your time to suggest something. Also I would like to note that the .ini files "do not" reset. I have looked at them after I have played and the changes seem to remain. It just seems that changing the ini file doesn't do anything for me. After you moved it, did you open up your Skyrim launcher and have it scan your GPU?
  5. Indeed I would be! :3 Can any of it be salvaged and added? (Maybe it's content planned for a future DLC? Hmmm!)
  6. Delete (or move) the .ini from your save folder and let Skyrim make a new one. Sometimes you need to reset it because it gets funky or something. :/
  7. Have you installed any new mods since before you updated? If you are not using something like SkyBoost, I suggest that. Also make sure you have the latest drivers for your GPU, of course. You can also try resetting your .ini. Delete the one in your save games folder and open up the Skyrim Launcher. It will scan your card and make a new one. Then play the game and see if that helps.
  8. If you saved afterwards, you may just have to load an older save and not run the .bat file. I think that .bat file reset your marriage...?
  9. It should be automatic. If you can get alt-tab to work, while Skyrim is running do a ctrl-alt-delete (Windows) and click Task Manager. It will show how much memory is currently being used by your computer. If Skyrim is the only program running and it isn't using more than 1.5 or 2 Gb of memory, it's not working.
  10. I give it a month before we have at least one complete overhaul mod that sets the standards for future overhauls...then another month before we combine all the overhaul mods into one ungodly mod.
  11. I like the sound of my GPU fan. Some find it annoying - I find it comforting. Like, if I hear that sound, that means I'm at home having fun. I also like store-brand cola.
  12. My oldest memory is when my dad brought home our new SNES with Super Mario World. Ah, good times...(I had about worn out Duck Hunt by then...) Most recently, opening my new PC last October... ...aaaaaaahhhh... :woot: I kept the box for a week. I don't know what it is - the plastic case, the metal, the styrofoam...or those thin pieces of clear covering they put over the shiny parts. Something in there makes it magical. *tear* When my tax check comes in, I will be getting a 3DS. I look forward to experiencing something similar.
  13. BUT, if the dragon is the same species as the one you killed before, it won't give you a soul when you kill it. *Fun fact
  14. Mages? Overpowered? *kills every Necromancer with one arrow* Nonsense! :D Then again, I'm a Breton/Assassin who poisons their arrows, so...
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