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Everything posted by psrfreddyz06

  1. Yes it is, It is a poker rack and some pokerchips that won't delete. The objects are Vanilla (From Dead Money DLC i believe). But the esp/cell the objects are in is a mod. Cheers Well the base object being vanilla wasn't what I meant. It is the ref-ID I was talking about. And like M48A5 said ... you should never delete them ... either disable or move them below the floor. However you state the ref object is in another .esp ... and if you are using that file as a master of a new .esp. Then you're probably best to follow that same rule. But with you saying the ref-object shows up in game after making a deletion record in your new .esp. Then I would guess it's your load order causing that ? I just changed my load order with loot. Now the objects will delete. My custom .esp was too far done in the load order. GECK did so that it went last in the order when i saved it. You learn something new everyday! (of course i won't save the file with the deleted objects, i will just keep them disabled) Thank you very much!
  2. I didn't think of that, Thank you, I will try and disable it instead of removing it!
  3. Yes it is, It is a poker rack and some pokerchips that won't delete. The objects are Vanilla (From Dead Money DLC i believe). But the esp/cell the objects are in is a mod. Cheers
  4. Thank you very much! I understand much better now! :D
  5. Dude you are AWESOME!! Exactly what i wanted. Thank you. Curious, if i where to put "if ammo1ref.getdisabled == 0" instead of 1, would that mean IF ammo1ref is enabled instead of disabled?
  6. Another Update: Been reading on the GECK wiki over and over again, and I've looked through scripts that other have done, but they look so advanced for such a "simple" thing.. Is it really complicated to do this?
  7. For example, When i load up a esp file, i find some stuff on a shelf, When i delete them from the list, save the esp, start the game, the objects are gone. BUT when i exit the game, start up the GECK and load up the esp, the movable objects that i deleted is back and i have to remove them again.. Why is this? Cheers.
  8. Update: The only way i managed to get it to work is if i use a different restock button for every type of ammo.. Which is not what i want. Damn this is hard sometimes haha Or if anyone could tell me if/how it is possible to link a button to multiple objects at once..
  9. I'm just trying to make a simple button which will restock (enable) some ammo on a shelf, and ammo itself are activators. I have this script from the different kinds of ammo: scriptname shelfscript begin OnActivate if Getisid EHAmmo9mmP player.additem Ammo9mmP 12 disable endif ;--------------------------- elseif Getisid EHAmmo556mm player.additem Ammo556mmArmorPiercing 24 disable endif ;--------------------------- elseif Getisid EHAmmo44magnum player.additem Ammo44MagnumHollowPoint 24 disable endif end And then on the restock button i have this script: scriptname infiniteammorestock ref linkammo Begin Onactivate Set linkammo to Getlinkedref if linkammo.GetDisabled linkammo.enable else showmessage alreadystockedXXXX endif end I'm a beginner when it comes to scripting and I've written these from scratch. All is working good except that i have the button linked to the first ammo, so the script ONLY restocks one of the ammos.. I've tried using the linked ref and linked all the ammo togheter. But only the first one get's enabled.. Any tips? Thanks!
  10. I have a small problem once again, I'm testing around a bit. Here is my script: ScriptName EHKnifeScript begin onactivate player Short inventory Short onstand If GetIsid 0EHKnife Set inventory to player.getitemcount WeapKABARMMP Set onstand to KnifeREF.getdisabled If onstand == 1 If inventory >= 1 Player.removeitem WeapKABARMMP 1 1 Player.removeitem WeapTKABARMMP 20 1 KnifeREF.enable 1 Endif Endif If onstand == 0 KnifeREF.disable Player.AddItem WeapKABARMMP 1 Player.AddItem WeapTKABARMMP 20 elseIf GetIsid 0EHGrifle showmessage TrapGrenadeHarvest else endif EndIf EndIf End But when i press the "0EHGrifle" activator ingame. No message comes up.. What have i done wrong? :o Everything before the "elseIf GetIsid 0EHGrifle" is working fine.. Cheers! EDIT: Solved it.. I had one of the "Endif" in the wrong place!
  11. Thank you very much!! I will keep all of that in mind when scripting, btw do you recommend any good editor that "support" fallouts scripting language? The one i use right now is notepad++ with some plugins, But I'm not really sure if it's supporting this language.. Cheers! I will check that out thanks!
  12. Thank you very much! Now everything is working fine, In the end i would like a "real" armor stand and not to dress up an NPC, but i do this for learning and it's so easy with all the help i get here on the forum! The only reason i named it with a number is because it's easier to find like you said, but i will stop that now to be safe in the future when making references haha! I also have a hard time to understand when (and why) to use the "ENDIF" and "END", and also where to put everything. I have read the beginners guide on the GECK wiki and it doesn't really explain when to use endif. I understand the conept i think, but for example set rLinkedRef to GetLinkedRef endif end begin OnActivate OpenTeammateContainer 1 end Why do i need the endif there and not just a normal end? since it IS the end of that function right? Cheers. @ Jokerine Thanks to you too!!
  13. Going to try this now!! Thanks for the detailed explination! Update: This is my script: It works find except for the "failsafe part". Could you help me? Still a beginner with scripting. Cheers!
  14. Nice thanks, gonna try with that command and see what happens! Update: That worked perfectly. I now have an NPC using that script and the NPC has a white texture so that is looks like a "statue" The only problem i have now is how do i make the NPC to stop moving/talking? I want him to be "disabled".. Cheers!
  15. Now that you said it i remember that I've seen this also. Do you have any idea how the script would look like? I don't wanna be able to equip the "NPC" with any armor, only the armor i choose. Like "Press E to remove armor from NPC and equip" "Press E to remove armor from self and quip on NPC" Cheers!
  16. That would be very nice of you, thank you, Fyi the armor i wanna make the stand for is the advanced recon armor if that helps. But it doesn't really matter since i want to learn how to make it myself (so that i can do it with any armor in the future) Cheers!
  17. So i have learned on how to make a weapon rack thanks to the underground hideout mod and user Mktavish (along with a few others who replied in my thread) What i want to learn now is how i can make an armorstand, I thought that i could use the same technique as i did with the weaporack, but since there are no static models of the armors (when it is equiped) I'm not really sure where to begin, any tips for me? Cheers!
  18. I don't really care about the weapon health, so this works fine for me. Thanks for all of your help!! :)
  19. Yeah haha, I'm making a bank vault with all the different money in the game :D Thanks for your answer, Then I'll have to make some time to link every bill lol
  20. Tried to use this batch action tool but it doesn't really work as i want (or I'm using it wrong). What i need to do is to link the switch to money 1, then money 1 to money 2, money 2 to money 3, money 3 to money 4. And i cannot seem to do that with the batch action tool. Can anyone help me? (In the end I'm going to have hundreds of bills on the table) This is what it looks like with the lines when i link them manually Thanks!!
  21. Oh i didn't know of that! Thank you very much, Gonna try it now!! :D
  22. I'm making a money stock script. When pressing a button money is stocking up on a table similar to this: But the only way i know of is to manually link them all, from the buttom > one stack, from one stack > second stack, from second stack > third etc.. and this is taking me a long time. Is there a faster way to link refs togheter?? Thanks!
  23. I managed to get this work!!!! Here is the script: ScriptName EHRevScript begin onactivate player Short inventory Short onstand Set inventory to player.getitemcount Weap32CaliberPistol Set onstand to EHmagREF1.getdisabled If onstand == 1 If inventory >= 1 Player.removeitem Weap32CaliberPistol 1 1 EHmagREF1.enable 0 Endif Endif If onstand == 0 EHmagREF1.disable Player.AddItem Weap32CaliberPistol 1 EndIf End It works perfectly fine.. Can you see any errors/something that i can change? P.S i do NOT take credit for this, 99% is copied from the UH mod. Next step is to understand everything haha
  24. So i got fallout 3 instead of new vegas and downloaded underground hideout, They have a "simple" katana stand in the bedroom which you press to pick up, and press again to place the katana on the wall: Behind that wall there is an "invisible" eletrical switch with the script, it looks like this: ScriptName EHKatanaScript begin onactivate player Short inventory Short onstand Short weaphealth Float weaphealthF If WeaphealthF == 0 Set WeaphealthF to 1 Endif Set inventory to player.getitemcount EHWeapFullKatana Set onstand to EHKatana1StaticREF.getdisabled If onstand == 1 If inventory >= 1 Player.equipitem EHWeapFullKatana 0 1 Set weaphealth to player.getweaponhealthperc Set weaphealthF to (weaphealth*0.01) Player.removeitem EHWeapFullKatana 1 1 EHKatana1StaticREF.enable 0 Endif EndIf If onstand == 0 EHKatana1StaticREF.disable Player.AddItemHealthPercent EHWeapFullKatana 1 weaphealthF EndIf Set inventory to player.getitemcount EHWeapScrapKatana Set onstand to EHKatana2StaticREF.getdisabled If onstand == 1 If inventory >= 1 Player.equipitem EHWeapScrapKatana 0 1 Set weaphealth to player.getweaponhealthperc Set weaphealthF to (weaphealth*0.01) Player.removeitem EHWeapScrapKatana 1 1 EHKatana2StaticREF.enable 0 Endif EndIf If onstand == 0 EHKatana2StaticREF.disable Player.AddItemHealthPercent EHWeapScrapKatana 1 weaphealthF EndIf End And i just can't believe the script is that long for a simple placement haha, And i was meaning to ask since i couldn't find anything on the geck wiki: Short inventoryShort onstandShort weaphealth Do you know what Short does? Float i understand kind of since i know assembly, but not the short.. Thanks!
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