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Nexus Mods Profile

About RaoulBogers

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  1. You are back :) So nice to see you again XD

    Well, if your projects are still for Oblivion... i would be glad to help you test them XD

  2. a short step in, leaves you a butterfly kiss and LG's and run away into new creative projects ;)
  3. kurz vorbei hüpft und liebe grüße da läßt ;)
  4. *walks in and leaves you a pie- o 3o
  5. Ich wünsch Dir ein gesundes und glückliches neues Jahr ;)
  6. @ Tobjoern and mythicdawnmaster

    Thank you both and best wishes.

  7. Danke für den Weihnachtsgruß. Ich wünsche Dir natürlich ebenso eine schöne Weihnachtszeit. :)
  8. Fröhliche Weihnachten ;)
  9. thanks for all your good wishes, i'll do my best ;)

    meanwhile please get healthy, my heartfelt wholesome wishes are with you.

    LG Raoul.

  10. a quote from the comments at my last pic

    sadly my time is running out, i'm loosing my home at the end of this year and it's hard to find a new one :(

    I'm going offline? Searching a new home? Didn't know where i'm landing after this mess? Packing my containers and hoping on some luck...

  11. oh my dear what crazy things have you done? ;(

    my heartfelt best wishes for a fast and good recovery.

    sadly i'm off for a while

    LG Raoul.

  12. Danke für den Tip mit dem Paint.net - werde mir das gleich mal anschaunen


  13. ...sry if i didnt tell it clear, i want all the options-buttons back, to set the matched options to enable and to see in file-listing if some comments / discussions are new? ...how they could reenabled? Comments are enable now, but not listed in filelist, discussion is not allowed, and i couldnt set them to enable. ...what i must do to get the options back, for looking like that again (screenshot from my old entry)? Explained: As i've upload+setup the files i set all options to disable and set the file to hide (my fault,sry) so i could work at the images/readmes/descriptions undisturbed till they are ready for offer. Now i know all things must be ready before uploading, pls excuse me but this was my first entry with the new nexus-design (with the old one i got no trouble). hopefully i dont must delete all my files and re-up them in a new entry to get the options back? :( LG Raoul.
  14. i've understand the great "Nexus" as the home of the also great modding-community for Bethesda related games, maybe i'm wrong but thats my serious understanding of the nexus, Crysis (a totally different engine) has it's own huge community+pages, DeusEx also, pls leave them there they are and concentrate at this why we are here - Morrowind / Oblivion / Fallout / New Vegas / Dragon Age i think here's the right place for it. Or do you want some Quake 1 or Unreal / Unreal Tournament - Classic or Doom I + II modding pages here? adding some ogre-pages? if this is the case (becomes real) i'll instantly leave for life-time. I hate "eierlegendewollmilchsäue"! LG Raoul.
  15. Hopefully my question is here at the right place? Since i've uploaded my files to the nexus and setting up their file-attributes, at first they are working as aspected, but after many changes at the readmes and the description/permissions something is screwed up... my files are listed as following, you can see beyond my old entry (upped before the Nexus-design-change) all things looking allright, above my newest entry, in the titlebar you can see "last comment on ..." but in the listing no comments are showing (numerical) also no discussion-thread compared to the old entry. heres the possible reason (?) in editfile.php or better the setup-form the matched buttons/options/choose-gadgets: "Allow comments...." Yes/No "Allow discussion...." Yes/No .....simply did not exist, showing this site in source-code says: <input type="hidden" name="allow_rating" value="1" /> after that only entries for "allow tagging" and "allow images" exist, but no one of the missing, it seems that the php has an error or some of the scripts binded to it. i've deleted the caches, deleted all the cookies but that's senseless/helpless, the problem always exists. Is there a possibility to fix it? Or is it better to delete the whole bunch of files and re-up them under new entry (by loosing the stats)? I'dont wanne forget to say thanks to buddha for the help, so it's now possible to add comments, but the error in "edit attributes" and file-listing always exist. LG Raoul.
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